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Web conference
(Latest 3 May 2021)
| Agenda | Formal | Informal | Report |
Opening Remarks
1. Adoption of the agenda

In accordance with Chapter III, Rule 7 of the Rules of Procedure of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) (TRANS/WP.29/690, Amend.1 and Amend.2), the first item on the provisional agenda is the adoption of the agenda.

WP.29-183-02 | Running order to the 183rd (March 2021) WP.29 session
WP.29-183-03 | Consolidated and updated agenda for the 183rd (March 2021) WP.29 session
WP.29/1156/Rev.1 | Annotated provisional agenda for the 183rd (March 2021) WP.29 session
WP.29/1156/Rev.1 | Annotated provisional agenda for the 183rd (March 2021) WP.29 session
WP.29-183-02 | Running order to the 183rd (March 2021) WP.29 session
WP.29-183-03 | Consolidated and updated agenda for the 183rd (March 2021) WP.29 session
2. Coordination and organization of work
2.1. Report of the session of the Administrative Committee for the Coordination of Work (WP.29/AC.2)

The Chair of the Administrative Committee (WP.29/AC.2) will report on the discussions held during its 135th session and submit the recommendations of the Administrative Committee to the World Forum for consideration and adoption.

2.2. Programme of work and documentation

The World Forum may wish to consider the programme of work, calendar of meetings and the list of Informal Working Groups (IWGs).

WP.29-182-02/Rev.2 | Draft 2021 calendar of WP.29 and subsidiary body sessions
WP.29-183-01/Rev.1 | WP.29 Working Parties, Informal Working Groups, and Chairs
WP.29-183-13 | Comments on the WP.29 programme of work
WP.29-183-13 | Comments on the WP.29 programme of work
WP.29-183-13 | Comments on the WP.29 programme of work
WP.29-183-13 | Comments on the WP.29 programme of work
WP.29-183-13 | Comments on the WP.29 programme of work
WP.29-183-13 | Comments on the WP.29 programme of work
WP.29-183-13 | Comments on the WP.29 programme of work
WP.29/2021/1 | Programme of Work of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) and its Subsidiary Bodies
WP.29-183-01/Rev.1 | WP.29 Working Parties, Informal Working Groups, and Chairs
WP.29-182-02/Rev.2 | Draft 2021 calendar of WP.29 and subsidiary body sessions
WP.29-183-13 | Comments on the WP.29 programme of work
WP.29/2021/1 | Programme of Work of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) and its Subsidiary Bodies
2.3. Intelligent Transport Systems and coordination of automated vehicles related activities

The World Forum agreed to continue consideration of the work related to automated vehicles. WP.29 is expected to coordinate the activities within its GRs towards possible regulatory development for automated vehicles in the legal framework of both the 1958 and 1998 Agreements (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1139, para. 35).

