80. The expert from France introduced the proposal for an amendment to UN Regulation No. 39 (GRSP-119-12) on speedometer and odometer. GRSG considered the proposal and recommended its further development based on discussions among experts, requesting the secretariat to submit a revised version of the proposal as an official document for consideration at the April 2021 session of GRSG.
81. The secretariat introduced the activities regarding the update of the UNECE Road Map on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). Following decision No. 18 of the Inland Transport Committee, at its eighty-second session in February 2020, the secretariat was requested to, in cooperation with ITC subsidiary working parties, initiate activities to prepare a revision of the ECE Road Map on Intelligent Transport Systems. As a first step, the secretariat to the World Forum on Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) held a meeting with the Co-chairs of the Informal Working Group on Intelligent Transport Systems, which operates under the World Forum, to define the necessary actions to implement decision No. 18 of the ITC. The Co-Chairs provided input for a first draft revision of the ITS Road Map after which consultations among ITC working parties and subsidiary bodies were launched. Namely, the document and revision process had been presented to all ITC working parties and subsidiary bodies as they held their sessions during summer and autumn of 2020. The proposed system for updating the ITS Roadmap was to use an online platform, Google docs, through which interested parties could access the document and work on it in a collaborative manner. The draft document, as downloaded from Google docs on 9 October 2020, was accessible through the link listed on the first page of GRSG-119-34. The secretariat invited interested stakeholders to provide their contributions to the revision process through Google docs. The aim was to have a draft revised ITS Roadmap ready for presentation to the November 2020 session of the Inland Transport Committee (ITC) Bureau, as a leadup to tabling it at the ITC session in February 2021.