41. The expert from GTB reported on their ongoing work on signalling road projections and requested GRE for guidance (GRE-87-03). GRE agreed on the timeline for the development of the signalling road projections with direction indicators and reversing lamps and held the view that a future proposal should cover both incorporated and independent projection units.
42. GRE delivered comments on the revised list of priorities and subjects under consideration (GRE-87-26-Rev.1) and requested the Chair to pass the updated list to WP.29 for endorsement. The expert of EC expressed concerns that this list was too long. In his view, it should focus on several key issues only, for the sake of saving resources.
43. The experts of the Task Force on Autonomous Vehicle Signalling Requirements (TF AVSR) reported on their activities (GRE-87-17). GRE noted the GRVA and its Informal Working Group on Functional Requirements for Automated Vehicles (IWG FRAV) recommendations on ADS external light-signalling (GRVA-14-15/Rev.3), in particular:
44. Awaiting final guidance from WP.29 on ADS external light-signalling, GRE requested TF AVSR to liaise with GRVA and IWG FRAV, as appropriate.