World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 172 | 20-23 Jun 2017
Agenda Item 18.
Exchange of information on new priorities to be included in the programme of work

126. The representative of the EU introduced WP.29-172-31, jointly prepared by US, Japan and EU, which aimed at providing an overview of the priority of the programme of work, listing priorities for future work in view of the development of new UN GTRs as well as ongoing work on amendments to the existing ones. The representative of the United States of America stated that at a later stage he would be in the position to provide more detailed comments to the document since he was waiting from his administration a list of priorities focused on national needs. The representative from OICA underlined that clarification was needed as to the scope of a UN GTR on Event Data Recorders (EDR) since EDR should not be confused with data storage for automated vehicles. The representative of China informed AC.3 about their activities on automated and connected vehicles, on development of a national standard on intelligent and connected vehicles (ICV) and to provide further information at the next sessions. She finally announced the availability of her country to participate to future activities focused on the development of UN GTRs on autonomous driving.

127. AC.3 requested chairs of working groups and Contracting Party representatives to provide their feedback on WP.29-172-31 by 15 August 2017, to allow the secretariat to distribute it with an official symbol at it November 2017 session.

WP.29-172-31 Programme of work (PoW) under the 1998 Agreement (EU, Japan, and USA)