Working Party on Automated and Connected Vehicles | Session 13 | 23-27 May 2022
Agenda Item 9. (b)
UN Regulation No. 78

95. The expert from IMMA presented informal document GRVA-13-15, proposing further alignment of the stop lamp signal provisions in UN Regulation No. 78 with UN Regulation No. 13-H, to keep a consistent stop lamp behaviour across different vehicle categories and therefore avoid confusion to road users driving behind a braking vehicle, regardless of its category.

96. GRVA welcomed IMMA’s intention to submit an official document, developed on the basis of GRVA-13-15, for consideration at the September 2022 session of GRVA.

GRVA-13-15 UN R78: Proposal for a Supplement to the 05 series of amendments (IMMA)