Informal Group on Accident Emergency Call Systems | Session 2 | 5-6 Dec 2013
Agenda Item 7.3.

The Secretary introduced this item as an attempt to clarify what data should be included in the MSD.

Russia was of the opinion that the MSD is already well defined in the relevant existing regulations. However it is necessary to envisage the possibility of extension in the future. Russia proposed to simply make a reference to existing standards. The expert from Russia admitted that the Russian standard in fact is a bit extended compared to the current EU standard.

The Secretary proposed the following mandatory data:

  • ID (MSD format version)
  • Message identifier
  • Control
  • Vehicle identification number (VIN)
  • Vehicle propulsion type
  • Timestamp
  • Vehicle location
  • Vehicle direction

It was pointed out that the existing standards are still under revision and that additional optional field can be considered.

The UK recognized that no representative of PSAP was present in the meeting and stressed that it is relevant to mandate the data necessary for the PSAP to make a decision about their intervention.

The UK questioned the value of providing the VIN to PSAP because its treatment makes it necessary to have the VIN database available and the capacities to manage it. EUCARIS (EUropean CAR and driving license Information System) was mentioned as a network for providing information on registration of the vehicles in EU, with probably some data about VIN. OICA clarified that VIN only contains one part of mandatory data, then the rest is added information free to the manufacturer. As a consequence there is no certainty that e.g. propulsion type is included in the VIN. Russia did not find any issue with the VIN.


  • MSD to be copy/paste of that defined in EN 15722:2011 or a reference to this standard.
  • Contracting Parties to check the relevancy of including VIN in the MSD.
  • Decision to be done at next meeting