World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 189 | 6-9 Mar 2023
Agenda Item 3.5.3.
Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (GRVA) (Fifteenth session 23-27 January 2023)

58. The GRVA Chair reported on the results achieved by GRVA during its fifteenth session (see ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/15 for further details).

59. WP.29 endorsed the establishment of the IWG on Acceleration Control for Pedal Error (ACPE). The representative of Japan highlighted the importance of this work and expressed gratitude for this endorsement.

60. WP.29 agreed that GRVA would collaborate with the Working Party on General Safety Provisions (GRSG) in order to define vehicle (sub-) categories related to ADS.

61. WP.29 noted that GRVA would organize further workshops on the implementation of cyber security provisions developed by the IWG on CS/OTA.

62. WP.29 agreed that GRVA would host a workshop on Electro-Mechanical Braking systems, a new braking system with potential benefits for electric and automated vehicles and stressed its importance.

63. WP.29 assigned UN Regulations Nos. 102 and 147 to GRSG.

64. WP.29 noted the work done and the coordination provided by the GRVA task force on the fitness of UN Regulations and UN GTRs with regards to ADS and expected a report at its June 2023 session.

65. WP.29 transmitted GRVA-15-15/Rev.2 (Identification of the status of a vehicle with ADS) to the IWG on Intelligent Transport Systems.

66. WP.29 invited the GRVA Chair to inform the Global Forum for Road Traffic Safety (WP.1), on behalf of WP.29, at its next session in March 2023 about the discussion at WP.29 regarding the collaboration between the two working parties.

67. WP.29 agreed that a basis document to organize collaboration with WP.1 would be prepared for the WP.29 June 2023 session by the GRVA Chair, the WP.29 Chair, the secretariat and interested parties.

GRVA-15-15/Rev.2 Identification of the Status of a Vehicle with ADS (ITU)
GRVA/15 GRVA: Report of the 15th (January 2023) session