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(Latest 10 November 2016)
1. Adoption of the agenda
SG58-22-02/Rev.2 | Provisional agenda for the 22nd IWVTA SG58 subgroup session
2. Major results and action items of the 21st SG 58 meeting
SG58-22-01 | Major results and action items of the 21st IWVTA SG58 subgroup session
3. Consideration of updated draft General guidelines WP.29/1044/rev.2
SG58-22-03 | Draft general guidelines for UN regulatory procedures and transitional provisions in UN Regulation Base document for consideration during the 22nd IWVTA SG58 subgroup session.
SG58-22-03/Rev.1 | Draft general guidelines for UN regulatory procedures and transitional provisions in UN Regulation Base document for consideration during the 22nd IWVTA SG58 subgroup session.
4. Consideration of updated Q&A on the Revision 3 of the 1958 Agreement
SG58-22-06 | Questions and answers regarding Revision 3 of the 1958 Agreement
SG58-22-10 | Q&A on DETA database and the Universal Identifier (UI)
SG58-22-10/Rev.1 | Draft guidelines for application of UI transmitted by the Secretary of IWG DETA
5. Consideration of “Attestation concept”
SG58-22-04 | Answers to questionnaire on "Attestation concept" and "Diversity of manufacturers" In relation to action items 1 and 3 under the "Major Results and Action Items of the 21st SG58 meeting" (document SG58-22_01), OICA offers its views for consideration.
SG58-22-07 | Answers to questionnaire on "Attestation concept" and "Diversity of manufacturers"
SG58-22-09 | Answers to questionnaire on "Attestation" and "Diversity of manufacturers"
SG58-22-08 | Answers to questionnaire on "Attestation concept" and "Diversity of manufacturers"
SG58-22-12 | Answers to questionnaire on "Attestation concept" and "Diversity of manufacturers"
6. Comments on the provisions of Article 15.3 of Revision 3 to the 1958 Agreement
SG58-22-05 | UN Secretariat comments on the provisions of Article 15.3 of Revision 3 to the 1958 Agreement
7. Next meetings