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(Latest posted on 24 Jul 2024)
UN R95 | Revision 1 (2011)
16 Nov 2011 2011-11-24 08:36:32 UTC 1 01 series of amendments 01 series of amendments | Supplement 1 00 series of amendments | Corrigendum 3 02 series of amendments 02 series of amendments | Supplement 1 02 series of amendments | Supplement 1 | Corrigendum 1 03 series of amendments 03 series of amendments | Corrigendum 1
UN R95 | Revision 1 | Amendment 2 (2013)
6 Aug 2013 2013-08-20 16:43:57 UTC 1 2 03 series of amendments | Supplement 2
UN R95 | Revision 1 | Corrigendum 1 (2013)
18 Sep 2013 2013-09-19 11:07:29 UTC 1 1 Corrigendum 1 to Revision 1
UN R95 | Revision 2 (2014)
13 Feb 2014 2014-03-04 15:55:05 UTC 2 03 series of amendments | Supplement 2 Corrigendum 1 to Revision 1 03 series of amendments | Supplement 1 03 series of amendments | Supplement 3 Based upon the adopted proposal: WP.29/2013/48

Based upon a proposal (GRSP/2012/17) from OICA to include requirements for automatic door locking systems that would allow for “mixed configurations” of locked and unlocked doors in the test procedures, this text was adopted by the Working Party on Passive Safety (GRSP) at its 52nd session. The proposals allows for automatically unlocking systems to enable exit post-crash.

UN R95 | Revision 2 | Amendment 1 (2014)
24 Jun 2014 2014-09-20 11:35:48 UTC 2 1 03 series of amendments | Supplement 4 Based upon the adopted proposal: WP.29/2013/108

Proposal as approved by the GRSP to introduce provisions for coupling systems used in charging a Rechargeable Energy Storage System (REESS).

UN R95 | Revision 1 | Amendment 1 (2012)
15 Aug 2012 2014-09-20 11:48:33 UTC 1 1 03 series of amendments | Supplement 1
UN R95 | Revision 2 | Amendment 2 (2016)
5 Feb 2016 2016-02-10 13:16:59 UTC 2 2 03 series of amendments | Supplement 5 Based upon the adopted proposal: WP.29/2015/50

Proposal to delete Appendix 3 (examination of the mobile impact barrier) to Annex 5 of UN R95. Appendix 3 was rendered redundant by the 02 series of amendments to the regulation (which introduced the EEVC mobile deformable barrier).

UN R95 (1995)
6 Jul 1995 2016-05-05 08:49:19 UTC
UN R95 | Amendment 1 (1998)
18 Sep 1998 2016-05-05 08:52:13 UTC 1
UN R95 | Amendment 2 (2000)
7 Nov 2000 2016-05-05 08:55:23 UTC 2
UN R95 | Amendment 3 (2003)
10 Sep 2003 2016-05-05 08:58:27 UTC 3
UN R95 | Amendment 4 (2004)
1 Oct 2004 2016-05-05 09:00:59 UTC 4
UN R95 | Revision 2 | Amendment 3 (2016)
11 Jul 2016 2016-07-13 09:58:06 UTC 2 3 03 series of amendments | Supplement 6 Based upon the adopted proposal: WP.29/2015/97

Pursuant to GRPE work on vehicle propulsion system definitions (VPSD informal group; see document WP.29-165-17), this proposal would update the definition of the acronym “REESS” to refer to “rechargeable electrical energy storage system” across the passive safety regulations and currently proposed texts that make use of this acronym. (REESS had previously referred generically to “rechargeable energy storage systems”.)

UN R95 | Revision 2 | Amendment 4 (2016)
11 Jul 2016 2017-09-08 10:52:12 UTC 2 4 03 series of amendments | Supplement 7 Based upon the adopted proposal: WP.29/2018/133

Proposal to clarify the conditions where a door is deemed to be open under UN R95. Technical Services have interpreted the definition of “open” under paragraph 5.3.1. differently, resulting in divergent outcomes. The proposed definitions are taken from UN Regulation No. 135 Revision 1. The proposal reduces the force level from 500 N to 400 N for the test to open the door.

UN R95 | Revision 2 | Amendment 5 (2021)
2 Feb 2021 2021-02-25 14:57:11 UTC 2 5 04 series of amendments Based upon the adopted proposal: WP.29/2020/61

Proposal to remove restrictions on the scope of the Regulation to M1 and N1 vehicles, to provide appropriate transitional provisions and to make minor adaptations and clarifications to the existing requirements.

Earlier texts may be available through the UN Official Document System.