Corrigendum 6 to Revision 3
Corrigendum 1 to Revision 4
Revision 3-Corrigendum 4 (French text only)
Corrigendum 5 to Revision 3
Corrigendum 3 to Revision 3
Corrigendum 2 to Revision 3
Corrigendum 1 to Revision 3
UN R43 | Original text | Supplement 2 | Corrigendum 1
UN R43 | Original text | Supplement 8
UN R43 | Original text | Supplement 9
UN R43 | Original text | Supplement 10 | Corrigendum 1
UN R43 | Original text | Supplement 10
UN R43 | Original text | Supplement 11
UN R43 | Original text | Supplement 12
UN R43 | Original text | Supplement 13
UN R43 | Original text | Supplement 14
WP.29/2011/34: Proposal to introduce specific provisions for vehicles with the driver seated in the central driving position.
UN R43 | 01 series of amendments
WP.29/2011/35: Proposal to transpose the requirements of global technical regulation No. 6 into Regulation No. 43.
Discussion from 153rd WP.29 session (8-11
Mar 2011)
19. GRSG considered GRSG-100-04 from CLEPA proposing to amend Regulation No. 43 on the burn rate for rigid plastic panes. GRSG agreed that this proposal should be considered in detail by the informal group on plastic glazing. The secretariat was requested to make GRSG-100-04 available with an official symbol for the next session of GRSG.
20. GRSG considered GRSG-100-05 from CLEPA proposing editorial corrections to the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 43. GRSG adopted GRSG-100-05 as reproduced in Annex V to this report, and requested the secretariat to insert these corrections when issuing the 01 series of amendments to Regulation No. 43.
21. The expert from Germany introduced GRSG-100-17 on the progress of the informal group on plastic glazing. GRSG agreed to discuss the issue of the sampling methods used for the headform test at its next session. GRSG noted that the next meeting would be held on 14 and 15 June 2011 in Hamburg (Germany) and agreed to keep as reference document GRSG-99-25 on the draft schedule of work of the informal group.
UN R43 | 01 series of amendments | Supplement 1
WP.29/2012/21: Proposal to amend paragraph 10.9.2. to read "Rigid plastic panes (paragraph 2.6.1. of this Regulation), flexible plastic panes (paragraph 2.6.2. of this Regulation) and rigid plastic double glazed units shall be considered satisfactory from the point of view of the fire resistance test if the burn rate does not exceed 110 mm/min." With 32 of the 41 Contracting Parties applying UN R43 present and voting, AC.1 adopted document WP.29/2012/21 by a vote of 32 in favor, 0 opposed, with 0 abstaining.
Discussion from 156th WP.29 session (13-16
Mar 2012)
[Adopted by AC.1.]
UN R43 | 01 series of amendments | Supplement 2
WP.29/2013/8: Proposal to enable type approvals for multiple-glazed units as an assembly of more than two panes. Adopted with a correction to Annex 12, paragraph 2.2: "the a-nominal width" changed to read "the nominal width".
Discussion from 159th WP.29 session (12-15
Mar 2013)
58. Agenda item 4.8.1, UN Regulation No. 43, document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2013/8: Annex 12, paragraph 2.2, correct “the a-nominal width” to read “the nominal width”.
UN R43 | 01 series of amendments | Supplement 3
WP.29/2014/67: Proposal to define "small glazing" and to exempt such small glazing from headform testing.
Discussion from 164th WP.29 session (11-14
Nov 2014)
11. GRSG endorsed ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2014/67, not amended, already submitted to the November 2014 sessions of WP.29 and AC.1 for consideration and vote.
WP.29/2014/66: Proposal to clarify the testing method for resistance to high temperature in order to address issues raised with testing at high altitudes and to clarify the requirements of Annex 21 (provisions on the installation of safety glazing on vehicles) based on recommendations from the Informal Group on Plastic Glazing (IGPG).
UN R43 | 01 series of amendments | Supplement 4
WP.29/2015/11: Proposal of the Informal Group on Plastic Glazing (IGPG) as approved by the GRSG to introduce new provisions for windscreens and for laminated plastic panes other than windscreens.
Discussion from 165th WP.29 session (10-13
Mar 2015)
59. The representative of AGC Glass Europe expressed his concern on the number of test cycles for plastic glazing in item 4.8.1, Regulation No. 43, and the standard deviation of the measured delta haze. He proposed that GRSG extend the mandate of the IWG on Plastic Glazing to further consider these issues. The representative of OICA expressed his view that the amendments had thoroughly been considered by the IWG. The Chair of GRSG offered to revisit, at the forthcoming session of GRSG the concerns raised by AGC Glass Europe on Regulation No. 43 and, if necessary, to extend the mandate of the IWG. The representative of Germany endorsed the proposed procedure.
UN R43 | 01 series of amendments | Supplement 5
WP.29/2017/12: Proposal to align the requirements for plastic panes other than windscreens with the requirements of plastic pane windscreens. This includes amendments concerning rigid plastic panes, flexible plastic panes and rigid plastic multiple-glazed units. The proposed modifications to this type of glazing are in line with the requirements of Supplement 4 to the 01 series of amendment of UN Regulation No. 43. With 36 of the 47 Contracting Parties applying UN R43 present and voting, AC.1 adopted document WP.29/2017/12 by a vote of 36 in favor, 0 opposed, with 0 abstaining.
UN R43 | 01 series of amendments | Supplement 6
WP.29/2017/111: Proposal to align the headform test with the deceleration measurement and the test of resistance to abrasion with ISO 15082:2016-11, including changes to the test details, correction of the headform calibration values, and the introduction of abrasion reference materials. The latter is combined with an abrasive-wheel qualification and a correction calculation (for plastic materials only).
