next meeting
(Latest 27 May 2015)
1. Welcome and introductions
2. Adoption of the agenda
ACSF-01-01/Rev.1 | Draft agenda for the first ACSF informal working group session Draft agenda for the first meeting of the informal working group on Automatically Commanded Steering Functions.
3. Background
ITS/AD-03-05 | Proposal for revised Terms of Reference for the ITS/Automated Driving informal working group European Commission proposal to add text to extend scope of informal group to include "horizontal issues" such as liability for accidents involving automated systems and obstacles such as inconsistency with traffic laws.
GRRF-79-23 | Proposal to establish an informal working group on Automatically Commanded Steering Function Proposal to develop regulatory provisions that would enable the approval of automated steering systems (i.e., systems that control vehicle lateral movement) that operate at speeds higher than 10 km/h. The proposal originates from discussions on lane-keeping assistance systems and on automated driving.
ITS/AD-03-04/Rev.1 | Working draft paper: Guidance to GRs concerning Automated Driving Technology
ACSF-01-02 | Proposal to establish an Informal Working Group on ACSF (Document GRRF-79-23)
4. Objectives
5. Concept of technical requirement for ACSF
ITS/AD-03-04/Rev.1 | Working draft paper: Guidance to GRs concerning Automated Driving Technology
LKAS-03-09 | Automatically controlled steering function (ACSF) draft text improvements as presented at LKAS-03 Refinements to the text as developed during the 3rd LKAS ad hoc expert group session.
GRRF-78-14 | Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 79 Proposal to introduce lane-keeping assistance systems into the regulation. This document incorporates the agreed-upon definitions presented in document GRRF-78-05.
ACSF-01-03 | Guidance to GRs concerning Automated Driving Technology (Document ITS-AD-03-04-rev1)
6. Conclusion and next steps