Working Party on Automated and Connected Vehicles | Session 15 | 23-27 Jan 2023
Agenda Item 5. (a)
Cyber security and data protection

GRVA may wish to be briefed on the outcome of the recent meeting(s) of the IWG on Cyber Security and Over-the-Air (CS/OTA) issues and their review of the proposed work item on the data security of intelligent and connected vehicles.

GRVA agreed that the mandate of the IWG on CS/OTA should be extended at least for one year and agreed to detail the envisaged deliverables and milestones of the group for the mandate extension.

GRVA agreed to further consider the roadmap proposal concerning the vehicle categories S, R and T with regard to UN Regulation No. 155, tabled by the expert from the European Agricultural Machinery Association (CEMA).

GRVA may wish to review the proposal for amendments to the Interpretation Document for UN Regulation No. 155, tabled by the expert from France. It aims at introducing an explanation clarifying the possibility for Approval Authorities to recognise Certificates of Compliance for Cyber Security Management Systems issued by the Approval Authority of another Contracting Party.

GRVA may wish to be briefed on the outcome of the technical workshop on the implementation of cyber security provisions under the 1958 and 1998 Agreements, on the model of those already organized for the implementation of UN Regulation No. 155.

GRVA-14-33 Cyber Security: Agricultural machinery industry roadmap (CEMA)
GRVA-15-05 UN R155: Proposal for a Supplement
GRVA-15-06 UN R155: Proposal for amendments to the Interpretation Document
GRVA-15-18 UN R155: Proposal for amendments to the Interpretation Document (SAE)
GRVA-15-21 UN R155: Proposal to amend GRVA/2023/5
GRVA-15-27 UN R155: Report of the workshop on implementation of the regulation (NTSEL)
GRVA-15-28 UN R155: Questions and Answers/Comments from the workshop on implementation (NTSEL)
GRVA-15-42 CS/OTA informal group status report to GRVA
GRVA-15-45 Input on UN R155, the EU Cyber-Resilience Act, and agricultural vehicle sector (CEMA)
GRVA-15-46 UN R155: Supporting information in SAE proposal for CS/OTA (SAE)
GRVA/2023/5 UN R155: Proposal for amendments to the Interpretation Document (France)