Note: Change approval numbers from 4 to 6? Switzerland would need consent of Federal Council to implement this change. Onoda-san says not change to UN Regulation but to Schedule. Change can be effected by administrative procedures under Rev.3. AC.1 will consider but must be voted in unanimity not 4/5 majority (because touches 1958 Agreement??). Frost: issue of approvals under UN R90 because principle of approving in test groups has been removed (so UN R90 could result in 30 or more separate approvals for essentially identical parts). Substantially raises testing costs which would impact consumer pricing if interpretation is correct. Guichard mentions similar concern with UN R117. Wet grip, rolling resistance included in tire marking. Don't have answer for UN R90 because of the way marking requirements written. General issue of marking requirements under IWVTA. Either modify regulations to comply with Schedule 4 or modify Schedule 4 to allow flexibility for UN Regulation marking provisions. Frost: issue not marking/numbering issue but test groups under UN R90 and because of financial implications need to find swiftest solution.


Agenda: 7370







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