World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 161 | 12-15 Nov 2013
Agenda Item 14.1.
Proposal for a global technical regulation on Pole Side Impact (PSI)
WP.29-161-07 Proposal for amendments to the draft Pole Side Impact GTR (USA)
WP.29-161-08 Voting table for GTR proposals on the agenda of the 161st WP.29 session
WP.29/2011/87 Proposal for Terms of Reference, Rules of Procedure and first progress report of the informal group for the development of a global technical regulation on pole side impact (Australia)
WP.29/2012/59 Second progress report of the informal working group on a Pole Side Impact GTR
WP.29/2013/120 Proposal for a new global technical regulation on Pole Side Impact (PSI)
WP.29/2013/121 Final progress report on the proposal for a new global technical regulation on pole side impact
WP.29/AC.3/28 Proposal to develop a new global technical regulation on pole side impact (Australia)