Working Party on Lighting and Light-signalling | Session 86 | 25-29 Apr 2022
Hybrid Geneva session
Agenda Item 4. (a)
Activities of the Informal Working Group "Simplification of the Lighting and Light- Signalling Regulations"

8. GRE noted the progress of the Informal Working Group “Simplification of the Lighting and Light-Signalling Regulations” (IWG SLR) (GRE-86-07). The expert of IWG SLR proposed amendments to the work plan and time schedule as contained in the Terms of Reference (GRE-86-06). GRE adopted these modifications, as contained in Annex III of the session report, and extended the IWG SLR mandate until December 2025.

9. GRE recalled that, at its previous session, it had requested IWG SLR to consider an alternative transitional provision for the preceding series of amendments to allow for the phasing out of outdated lamps/devices (GRE-85-30). GRE noted that IWG SLR had agreed to specify in paragraph 6 “Individual specifications” of UN Regulation No. 48 (starting from the 09 series of amendments) which series of amendments of lamps/devices are required to be installed on vehicles for new type approvals, to enable phasing out of the installation of devices approved according to the previous series of amendments. While generally supporting this approach, GRE requested IWG SLR to take measures that would avoid a proliferation of new series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48.

10. On behalf of the Informal Working Group on the electronic database for the exchange of type approval documentation (IWG DETA), the expert from France introduced their views on the use of the Unique Identifier (UI) (GRE-86-17). GRE reiterated its support to use UI as an alternative to traditional approval markings. GRE agreed that, for the sake of efficient application of UI in the context of simplified UN Regulations Nos. 148, 149 and 150, a summary document should be made available in DETA and that a template for the summary document should as soon as possible be introduced into these UN Regulations by means of a Supplement. GRE noted that IWG SLR volunteered to draft the summary document without delay, with the aim to have a proposal for the next session of GRE.

GRE-85-30 UN R148: Proposal to amend the transitional provisions of proposal for new series of amendments (EC)
GRE-86-06 Proposal to update the SLR informal group Terms of Reference
GRE-86-07 Progress report of the SLR informal group