Working Party on General Safety | Session 123 | 28 Mar-1 Apr 2022
Agenda Item 4.
Awareness of the Proximity of Vulnerable Road Users

GRSG may wish to be informed by the IWG on awareness of Vulnerable Road Users proximity in low speed manoeuvres (VRU-Proxi) on the outcome of their discussions about the direct visibility of pedestrians in front or to the side of the cab of a truck. Moreover, GRSG is expected to be informed by the IWG on field vision for trucks and buses with the aim to improve their direct vision . GRSG also may wish to revise the terms of references of the IWG.

GRSG-123-01/Rev.2 VRU-Proxi Informal: Revised terms of reference and rules of procedure
GRSG-123-26 VRU-Proxi: Proposal to amend regulation on Approval of Motor Vehicles with Regard to their Direct Vision (Spain)