Proposal for Supplement 6 to the 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 46 (Devices for indirect vision)
UN R46: Proposal for Supplement 6 to the 04 series of amendments
UN R46: Proposal for Supplement 6 to the 04 series of amendments
Proposal to clarify that overlays may only be used to convey “safety-related rearward vision information.” The proposal addresses confusion regarding circumstances under which the provision of information through overlays is permissible. The proposal also amends the French text. The overall proposal aims to make clear that overlays may convey safety information regarding the rearward environment of the vehicle and are not necessarily limited only to when the vehicle is moving in reverse. The proposal also aims to restrict the information to rear-vision safety. Other information, not related to the rear view, should never appear within the defined field of view. The proposal also corrects the omission of Class VII devices from the communication form described under Annex 3 of the regulation, as previously adopted for Revisions 5 and 6.
This proposal (WP.29/2018/123) was adopted by the World Forum. Thirty-seven Contracting Parties out of the 46 applying UN R46 were present for the vote by AC.1. Thirty-seven voted in favor with zero against and zero abstaining.