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Bergisch Gladbach
(Latest 8 November 2013)
1. Welcome and roll call
CRS-40-07 | List of participants from the 40th CRS informal group session
2. Adoption of the agenda
CRS-40-01 | Draft agenda for the 40th CRS informal group session
CRS-40-01/Rev.1 | Revised agenda for the 40th CRS informal group session
3. Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
CRS-39-08 | Minutes of the 39th CRS informal group session (amended version) Brief notes from the session.
4. Work on Phase 2
4.1. Status report on dummy availability
4.2. Belt anchorage status
CRS-40-05 | Side impact anchorage interaction with the door during CRS testing Presentation of TRL concerns over interference of vehicle doors with load cells in child restraint testing.
CRS-31-02 | 5th Percentile Female Belt Routing with NPACS Bench Presentation on results of test procedure assessments conducted by Dorel.
4.3. Feedback from ISO SC12 WG1 TF4
CRS-40-02 | Child Restraint Systems: ISO SC12/WG1 Task Force 4 Status Update on the ISO task force established to improve compatibility between child seat systems and vehicles in three ways: <ol><li>Belt compatibility (revision of belt length and load bearing point)</li><li>Isofix Compatibility<ul><li>- Support Leg</li><li>- Top Tether</li></ul></li><li>Isofix booster compatibility</li></ol>
CRS-40-04 | CRS testing option choices Options related to seating height and range and frontal/lateral Q6 and/or Q10 dummies.
4.4. Input from NTSEL Japan
CRS-40-03 | Review of ISOFIX and Seat-belt Anchorages and Dimensions of Test Bench Seat Cushion Presentation concerning child restraint systems and testing of movable versus fixed ISOFIX seat anchorages, side-impacts and seat-belt anchorages, and the test bench specifications.
5. Timetable for deliverables
6. Formal draft amendment
CRS-40-06 | Draft proposal for phase 2 development of Regulation No. 129 Working draft of the regulation text and amendments under development.
GRSP/2013/21 | Proposal for Supplement 3 to Regulation No. 129 In response to a GRSP request (ECE/TRANS/WP29/GRSP/53, para. 45) concerning the configuration of Child Restraint Systems (CRS) combining a base attached to the vehicle by ISOFIX anchorages with a shell installed on the base. This shell could also be used without the base and secured by an adult safety belt. This proposal aims at allowing the type approval of this configuration according to UN Regulation No. 129 in its first phase.
6.2. UN R129-Phase II amendment
CRS-40-06 | Draft proposal for phase 2 development of Regulation No. 129 Working draft of the regulation text and amendments under development.
7. Next meetings
8. Any other business