Working Party on General Safety | Session 119 | 6-9 Oct 2020
Agenda Item 13.
Event Data Recorder

69. The expert from Netherlands, Co-Chair of IWG on Event Data Recorder (EDR) / Data Storage Systems for Automated Driving (DSSAD) introduced GRSG-119-27 containing a status report of the activities of IWG. He reported on activities between July and September 2020, which included two sessions of the IWG on EDR/DSSAD, three session of the Sub-Group on EDR, and eight sessions of Task-Forces on definitions, ‘overwriting’ specifications and data elements, as well as the progress achieved.

70. GRSG recommended the IWG on EDR/DSSAD to request the extension of its mandate at the WP.29 November 2020 session.

71. Following detailed technical discussions, including comments from China, Netherlands, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the European Commission, AAPC and OICA, GRSG endorsed GRSG-119-02/Rev.1 and GRSG-119-03/Rev.1, and asked the IWG on EDR/DSSAD to continue in its activities with respect to further developing the content of those documents.

72. GRSG decided to hold an additional session in early January 2021, for the purpose of considering revised versions of documents GRSG-119-02/Rev.1 and GRSG-119-03/Rev.1, pending further consultations on the documents content within the IWG on EDR/DSSAS.

73. GRSG agreed to request WP.29/AC.2 to recommend to WP.29/AC.1 a deferral of the scheduled consideration of document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2020/100, Guidance on Event Data Recorder (EDR) Performance Elements Appropriate for Adoption in 1958 and 1998 Agreement Resolutions or Regulations, and document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2020/123, a proposal for a new UN Regulation on Event Data Recorder, to its March 2021 session, in order to allow further consultations on the documents content.

GRSG-119-02 EDR: Proposal for amendments to document WP.29/2020/100 (Performance Elements)
GRSG-119-02/Rev.1 EDR: Proposal to amend document WP.29/2020/100 (EDR performance elements)
GRSG-119-03 EDR: Proposal for amendments to document WP.29/2020/123
GRSG-119-03/Rev.1 EDR: Proposal to amend document WP.29/2020/123 (UN Regulation)
GRSG-119-07 EDR data elements/formats under informal group consideration
GRSG-119-27 Status report of the EDR/DSSAD informal group
WP.29/2020/100 Guidance on Event Data Recorder (EDR) Performance Elements Appropriate for Adoption in 1958 and 1998 Agreement Resolutions or Regulations
WP.29/2020/123 Proposal for a new UN Regulation on Event Data Recorders