Working Party on Automated and Connected Vehicles | Session 5 | 10-14 Feb 2020

The deadline for the submission of official working documents for this GRVA session is 15 November 2019.

Agenda Item 3.
Exchange of views on guidelines and relevant national activities

6. The expert from the Netherlands presented (GRVA-05-48 and GRVA-05-49) their report “Who is in control?” and the outcome of their crash investigations involving vehicles equipped with Advance Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS). She highlighted the importance of learning from road crashes involving these technologies. She also stressed the risk related to the discrepancies between the knowledge of drivers on these technologies and the expectations regarding drivers using them.

7. The expert from Japan presented GRVA-05-21 informing the Working Party on the Japanese regulatory activities on automated driving toward the realisation of automation of level 3 (as defined in ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1140), in line with the UN Regulations under the 1958 Agreement.

GRVA-05-21 WTO : Technical Barrier to Trade : Notification of revision of Safety Regulations in Japan (Japan)
GRVA-05-48 Who is in control? Road safety and automation in road traffic (Netherlands)
GRVA-05-49 Presentation of the Dutch Safety Board report "Who is in Control?" (Netherlands)