WP.29-183-05 | New Assessment/Test Method for Automated Driving (NATM) Master Document This document consolidates the work accomplished by the Informal Working Group on Validation Methods for Automated Driving to date to develop the NATM.
WP.29-183-05 | New Assessment/Test Method for Automated Driving (NATM) Master Document This document consolidates the work accomplished by the Informal Working Group on Validation Methods for Automated Driving to date to develop the NATM.
WP.29-183-08 | Introduction of the ADS NATM Master Document Presentation of the master working document prepared by the co-chair from Japan of the informal working group on Validation Methods for Automated Driving (VMAD) under its program to develop a New Assessment/Test Method (NATM) for evaluation of Automated Driving System safety.
WP.29-183-09 | Spectrum for Vehicle Communications
WP.29-183-14 | Progress report on activities related to Automated Driving Systems and Advanced Driver Assistant Systems Summary prepared by the WP.29 secretary concerning activities related to ADS and ADAS.
WP.29-183-05 | New Assessment/Test Method for Automated Driving (NATM) Master Document This document consolidates the work accomplished by the Informal Working Group on Validation Methods for Automated Driving to date to develop the NATM.
WP.29-183-08 | Introduction of the ADS NATM Master Document Presentation of the master working document prepared by the co-chair from Japan of the informal working group on Validation Methods for Automated Driving (VMAD) under its program to develop a New Assessment/Test Method (NATM) for evaluation of Automated Driving System safety.
WP.29-183-09 | Spectrum for Vehicle Communications
WP.29-183-14 | Progress report on activities related to Automated Driving Systems and Advanced Driver Assistant Systems Summary prepared by the WP.29 secretary concerning activities related to ADS and ADAS.
WP.29-183-14 | Progress report on activities related to Automated Driving Systems and Advanced Driver Assistant Systems Summary prepared by the WP.29 secretary concerning activities related to ADS and ADAS.
WP.29-183-05 | New Assessment/Test Method for Automated Driving (NATM) Master Document This document consolidates the work accomplished by the Informal Working Group on Validation Methods for Automated Driving to date to develop the NATM.
WP.29-183-08 | Introduction of the ADS NATM Master Document Presentation of the master working document prepared by the co-chair from Japan of the informal working group on Validation Methods for Automated Driving (VMAD) under its program to develop a New Assessment/Test Method (NATM) for evaluation of Automated Driving System safety.
WP.29-183-14 | Progress report on activities related to Automated Driving Systems and Advanced Driver Assistant Systems Summary prepared by the WP.29 secretary concerning activities related to ADS and ADAS.
2.4. Follow-up to the eighty-third session of the Inland Transport Committee (ITC)

The secretariat will inform the World Forum about the relevant decisions taken by the Inland Transport Committee (ITC) at its eighty-third session (23 to 26 February 2021).

ITS informal document no. 5 | Inland Transport Committee and the Road Safety Progress Report of the ECE Road Safety Action Plan (2011-2020)
ITS informal document no. 5 | Inland Transport Committee and the Road Safety Progress Report of the ECE Road Safety Action Plan (2011-2020)
3. Consideration of the reports of the Working Parties (GRs) subsidiary to WP.29

The World Forum is expected to consider and approve the reports of the Working Parties on Noise and Tyres (GRBP), Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (GRVA), General Safety Provisions (GRSG) and Lighting and Light-Signalling (GRE).

3.1. Working Party on Noise and Tyres (GRBP) (Seventy-second session, 7-9 September 2020)
GRBP/70 | Report of GRBP on its 72nd (September 2020) session
3.2. Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (GRVA) (Seventh session, 21-25 September 2020)
GRVA/07 | Chair's report of the 7th (September 2020) GRVA session Chair's notes on the remote session held under special procedures due to the inability to hold a formal session.
3.3. Working Party on General Safety Provisions (GRSG) (119th session, 6–9 October 2020)
GRSG/98 | Report of GRSG on its 119th (October 2020) session
3.4. Working Party on Lighting and Light-Signalling (GRE) (Eighty-third and eighty-fourth session, 19-23 October 2020)
GRE/83 | Chair's report on the 83rd (October 2020) GRE session
3.5. Highlights of the recent sessions
3.5.1. Working Party on Passive Safety (GRSP) (Sixty-eighth session, 7-11 December 2020)

The Chair of GRSP will report orally on the highlights of the session.

3.5.2. Working Party on General Safety Provisions (GRSG) (120th session, 11 January 2021)

The Chair of GRSG will report orally on the highlights of the session.

3.5.3. Working Party on Pollution and Energy (GRPE) (Eighty-second session, 12-15 January 2021)

The Chair of GRPE will report orally on the highlights of the session.

