Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 73 (CLCCR)
Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 73
Proposal to amend document GRSG/2016/2 by replacing paragraph 1.2.2. rather than deleting it. Drawing from the recently approved amendment to UN R58 (document GRSG/2015/17), this proposal would amend paragraph 1.2.2. to read, “Vehicles where any LDP (e.g. fixed, removable, foldable, adjustable, etc.) is incompatible with their use on [traffic] roads may be partly or fully exempted from this Regulation, subject to the decision of the Type Approval Authority.”
Revised proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 73 (CLCCR)
Revised proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 73
Updated proposal, revised for clarity, to amend document GRSG/2016/2 by replacing paragraph 1.2.2. rather than deleting it. Drawing from the recently approved amendment to UN R58 (document GRSG/2015/17), this proposal would amend paragraph 1.2.2. to read, “Vehicles where any LDP (e.g. fixed, removable, foldable, adjustable, etc.) is incompatible with their on-road use may be partly or fully exempted from this Regulation, subject to the decision of the Type Approval Authority.”
Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 73 (UK)
Proposal for amendments to Regulation No. 73
Proposal to expand the scope of the regulation by deleting paragraph 1.2.2. which allows for the exclusion of “vehicles designed and constructed for special purposes where it is not possible, for practical reasons, to fit lateral protection devices” from the text. The UK submits that paragraphs 13 and 16 of the regulation provide specific provisions that address this situation whereas the exclusion clause allows for a broader interpretation that unnecessarily limits the use of lateral protection devices. Moreover, exemptions may still be accorded at the national level.