World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 162 | 11-14 Mar 2014
Agenda Item 8.4.
Amendments to UN Regulations Nos. 94 and 95

70. The representative of the Russian Federation introduced WP.29-162-19 proposing to insert new test provisions for in-vehicle emergency call systems into UN Regulations Nos. 94 and 95. The representative of EU acknowledged this proposal and offered to continue the discussion in the IWG and in GRSG as, in his view, it is not yet sufficiently clear how the test should be conducted. The representative of OICA supported the statements of the EU. The representative of the Russian Federation, Chair of the IWG on AECS, clarified that the purpose of the IWG was the development of a new UN Regulation which should cover the majority of the issues concerning accident emergency call system and its components. He added that, currently, this work was concluded but experts still need to reach consensus on some open issues. He clarified that the progress report of the IWG would be presented at the May 2014 session of GRSG. The Chair of GRSG noted that the IWG on AECS would provide results to GRSG two weeks before the May 2014 session of GRSP and that these results could also be then addressed in GRSP. Finally, the World Forum endorsed this approach.

WP.29-162-19 Proposal for amendments to UN Regulations Nos. 94 and 95 concering in-vehicle emergency call systems (Minpromtorg)
WP.29-162-21 Global NCAP research project: Safer Cars for India (FIA Foundation and Global NCAP)