World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 162 | 11-14 Mar 2014
Agenda Item 2.1.
Report of the session of the Administrative Committee for the Coordination of Work (WP.29/AC.2)

4. The 114th session of WP.29/AC.2 was held on 10 March 2014, chaired by Mr. B. Gauvin (France) and was attended, in accordance to Rule 29 of the terms of reference and rules of procedure of WP.29 (TRANS/WP.29/690 and Amends.1 and 2), by the Chairs of WP.29 (France), GRB (France), GRE (Canada), GRSP (United States of America), GRPE (Germany), GRRF (United Kingdom), GRSG (Italy), the Administrative/Executive Committees of the three agreements administered by WP.29 (France, Russian Federation and the United States of America), by the representatives of the European Union, Japan and the United States of America and by the Vice-Chairs of WP.29 (Russian Federation), GRSG (Hungary), GRPE (India) and GRSP (Republic of Korea).

5. The Committee reviewed the draft agenda of the 162nd session of the World Forum and recommended the amendments as indicated in paragraph 2 above. The Committee also recommended that agenda item 5.1 be considered by the World Forum and that the rest of the agenda items regarding the 1998 Agreement be considered by the Executive Committee of the 1998 Agreement (AC.3). The insertion of agenda item 7.2 was recommended to allow consideration of the position of some Contracting Parties to the 1997 Agreement regarding the voting procedure on the proposals for amendments to UN Rules Nos. 1 and 2. Following discussion in WP.29, the session of the Administrative Committee of the 1997 Agreement (AC.4) would be either held or postponed. WP.29/AC.2 also reviewed the draft agenda for the 163rd session of the World Forum, scheduled to be held in Geneva from 24 to 27 June 2014.

6. WP.29/AC.2 noted the progress of work made by the informal group on the revision of the 1958 Agreement and on the development of UN Regulation No. 0. The Committee noted the concerns raised by the Russian Federation at the February 2014 session of the Inland Transport Committee (ITC) regarding the proposals for proxy voting and the conditions for the adoption of new UN Regulations and amendments to existing ones. The Vice-Chair of WP.29 (i.e., the representative of Russia) was invited to clarify these matters in his capital (i.e., within his government). WP.29/AC.2 recalled the decision by the World Forum at its November 2013 session to dedicate a half-day session to consider in detail, Revision 3 to the 1958 Agreement and the draft UN Regulation No. 0 under agenda items 4.3. and 4.4.

7. The secretariat informed the Committee about the delay, of one year in some cases, in the translation into French and Russian of the Amendments and Revisions of UN Regulations, which had entered into force. He added that an explanatory Memorandum would be transmitted by the Transport Division to the Documents Management Section explaining the need of having these translations urgently to avoid the delay in applying the provisions. AC.2 noted that the European Union needed, in due time, the translations into French of UN Regulations as reference in the EU legislation. The Committee invited the delegations concerned to take the necessary actions to support the need of the translations on time.

8. The Committee considered how to develop amendments to different phases of UN Global Technical Regulations (GTRs). The Committee was of the opinion that this matter should be considered by AC.3 during this session and by AC.2 at its June 2014 session.

9. The Committee reviewed a first draft calendar of sessions for 2015 and invited the secretariat to transmit it, with some amendments, to the Conference Services. The Committee requested the secretariat to submit the draft calendar for consideration by the World Forum at its June 2014 session.

10. The World Forum adopted the report of the Administrative Committee on its 114th session and its recommendations.

WP.29-162-04 Proposal for Revision 3 of the 1958 Agreement
WP.29-162-10 Updated proposal for Revision 3 of the UNECE 1958 Agreement
WP.29-162-11 Draft UN Regulation No. 0 concerning International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA)
WP.29-162-12 Progress Towards an International Whole Vehicle Type Approval Scheme
WP.29-162-12/Rev.1 Progress Towards an International Whole Vehicle Type Approval Scheme (Japan)
WP.29-162-18 Principles for Supplements, Series of amendments and Revisions to UN Regulations
WP.29/1073/Rev.9 Status of the 1998 Agreement, of the Global Registry and of the Compendium of Candidates