The proposal also amends Figure 2a of Annex 21 to better reflect the meaning of paragraph of Annex 21, mainly to clarify the lateral limits of any opaque obscuration in this area. With 35 of the 47 Contracting Parties applying UN R43 present and voting, AC.1 adopted document WP.29/2017/111 by a vote of 35 in favor, 0 opposed, with 0 abstaining.
Discussion from 173rd WP.29 session (14-17
Nov 2017)
19. Referring to Figure 4-2 in ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2017/111, GRSG recalled the adoption at its last session of draft Supplement 6 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 43 and reconfirmed that the values in the figure were rounded to integers.
UN R43 | 01 series of amendments | Supplement 7
WP.29/2018/15: Proposal to align UN R43 with GTR 6 and UN R125 with regard to the aiming positions of the driver’s eyes. This proposal corrects inconsistencies introduced during the transposition of GTR 6 into UN R43. With 36 of the 47 Contracting Parties applying UN R43 present and voting, AC.1 adopted document WP.29/2018/15 by a vote of 36 in favor, 0 opposed, with 0 abstaining.
UN R43 | 01 series of amendments | Supplement 8
WP.29/2018/122: Proposal to amend Annex 7 (laminated-glass panes), inserting a new paragraph 6 to allow optional 2,260 g ball test and headform test for laminated-glass panes. The proposal adds the marking “/D” to signify laminated-glass panes subjected to the 2,260 g ball test and the headform test. The proposal aims to enable the approval of laminated-glass panes with improved mechanical properties, especially as designed for front, exterior, forward-facing glazing of the upper deck of a double-deck vehicle. With 37 of the 48 Contracting Parties applying UN R43 present and voting, AC.1 adopted document WP.29/2018/122 by a vote of 37 in favor, 0 opposed, with 0 abstaining.
01 series of amendments
| Supplement 9
WP.29/2019/95: Proposal to delete the reference to abrasion requirements in Annex 3, paragraph since abrasion resistance is not relevant in the assessment of resistance to weathering. With 37 of the 49 Contracting Parties applying UN R43 present and voting, AC.1 adopted document WP.29/2019/95 by a vote of 37 in favor, 0 opposed, with 0 abstaining.
01 series of amendments
| Supplement 10
WP.29/2022/118: Proposal from GRSG to clarify the classification of panes in “safety-glass faced with plastics material” and “glass-plastics” and to resolve a potential inconsistency in abrasion test requirements for flexible plastics other than the windscreen. With 34 of the 51 Contracting Parties applying UN R43 present and voting, AC.1 adopted document WP.29/2022/118 by a vote of 34 in favor, 0 opposed, with 0 abstaining.
01 series of amendments
| Supplement 11
WP.29/2023/99: Proposal from GRSG to align UN R43 with provisions in GTR 6 concerning the exemption of possible opaque obscuration areas from Zone I of the test area on the windscreen of M2, M3 and N categories of vehicles and to correct a reference in the draft Supplement 11 to the 01 series of amendments to the “Test Area B defined in Annex 18” to Annex 21. With 37 of the 52 Contracting Parties applying UN R43 present and voting, AC.1 adopted document WP.29/2023/99 by a vote of 37 in favor, 0 opposed, with 0 abstaining.
01 series of amendments
| Supplement 12
(Adopted by WP.29)
WP.29/2024/100: Proposal to update the references to the three-dimensional H-point (3-D "H"-point) measurement and calibration procedure per the update and transfer of the device specifications from the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3) to Mutual Resolution No. 1 (M.R.1).
02 series of amendments
(Informal GR review)
GRSG-126-16: Proposal for amendments pursuant to the introduction of a headform impact test.
Discussion from 126th GRSG session (10-13
Oct 2023)
8. GRSG noted a proposal (GRSG-126-16) from the expert of OICA on an exemption in a specific situation – when safety-belts and an airbag limit head movement – for the mandatory headform test to limit head injuries. The experts from Finland argued that the restraint system could fail, and that safety glazing were also designed for Vulnerable Road Users (VRU). The expert from the Netherlands proposed to limit the exemptions to those vehicles where the changes proposed would be allowed. The expert from Italy shared the concerns of the expert from Finland. The expert from Germany clarified that UN Regulation No. 127 (Pedestrian safety) did provide safety for VRU. He clarified that contact would not occur with the windscreen if the occupants were restrained. He supported the proposed exemptions because UN Regulation No. 21 (Interior fitting) was designed to prevent sharp-edge injuries in case of unrestrained occupants. The expert from France suggested that gaps for these tests should be considered. He added that UN Regulation No. 21 provides set of dummies to check that contact did not occur. He stressed the need to provide evidence that contact did not occur and therefore that occupants were not at risk for any category of vehicle. GRSG agreed to resume discussion based on a revised document. GRSG also noted that if a new replacement proposal was not received by the secretariat, GRSG-126-16 should be confirmed for submission as an official document before the deadline.
GRSG-127-23: Proposal to specify the requirements for the headform test. This test should not be mandatory for vehicles where the protection of the occupant’s head is not achieved by the glazing itself, rather by a restraint system or other means.
Discussion from 127th GRSG session (15-19
Apr 2024)
9. GRSG noted the proposal (GRSG-127-23) from the expert of OICA, that was revised from the October 2023 session of GRSG. In the case when safety-belts and an airbag limit head movement, exemption for the mandatory headform test to limit head injuries. The expert of OICA stressed that UN Regulation No. 21 provides a set of dummies and tests which aim for head contact to not occur. The expert from Japan argued that the proposal over-relaxed the purpose of the UN Regulation and recommended careful consideration of the issue. The expert from the United Kingdom offered to discuss online, possible improvements with the expert from OICA. Finally, GRSG agreed to resume discussion on a revised proposal and requested concerned parties to liaise with the expert from OICA.