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(Latest 4 October 2013)
1. Welcome and introduction
2. Adoption of the agenda
EPPR-03-03 | Draft agenda for the 3rd EPPR informal group session
EPPR-03-03/Rev.1 | Revised draft agenda for the 3rd EPPR informal group session
3. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting
EPPR-02-11 | Draft minutes of the 2nd EPPR informal group session
4. Report on EPPR Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure and EPPR mandate from GRPE
EPPR-02-10/Rev.5 | Request for a mandate to amend GTR No. 2 and to develop new GTR in the area of EPPR Proposed mandate for the EPPR informal group incorporating European Commission comments on the draft Revision 4.
GRPE-66-11 | Proposed Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure for the EPPR informal group Proposal for the mandate and objectives of the Informal Working Group on Environmental and Propulsion Performance Requirements for L-category vehicles (EPPR) submitted for GRPE approval.
GRPE-66-12 | Request for a mandate to amend GTR No. 2 and to develop new GTR in the area of EPPR Request for a mandate to amend UN GTR No. 2 and to develop new UN GTRs and UN Regulations in the area of Environmental and Propulsion Performance Requirements (EPPR) for light vehicles
5. Contributions from stakeholders
EPPR-03-04 | Status of regulations relevant to EPPR and L3 category vehicles in Japan
EPPR-03-05 | International environmental and propulsion performance requirements for L-category vehicles – EC perspective
6. Structure of UN Regulations and GTRs with regard to EPPR
EPPR-03-05 | International environmental and propulsion performance requirements for L-category vehicles – EC perspective
EPPR-03-02 | Revised proposal from India on the EPPR Regulation direction
EPPR-03-06 | Update on the TRL-ECORYS L-category EPPR study
7. Roadmap and project planning
EPPR-03-07 | Updated L-category vehicle EPPR roadmap
8. Next meetings
9. Summary and conclusions
10. Any other business