Working Party on Pollution and Energy | Session 71 | 9-12 Jun 2015
Agenda Item 3. (b)
Global Technical Regulation No. 15

14. The Chair of the IWG on WLTP reported on the progress made by the group in Phase 1B of the development of UN GTR No. 15 (GRPE-71-24). He highlighted some key issues which were still under discussion such as the number of tests to confirm the declared value for CO2 which may require a political decision at the next GRPE session. He also highlighted the problems related to cross references to private standards in regulations.

15. The drafting manager of the IWG on WLTP introduced GRPE-71-25 and GRPE-71-26 containing all confirmed items for the time being on the amendments to UN GTR No. 15 as a result of the activities under Phase 1B.

16. The Chair of GRPE recalled the importance of harmonization and encouraged all Contracting Parties involved to find a compromise solution on remaining open issues such as the number of tests. The secretariat informed GRPE that a representative of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) may attend the June 2015 session of WP.29 to discuss their position on cross references to private standards in regulations. GRPE noted the intention of the IWG on WLTP to submit an official document proposing amendments to UN GTR No. 15, corresponding to the mandate of Phase 1B, at the next GRPE session after the meeting of the IWG in Tokyo in September 2015.

17. The expert from Japan, one of the sponsors for the development of UN GTR No. 15, presented a draft proposal on the mandate for Phase 2 (GRPE-71-27), including provisions for durability, evaporative emissions and On-Board Diagnostic systems (OBD). The Chair of GRPE explained that some of the issues could be covered by another UN GTR.

18. GRPE endorsed the draft mandate for Phase 2 and suggested that the technical sponsors for the development of UN GTR No. 15 submit a request for authorization to WP.29 and the Executive Committee of the 1998 Agreement (AC.3) at their November 2015 sessions to start Phase 2 activities immediately after the conclusion of Phase 1B.

19. On behalf of the Ministry of the Environment of Japan, the expert from Japan presented GRPE-71-15 on the transposition of the UN GTR on WLTP into national legislation as a test procedure and on setting permissible exhaust emission limit levels for the next term.

20. The expert from EC explained the transposition process of the UN GTR on WLTP into the legislation of the European Union with the intention to replace in 2017 the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) with a new European Regulation (GRPE-71-19-Rev.1). He continued his presentation on possible solutions to transpose the UN GTR on WLTP into a new UN Regulation to be annexed to the 1958 Agreement taking into account that limit values are not harmonized yet and that the options in UN GTR No. 15 shall also be transposed. He pointed out a multi-level option as a first step towards full harmonization and as best solution to enable Europe and Japan to issue approvals according to the 1958 Agreement. He explained that level 2 would contain the most stringent limits from across all regions and would be subject to full mutual recognition, whereas levels 1a (with current UN Regulation No. 83 limits) and 1b (with other limits such as the Japanese ones) would be subject to optional acceptance by other Contracting Parties.

21. The expert from Japan stated the position of his country on the transposition of the UN GTR on WLTP into a new UN Regulation to be annexed to the 1958 Agreement (GRPE-71-02). He highlighted that it should be developed as a truly internationally harmonized regulation that reflects appropriately the results of the UN GTR discussions. He expressed the intention of his country to investigate possible solutions.

22. The expert from OICA drew the attention to the difficulties to develop a harmonized UN Regulation taking into account the current level of harmonization in UN GTR No. 15. He insisted in the need to follow the road map.

23. The Chair of GRPE invited the group to review the multi-level solution introduced in GRPE-71-19-Rev.1 and to resume consideration at the next GRPE session in January 2016.

24. GRPE acknowledged the progress made by the IWG on WLTP and noted the request of the group for a meeting room for one and a half days during the GRPE week in January 2016.

GRPE-71-02 Japan’s Position on Drafting of a New UN Regulation for WLTP
GRPE-71-15 International Harmonization of Exhaust Emissions Test Procedures for Passenger Vehicles (M1) and Light Trucks (N1) (MoE-Japan)
GRPE-71-19/Rev.1 Transposition of GTR No. 15 (WLTP) into type-approval EU Regulations and UN Regulations (EC)
GRPE-71-24 WLTP informal group status report
GRPE-71-25 Working draft "Phase 1b" amended GTR No. 15 (WLTP) as of 26 May 2015 (clean version)
GRPE-71-26 Working draft "Phase 1b" amended GTR No. 15 (WLTP) as of 26 May 2015 (marked up version)
GRPE-71-27 Request for Phase 2 mandate to amend GTR No. 15 (WLTP)