Proposal for Supplement 4 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 100 (Electric power trained vehicles)
UN R100: Proposal to amend the draft Supplement 5 to the 01 series (OICA)
UN R100: Proposal to amend the draft Supplement 5 to the 01 series
Amended proposal for formal document WP.29/2018/134 on transitional provisions, specifically to correct an error regarding new series type approval transition provisions which should have read “2012” rather than “2010” as erroneously used in the original submission.
UN R100: Proposal for Supplement 4 to the 02 series of amendments
UN R100: Proposal for Supplement 4 to the 02 series of amendments
Proposal to amend the transitional provisions in order to explicitly confirm that approvals granted prior to the respective supplements to the 01 and 02 series of amendments and the establishment of the new guidelines on UN Regulation procedures (documents WP.29/2017/107 including Corrigendum 1 and Addendum 1) will continue to be accepted. This amendment confirms the understanding that the new procedures apply only to new approvals and do not affect previous approvals.
This proposal (WP.29/2018/135) was adopted by the World Forum. Thirty-nine Contracting Parties out of the 48 applying UN R100 were present for the vote by AC.1. Thirty-nine voted in favor with zero against and zero abstaining.