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WP.29 Discussion Topic
The Particle Measurement Programme (PMP) was established to improve the sensitivity of the Particulate Matter (PM) mass measurement system for heavy and light duty vehicle emissions. PMP developed a particle number (PN) counting method for ultrafine solid particles and enhancements to the PM measurement procedure that were incorporated into UN R83 and R49. Since 2013, PMP has focused on PN as a function of particle size (mainly on the difference between the number of particles measured with the existing PMP methodology (d50=23 nm) and with systems with lower d50s, investigating the possibility to modify the existing d50 methodology from 23 to about 10 nm.
(Latest posted on 18 Nov 2024)
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6 January 2022 Ultra-fine PN measurement for heavy-duty engines: Proposal for amendments to document GRPE/2021/17
GRPE-85-04/Rev.1 2022-01-06
17 January 2022 Status report of the PMP informal group
GRPE-85-37/Rev.2 2022-01-17
23 March 2022 PMP informal group: Agenda for the 22 March 2022 web conference
PMP-52.8-01 2022-03-23
23 March 2022 PN PEMS 10 nm: Assessment with heavy duty engines (ACEA and JRC)
PMP-52.8-02 2022-03-23
23 March 2022 PMP: Calibrations questionnaire summary of replies (EC)
PMP-52.8-04 2022-03-23
23 March 2022 Periodic Technical Inspection: Recommendations for Particle Number Measurements (EC)
PMP-52.8-03 2022-03-23
23 March 2022 PMP: Total particles (EC)
PMP-52.8-05 2022-03-23
27 May 2022 Particle Measurement Programme (PMP) : TF Tyre Abrasion status report
GRPE-86-23 2022-05-27
31 May 2022 PMP IWG : Status report (EC)
GRPE-86-34 2022-05-31