World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 185 | 23-26 Nov 2021
Geneva hybrid session
Agenda Item 15.2.
Request to list in the compendium of candidate Global Technical Regulations (compendium of candidates) the United States of America’s Durability Driving Enforcement Procedure for two-wheeled vehicles
WP.29/2021/155 Request to list in the compendium of candidate GTR the USA Durability Driving Enforcement Procedure for two-wheeled vehicles (USA)
WP.29/2021/155/Att.1 US EPA Submittal on Deterioration Factor Requirements for On-Highway Motorcycles (USA)
WP.29/2021/158/Att.1 GB 14622-2016 Limits and Measurement Methods for Emissions from Motorcycles (China)