Periodical Technical Inspections | Session 4 | 23 May 2016
Agenda Item 4.
Review of the proposals related to the modification of the Agreement of 1997 and the Rules

Structure of the output of the group

The structure of the output of this informal working group may contain consolidated resolutions to define all the concepts to develop according item 8 of the ToR.

Any additional item to those included in the mandate of the informal working group will be included in the “Other Tasks” item of the Terms of Reference.

FIN, UK, SER, RO, NL agreed that it will be more useful for the future to bring details to other documents than the 1997 Agreement itself, in order to facilitate future modifications. JAP would join the majority on this.


Mr. Komarov presented the document PTI-04-05 with the schedule of the activities of the IWG.
It was agreed that:

    <liRevised proposals for revision 2 to Rule 1 and draft amendments to Rule 2 will be sent to the WP.29 in June;
  • Provisions for conformity of periodical technical inspection process shall be completed till November 2016.
  • The provisions for conformity of periodical technical inspection process will incorporate amendments to the 1997 Vienna Agreement text and draft Mutual Resolution to cover the subjects listed in the item 8 of the ToR.
  • CITA will upload its proposals for Electric/hybrid-electric vehicles and LPG/CNG vehicles inspection to be included in the discussion in next meetings. JAP would like that the Rule on Electric/hybrid vehicles is included in current Rule 2, whereas RUS prefers an independent one. GB suggest to decide on whether it has to be an independent Rule after discussing about the draft.

Provisions for conformity of periodical technical inspection process

The document PTI-04-03 has been discussed by the group according to the following:

  • Appendix 2: inclusion of a new item 6 with the text “[Odometer reading in the moment of the inspection]” was discussed. Subsequent numbering and references should be adapted in accordance. This subject will be decided during next meeting.
  • Appendix 2: the IWG studied the proposal including a reference on the deficiencies found in the vehicle within the inspection certificate. Although the general feeling was not positive, it was agreed that this subject will be discussed in the next meeting. UK mentioned that it may be useful to have the list of minor deficiencies.
  • Appendix 2: NL proposed to have the same numbering in the inspection certificate that the Directive 2014/45/EU. This is as well to be dealt with in the next meeting. RO reminded that countries may issue their national certificate.
  • Contracting parties have right to decide which Rules they apply. RO stated that all Rules are to be fulfilled and the NL highlighted the importance of having a clear view on what is actually within the scope of every inspection certificate. JAP understand that both Rules are to be adopted at the same time. RS stated that this is out of the ToR and proposed to ask WP. 29 about guidance. The group showed its support to apply all Rules at the same time.
  • JAP stated that their inspection report contains more information than the template of the Appendix 2. They can accept this situation since this is only for circulation, and not for registration in that country.
  • Appendix 3: RO proposes to delete “quality assurance” from the 2nd paragraph
  • Appendix 3, item 1.2. It was agreed to include the last part of the paragraph in square brackets, to be discussed during next meeting.
  • Appendix 3: the word “accredited” is changed by “authorized” in all the text.

Discussion about the document PTI-04-04: Accession by the European Community to the UNECE 1997 Agreement (WP.29-145-11)

The group studied the document PTI-04-04 (Informal Document No. WP.29-145-11) containing the evaluation made by the European Commission regarding the accession of the 1997 Agreement.
It seems that the obstacles impeaching the EU to join the 1997 Agreement may be reduced with the current approach and taking into consideration that when that document was issued, the 1997 Agreement only had the Rule 1.

FIN highlighted that including M1 and N1 vehicle categories into the scope of the Rules may facilitate the accession of the EU. The NL considered that talking about other categories like motorcycles or light trailers may add further difficulties.

RS draw the attention to the fact that including new categories is out of the scope of the ToR.
RO expressed that, according to their view, the most important obstacle for the EU to join is the item 2.2 of the document, underlining that the 1997 Agreement is only applicable to international traffic.

Revised proposals for revision 2 to Rule 1

Since not all countries identify the emission requirements with “Euro” levels (Roman and Arabic numbering), the group decided to include the words “or equivalent” after the corresponding references. The group decided ask GRPE for support, in the case a more appropriate wording may be used.

The document PTI-04-08 contains the output of the meeting regarding the proposal for revision of Rule 1. It was agreed to send it to the WP.29 as an informal document for the meeting on June 2016.

Revised proposals for draft amendments to Rule 2

The document PTI-04-02 with the proposal of the organization Glass for Europe was discussed. The group preferred not to include the suggestions of this document to keep the Rule 2 as in line as possible with the Directive 2014/45.

The document PTI-04-09 contains the output of the meeting regarding the proposals for draft amendments to Rule 2. It was agreed to send it to the WP.29 as an informal document for the meeting on June 2016.

PTI-04-01 Draft agenda for the 4th PTI informal group session
PTI-04-02 Proposal to amend UN Rule No. 2 (GfE)
PTI-04-03 Draft proposal to amend the 1997 Agreement on Periodical Technical Inspections (Russia)
PTI-04-04 Accession by the European Community to the UNECE 1997 Agreement
PTI-04-05 Schedule for development of the 1997 Vienna Agreement on Periodical Technical Inspections
PTI-04-08 Working draft of the revised 1997 Agreement pursuant to the 4th PTI informal group session
PTI-04-09 Proposal for amendments to UN Rule No. 1
PTI-04-10 Proposal for amendments to UN Rule No. 2