7. The expert from the Republic of Korea introduced the Status Report (GRSP-62-13) of the Task Force of Deployable Pedestrian Protection Systems (TF-DPPS). He reiterated his previous statement that the basis of discussion within the TF was New Car Assessment Programme (NCAP) test protocols. He added that the TF had agreed on the need to discuss numerical simulation and human body models for the amendment to UN GTR No. 9 and UN Regulation No. 127 to cover this subject. However, he clarified that the amendment would not be limited to simulation only but would allow other alternatives like a physical dummy testing. He finally regretted the limited participation from Contracting Parties of both the 1958 and 1998 Agreements and encouraged their attendance. GRSP noted that the Chair of the TF in his previous presentation suggested to transform the TF into an IWG also to cope this issue. Finally, GRSP agreed to seek endorsement of WP.29 and AC.3 at their March 2018 sessions to establish the IWG.