Working Party on General Safety | Session 123 | 28 Mar-1 Apr 2022
Agenda Item 12.
UN Regulation No. 0 (International Whole Vehicle Type Approval)

55. The expert from the Netherlands reminded GRSG of his past presentation (GRSG-122-03) which had proposed an extension of DETA to improve the use of the Unique Identifier (UI) for UN Regulations. The expert from CLEPA announced his intention to verify the impact of UI on each UN Regulation to be discussed at the next GRSG session. GRSG agreed in principle that all UN Regulations under its responsibility may use UI as an option to the E markings. It was further agreed that these UN Regulations would need further information implemented in the summary document or on the component itself (e.g. safety glazing).

GRSG-122-03 Proposal for extension of DETA to improve the use of the Unique Identifier for UN Regulations