Working Party on General Safety | Session 121 | 12-16 Apr 2021
Web conference
Agenda Item 16. (c)
UN Regulation No. 34 (Prevention of fire risk)

125. The expert of OICA introduced a proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 34 (GRSG-121-41), that aims avoid double approval with regard to fire risks by deleting the impact tests for M1 and N1 vehicles from UN Regulation No. 34. She explained that those vehicles were covered within the scope of UN Regulations Nos. 94, 95 and 153, stating that UN Regulation No. 153 covered the prevention of fire risks more appropriately than UN Regulation No. 34 as it covered fuel safety as well as electric vehicle and hydrogen safety. She invited Contracting Parties to forward their comments to the proposal to OICA.

126. GRSG considered document GRSG-121-41, proposing amendments to UN Regulation No. 34, and requested its submission as an official document for consideration at the October 2021 session of GRSG.

GRSG-121-41 UN R34: Proposal for amendments (OICA)