World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 182 | 10-12 Nov 2020
Hybrid session
Agenda Item 2.2.
Programme of work and documentation

35. The Secretary of WP.29 presented the revised programme of work with a strategic introduction on the main priorities of the WP.29 work, which are related to the implementation of the ITC strategy 2030 and among others, to vehicle automation and environmental protection. (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2020/1/Rev.2).

36. WP.29 adopted the revised programme of work of WP.29 and Subsidiary Bodies based on document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2020/1/Rev2. Further amendments may be introduced in the 2021 programme of work for consideration at the March 2021 WP.29 session, based on input to be provided by GR Chairs.

37. The expert of the European Union introduced WP.29-182-17, the European Union’s proposal for amendments to the programme of Work related to GRVA priorities for the year 2021. WP.29 proposed GRVA to consider this proposal at its December 2020 ad-hoc session when discussing the revision of the Framework Document on Automated Vehicles.

38. WP.29 took note of the communication from the UNECE Executive Secretary sent to Permanent Representatives of UNECE member States containing an update on the operational arrangements in place at the UNECE in response to combined impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, financial constrains triggered by the liquidity crisis facing the UN Organization, and the ongoing renovation work at the Palais des Nations (Strategic Heritage Plan (SHP) on the conduct of business and mandate delivery (WP.29-182-15).

42. WP.29 requested that the UNECE leadership facilitate priority access to resources necessary for the conduct of business and delivery of mandate of working parties dealing with legal instruments and regulations annexed to them, during the ongoing disruptions stemming from the Covid-19 pandemic and the liquidity crisis that the UN was experiencing.

43. The World Forum took note of the list of Working Parties and Chairs (WP.29-182-01), requesting the update of expiry date of mandates of WP.29 subsidiary IWG.

44. The 2021 revised calendar of meetings and the list of Working Parties, IWGs and Chairs are reproduced in Annexes II and III to the session report.

45. WP.29 considered informal document WP.29-182-16, the progress in the implementation of the ITC Strategy by WP.29 and GRs, and endorsed it for submission to the ITC Bureau November 2020 session for consideration.

46. The Secretary informed WP.29 that these additional sessions for GRSG and GRVA were not yet confirmed by the administration.

WP.29-182-01 WP.29 Working Parties, Informal Working Groups and Chairs as of 1 November 2020
WP.29-182-02 Draft calendar of WP.29 sessions for 2021
Letter from the UNECE Executive Secretary
WP.29-182-15 UNECE Executive Secretary update on operational arrangements
WP.29-182-16 Mapping implementation of ITC strategy by WP.29 and GRs
WP.29-182-17 Proposal for amendments to the WP.29 Programme of Work for 2021 (EC)
WP.29/2020/1/Rev.2 Revised programme of Work of WP.29 and its Subsidiary Bodies