Working Party on General Safety | Session 123 | 28 Mar-1 Apr 2022
Agenda Item 15.
Exchange of Views on Vehicle Automation

60. The Chair of GRSG reminded the experts of the group about request of WP.29 to all GRs to perform a screening of the UN Regulations and UN GTRs of relevance which were linked to drivers, to accommodate for automated/autonomous driving (see ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1164 paragraphs 27. to 30.). The secretary of GRVA informed GRSG about the current activities of Automated Driving Systems and he indicated the main reference documents for the request of WP.29:

  1. WP.29-186-08;
  2. WP.29-186-09;
  3. The consolidated framework document published as a web brochure;
  4. A brochure describing past technological developments and the corresponding activities of WP.29.

61. Moreover, the expert from OICA introduced GRSG-123-35 showing a state of play on autonomous driving deliberations of GRVA into the work of GRSG.

62. GRSG noted that the expert from the Netherlands would contact interested parties to seek cooperation in the activities of a task force to revise UN Regulations and UN GTRs in the responsibility of GRSG, vis-vis vehicle automation.

GRSG-123-35 Automated Driving: A Vision of the Road Map (OICA)