Working Party on General Safety | Session 113 | 10-13 Oct 2017
Agenda Item 14.
Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3)

58. Upon the request of the Working Party on Noise (GRB), the expert from the Russian Federation proposed ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2017/20 to change, in the current version of R.E.3 (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.6), the units for vehicle masses from tonnes to kilograms.

59. The document received the full support of GRSG. The secretariat was requested to submit ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2017/20 to WP.29 as an amendment to R.E.3, for consideration at its March 2018 session.

GRSG/2017/20 Proposal for amendments to Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3) (Russia)