Working Party on Noise | Session 59 | 28-30 Jan 2014
Agenda Item 9.
Influence of road surface on tyre rolling sound emissions

24. GRB welcomed a presentation by the expert from the Foundation for Scientific and Industrial Research (SINTEF, Norway) outlining the first results of a study concerning the
influence of the road surface on tyre rolling sound emission. The expert from SINTEF clarified that the main objective of the project was to investigate the noise performance of normal passenger car tyres on typical road surfaces in the Nordic countries (Denmark, Norway and Sweden) and to clarify which combinations of road surfaces and tyres will yield the lowest tyre/road noise levels. GRB noted that the results of this investigation had demonstrated the variation in noise levels of tyres around 4 dB(A) and the same variation between average of road surfaces. It was also noted that the difference between the most noisy tyre on the most noisy surface and the most quiet tyre on the quietest road surface had been found to be 11 dB(A). Finally, the expert from SINTEF informed GRB that during 2014, the project would be extended to truck tyres.

GRB-59-05 Influence of road surface on tyre rolling sound emission (SINTEF)
GRB-59-05/Rev.1 Influence of road surface on tyre rolling sound emissions (revised) (SINTEF)