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(Latest 1 October 2013)
1. Opening

Mr Schauer welcomed the participants and thanked Mr Rehm and John Deere for the invitation and the hosting of the meeting. He opened the meeting at 11:00 hrs.

2. Roll call of the participants

The participants introduced themselves (see also Document TFAC-03-12).

TFAC-03-12 | List of participants from the 3rd TFAC expert group session
3. Continuation of the Review of the Document

3.1 Proposal for Class q and r (CUNA Couplings) (Doc. TFAC-03-04)

The slightly modified proposal was accepted. Modifications are indicated in red in document TFAC 03-04 Rev 1. The allocation tractor coupling/trailer coupling should be inserted in Annex 2.

There is a common agreement to reduce the number of different coupling devices at a later stage.

TFAC-03-04/Rev.1 | Agricultural vehicle couplings: Class q and r (CUNA couplings)

3.2 Proposal for Class I (Documents TFAC-03-08 and TFAC-03-07)

The slightly modified proposal was accepted. Modifications are indicated in red in document TFAC-03-08 Rev 1.

TFAC-03-07 | Agricultural vehicle mechancial couplings: CUNA swivel drawbar eyes
TFAC-03-08 | Agricutural vehicle couplings UN R55 revision: Tractor drawbars discussion paper

3.3 Proposal to transfer Class j to Class a and Class k to Class b (Document TFAC-03-10)

The proposal was accepted.

TFAC-03-10/Rev.1 | Proposal of new class definitions for Annex 5 - chapter 6 of Regulation No. 55

3.4 Proposal for the definition of tractor drawbars and their hitch rings in an own Class (Documents TFAC-03-08 and TFAC-03-07)

See 3.2. above.

TFAC-03-07 | Agricultural vehicle mechancial couplings: CUNA swivel drawbar eyes
TFAC-03-08 | Agricutural vehicle couplings UN R55 revision: Tractor drawbars discussion paper

3.5 Comparison of proposals Va and V (Documents TFAC-02-08 and TFAC-03-06)

The majority of the participants are in favor to keep the current formulas for D and Dc values.

It was agreed to establish a small group (Mr. Inverardi, Mr. Afflerbach, Mr. Conrads, Mr. Duffy and Mr. Stokreff) to make a common proposal based on document TFAC-03-06 for the next meeting.

TFAC-02-08 | Comparison of mechanical coupling D‐ and V‐values
TFAC-03-06 | Agricultural vehicle couplings UN R55 revision: Definitions and tests

3.6 Vehicle approval according to Chapter 5 possible?

A vehicle approval for category T vehicle is possible. As R and S categories are not yet defined in R.E.3, vehicle approvals are currently not possible. As soon as those definitions are adopted, the scope of R 55 shall be extended accordingly. Mr Schauer will add the requirement for the mounting height of couplings on tractors to chapter 5 (already done, see TFAC-03-14).

TFAC-03-14 | Proposal for Chapter 5 of the Draft ECE R 55 "agricultural couplings" Proposed requirement for the mounting height of couplings on tractors under chapter 5 of UN Regulation No. 55.

3.7 IT-Proposals for Annex 4 (Document TFAC-03-05)

The slightly modified proposal was accepted. Modifications are indicated in red in document TFAC-03-05/Rev 1.

TFAC-03-05/Rev.1 | Italian proposal for mechanical-coupling markings

3.8 Proposal for Chapter 6 of Annex 5 (Document TFAC-03-10)

The slightly modified proposal was accepted. Modifications are indicated in red in document TFAC-03-10/Rev1. Mr Westphäling will review 6.1 and will make a proposal for the next meeting.

TFAC-03-10/Rev.1 | Proposal of new class definitions for Annex 5 - chapter 6 of Regulation No. 55

3.9 Annex 6, Chapter 3.6.2 proposals for amendment necessary?

This topic will be addressed in the small group (see 3.5 above).

3.10 arguments to keep current EU legislation (static test) (Document TFAC-03-03)

The group could not reach a consensus on this topic. It was voted on the following four options:

  1. Static test optional only for Classes i and q and a maximum speed not exceeding
    40 km/h: 1 in favor.
  2. No inclusion of the static test but allow to grant approvals based on static tests in a transitional period up to 01.01.20XY (tbd): 2 in favor.
  3. Static test optional for all Classes and a maximum speed not exceeding 40 km/h: 10 in favor.
  4. Static test optional only for “simple constructions” but without speed limit: 5 in favor.

It was agreed to report this result in GRRF and leave the decision up to GRRF.

TFAC-03-03 | Agricultural vehicle couplings UN R55 revision: Keep static test (up to X kph?)
4. Further steps

The activities mentioned on the top of the minutes were agreed.

The participants are asked to review present R 55.01 and the proposals for amendment from IG R 55.

5. Any other business

5.1 Swedish proposal (Document TFAC-03-13)

Mr Gunneriusson explained the proposal and the background. It was agreed that the participants shall review TFAC-03-13 for discussion and decision at the next meeting.

TFAC-03-13 | Proposal of changes to the draft TFAC amendments to Regulation No. 55 Proposals to align the proposed agricultural tractor couplings text with other provisions of the UN R55 text regarding locked and open positions.

5.2 Next meeting

The date of the 4th (2014-01-22/23, Bologna) meeting was agreed.

At the end of the meeting, Mr Schauer thanked Mr Rehm again for hosting the meeting and providing meeting location for the 3rd meeting of TFAC.

Mr Schauer closed the meeting at approx. 13:00 hrs.