136. The Chair initiated a discussion on the priorities of the strategy of future work, and referred to topics such as environmental protection, automation and cyber security. The representative of the European Union pointed out that these elements need to be reformulated into specific actions and in coherence with the agenda of the different organizations, so as to avoid duplication of work. She further referred to the implementation of S.R.2, aiming at a streamlining work and focusing on important areas. The agenda should be adjusted accordingly to provide discussion for this important topic.
137. The Chair recalled that in previous sessions the industry representatives, CLEPA, IMMA and OICA, had submitted ideas on elements of future work and invited them to consolidate their ideas. The representative of OICA stated that a consolidation would be difficult, however, an update of their document would be needed to take into account the activities of different regions.
138. The Chair concluded that it would be necessary to revise the agenda of the November 2016 session to allow for discussions on the programme of work and invited Contracting Parties to reflect on priorities in preparation for the next session.