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(Latest 15 April 2016)
1. Welcome and opening remarks

Mr. Loccufier, Chairman of the Informal Working Group, opened the session welcoming all the participants.

2. Introduction of participants and organisations

Valter GENONE (IT)
Derwin ROVERS (NL)
Davide PUGLISI (GTB, SLR Secr.)
Michel LOCCUFIER (BE, SLR Chair)
Geoff DRAPER (GTB) – Only on 29 Feb
Christian PICHON (FR)
Françoise SILVANI (OICA)
Karl MANZ (DE)

Ad DE VISSER (IEC) – Only partially

3. Adoption of the agenda

The agenda was adopted with the following modifications:
• Insertion of document SLR-08-03 “Lamp and light sources simplification” under item 5.
• Revised version of document SLR-09-02 “Draft presentation for GRE-75” under item 6.
• Addition of document SLR-09-05 “Draft New UN Regulation on Light Signalling Devices” under item 9.
The updated agenda was circulated as document SLR-09-01/Rev.1.

SLR-09-01/Rev.1 | Final agenda for the 9th SLR informal group session
4. Approval of the report of the previous session

The Report was approved without modifications.

SLR-08-07 | Report of the 8th SLR informal group session Session report, including list of participants.
5. Lamp and light sources simplification (Rev. of SLR-07-11_c12)

Mr. de Visser introduced document SLR-08-03 pointing out that Part A is waiting for lamp Regulations to be changed and accordingly, he will update light source regulations. Moreover he reported that Part B is already implemented for signalling lamps and will be done later for forward lighting regulations.

The participants quickly reviewed each item of Part B. The following is a list of the most significant exchanges:

Mr. Genone expressed some concerns to move the use restrictions in the Resolution because, in his opinion, the Resolution for Light Sources should only be a catalogue while the use restrictions should remain in the Regulations. Mr. Pichon shared the same opinion.

Mr. de Visser explained that “use restrictions” are an option in the lamp regulations and do not change the requirements to all lamps in a lamp regulation. He recalled that his explanation was well understood in WP.29 with his past presentation in WP.29 session in November 2015, where WP.29 reconfirmed the light sources simplification approach. Therefore he strongly recommended not to change direction at this point as such a change would make the simplification by a Resolution ineffective.

It was agreed not to change the current direction but Mr. de Visser was asked to clearly explain this issue in his presentation at GRE-75 to avoid a long discussion.

With regards to the deletion of 6V Light Sources, Mr. de Visser suggested to delete the 6V systems as those light sources are no longer allowed for new type approved lamps. Mr. Pichon observed that such a deletion would be a change of requirements and therefore it should be modified during the step 2.

It was agreed to address the deletion of the 6V systems during the 2nd step of the simplification work.

SLR-08-03 | Proposal for changes to the draft new regulation on light sources Amendments to the proposed text (SLR-07-11) on light sources (filament lamp, gas discharge, and LED) under the restructuring to simplify lighting regulations.
6. Draft presentation for GRE-75

Mr. Draper introduced document SLR-09-02/Rev.1 providing a comprehensive overview of the objectives, the challenges and the proposed work plan on the basis of the latest agreed approach.

The document was reviewed carefully by the participants, especially slides 5 and 6 which provide a clear overview of the 2 stage approach agreed by the SLR group.

The participants acknowledged the need for WP.29 to adopt the pending proposals (see doc. SLR-09-04) at its March 2017 session in order to take them into account in the stage 1 of the simplification process and making consolidation version of Regulations.

Mr. Gorzkowski recommended to merge also the 3 Light Sources Regulations into one to show that the group is really committed to simplify the existing Regulations.

Considering the advanced stage of progress for the simplified light source Regulations and the associated Resolution, Mr. de Visser recommended to keep them separate without causing any delay to their adoption.

The meeting recognized that it could be worth merging the light source Regulation but, for the time being, the SLR agreed to keep them separate.

The Chairman will use part of this presentation to discuss the SLR approach at the upcoming WP.29/AC.2 120th session on 7 March 2016, right before the 168th WP.29 session.

According to the reactions from AC.2 it will be decided how to present the 2 step approach to GRE. Tentatively the latest version of document SLR-09-02/Rev.1 could become an informal document for GRE-75.

Note: the SLR presentation submitted to GRE-75 is now available as informal document GRE-75-05.

GRE-75-05 | Draft overview of the SLR process based on the outcome of the 9th session of IWG SLR
SLR-09-02/Rev.1 | Updated draft overview of the plans for the simplifcation of UN lighting regulations Draft presentation prepared for the next GRE session.
SLR-09-04 | Pending lighting regulations Compressed data package of three documents providing lists of proposals for amendments to lighting regulations within the context of plans for the restructuring of UN lighting regulations.
7. Analysis of the pending proposals

Mr. Rovers briefly introduced the 3 documents available in the ZIP file SLR-09-04 drawing the attention to the file named “Pending proposals list only Draft II.doc” which includes the whole package of pending documents and their conflict status. He explained that 3 colours were used to define the level of conflict with other proposals already adopted in the meantime.

The participants observed that, except for R-65, all the other pending proposals should simply be reconfirmed by GRE.

It was agreed to submit the updated list to GRE-75 as an informal document with the purpose to inform the Contracting Parties that, at GRE-76, they will be requested to reconfirm the whole package.

Note: the updated list of pending proposal submitted to GRE-75 is now available as informal document GRE-75-06.

GRE-75-06 | Status of pending GRE proposals with regard to the simplification of lighting regulations
SLR-09-04 | Pending lighting regulations Compressed data package of three documents providing lists of proposals for amendments to lighting regulations within the context of plans for the restructuring of UN lighting regulations.
8. Skeletons of the new UN Regulations

Mr. Draper briefly introduced SLR-09-03 pointing out that this document was just for reference purposes since it shows the structure used by Mr. Manz for the preparation of document SLR-09-05.

SLR-09-03 | Skeletons of the new regulations under the simplified lighting regime Compressed file package with three documents outlining the structure for the new simplified lighting regime and for the new regulations on light signaling and road illuminating devices.
SLR-09-05 | Draft regulation on light-signalling devices Working draft prepared by Germany for the SLR informal group.
9. Draft text of the new UN Regulations - Draft New UN Regulation on Light Signalling Devices

The participants examined line-by-line the draft text of the new UN Regulation on Light Signalling Devices kindly prepared by Mr. Manz. Several comments and improvements have been made but, for lack of time, it was not possible to complete the review of the whole document. It was agreed to resume the consideration of SLR-09-05 from Par. 3.9. “Colour of light emitted” onwards.

SLR-09-05 | Draft regulation on light-signalling devices Working draft prepared by Germany for the SLR informal group.
10. Any other business

No other business was discussed.

11. Next meetings

The following meeting schedule was confirmed by the group:

  • 10th IWG SLR meeting – Brussels on 14-15 April 2016
  • 11th IWG SLR meeting – Brussels on 9-10 June 2016

12. Adjournment

The Chairman thanked all the participants for their fruitful contribution and closed the meeting.