Working Party on Passive Safety | Session 63 | 14-18 May 2018
Agenda Item 14.
UN Regulation No. 80 (Strength of seats and their anchorages (buses))

24. GRSP resumed discussion on the proposal tabled by the expert from Germany (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2018/10), aimed at removing the static tests and improving the dynamic test on seat anchorages. The expert from Germany continued provide evidence to GRSP through a new presentation (GRSP-63-32 and a Video Presentation No. 1) to support his proposal. He stated that the current requirements of the UN Regulation allows the approval of seat systems in busses on the basis of a static test procedure which does not provide an adequate level of protection compared with the dynamic procedure. He added that tests with one seat model showed that occupants could be exposed to a high risk of death or serious injury in an accident from the collapse of the seat fixation. Finally, he informed GRSP that comparable seat fixations failure had been observed in bus accidents, and occupants had already been killed or seriously injured. He added that the German administration is concerned that these severe accidents could happen again in the future. The expert from the Russian Federation proposed to postpone the decision to the December 2018 session of GRSP. He justified his recommendation on the lack of research on the issue. He added that the Russian Federation considered it premature to exclude static tests from UN Regulation No. 80 and proposed to revise this type of test. He also suggested amending the dynamic test methodology according to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2018/10 and to the outcome of research conducted in the Russian Federation. Finally, he announced his intention to present these research results, accompanied with a draft amendment to UN Regulation No. 80 at the December 2018 session of GRSP. Several experts raised a study reservation to verify further statistical data. The expert from OICA also requested more time to prepare a revised proposal and requested to keeping GRSP-63-17 as a reference in the agenda of the next session.

25. GRSP agreed to resume discussion at the December 2018 session and invited experts to reach an agreement on this subject at that session.

GRSP-63-17 UN R80: Proposal for the 04 series of amendments (OICA)
GRSP/2018/10 UN R80: Proposal for the 04 series of amendments (Germany)