World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 168 | 8-11 Mar 2016
Agenda Item 4.1.
Status of the Agreement and of the annexed Regulations
WP.29-168-06 Declaration of the Second Global High-level Conference on Road Safety (Brasilia Declaration)
WP.29-168-07 1958 Agreement, adopted proposals for 23 amendments and 1 new Regulation and situation of their entry into force, 166th session - June 2015
WP.29-168-12 Report to WP.29 on the 20th IWVTA Informal Group meeting
WP.29-168-15 The performance of automotive systems in conditions other than those tested in the framework of type-approval or self-certification
WP.29/2016/2 Proposal for Revision 3 of the 1958 Agreement