WP.29/2021/56 | UN R154: Proposal for Supplement 1 Proposal to correct errors in the text and to clarify provisions based on Amendment 6 to UN GTR No. 15.
GRPE/82 | Report of GRPE on its 82nd (January 2021) session
WP.29/2021/57 | UN R154: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to correct errors in the text and to clarify provisions based on Amendment 6 to UN GTR No. 15.
WP.29/2021/56 | UN R154: Proposal for Supplement 1 Proposal to correct errors in the text and to clarify provisions based on Amendment 6 to UN GTR No. 15.
3.5.4. Working Party on Noise and Tyres (GRBP) (Seventy-third session, 26-29 January 2021)

The Chair of GRBP will report orally on the highlights of the session.

WP.29/2021/10 | UN R141: Proposal for a new 01 series of amendments Proposal to align with the provisions of European Union Regulation 2019/2144 and to introduce the TPMS requirements for all vehicle categories.
GRBP/71 | Report of GRBP on its 73rd (January 2021) session
WP.29/2021/10 | UN R141: Proposal for a new 01 series of amendments Proposal to align with the provisions of European Union Regulation 2019/2144 and to introduce the TPMS requirements for all vehicle categories.
WP.29/2021/10/Rev.1 | UN R141: Revised proposal for the 01 series of amendments Text prepared by the experts of TF TPMSTI in order to align with the provisions of European Union Regulation 2019/2144 and to introduce the TPMS requirements for all vehicle categories, including trailers. The proposal addresses the communication interface protocol of TPMS between towing and towed vehicles of categories N2, N3 and O3, O4, respectively (described in Annex 5 on the basis of the ISO bus requirements) in alignment with UN R13 and ISO updates. The proposal further corrects and clarifies provisions across TPMS, TPRS and CTIS.
3.5.5. Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (GRVA) (Ninth session, 2-6 February 2021)

The Chair of GRVA will report orally on the highlights of the session.

GRVA/08 | Report of the GRVA on its 8th (December 2020) session
WP.29-183-05 | New Assessment/Test Method for Automated Driving (NATM) Master Document This document consolidates the work accomplished by the Informal Working Group on Validation Methods for Automated Driving to date to develop the NATM.
WP.29-183-05 | New Assessment/Test Method for Automated Driving (NATM) Master Document This document consolidates the work accomplished by the Informal Working Group on Validation Methods for Automated Driving to date to develop the NATM.
GRVA/08 | Report of the GRVA on its 8th (December 2020) session
GRVA/09 | Report of the GRVA 9th (February 2021) session
4. 1958 Agreement
4.1. Status of the 1958 Agreement and of the annexed UN Regulations

The secretariat will present the status of the Agreement and of the annexed UN Regulations on the basis of a new version of ECE/TRANS/WP.29/343/Rev.29, containing all information received by secretariat up to 20 February 2021. Subsequent modifications to the original status document will be available in the document “informal updated version of ECE/TRANS/WP.29/343/Rev.29”.
Information on notified Type Approval Authorities and designated Technical Services is made available via the online tool.

WP.29-183-07 | 1958 Agreement: Request for guidance on Contracting Parties not following rules
4.2. Guidance requested by the Working Parties on matters related to UN Regulations annexed to the 1958 Agreement

The World Forum may wish to consider and to provide guidance on any matter related to the 1958 Agreement at the request of the Chairs of the Working Parties subsidiary to WP.29.

4.2.1. Reproduction and reference to private standards in UN Regulations, Global Technical Regulations and Rules

The World Forum agreed to resume consideration of this issue.

WP.29/2021/55 | Information on PMP brake emissions measurement procedure and inclusion in SAE standard
4.2.2. Guidance on amendments to UN Regulations annexed to the 1958 Agreement

The World Forum agreed to continue consideration of this issue, which affects both the current version of the 1958 Agreement (Revision 3) as well as its previous version. WP.29 may wish to continue considerations on the proposal for Revision 3 of the draft guidelines on amendments to UN Regulations at the March 2021 session, as decided (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1155 para. 93).

| General Guidelines for United Nations regulatory procedures and transitional provisions in UN Regulations
| General Guidelines for United Nations regulatory procedures and transitional provisions in UN Regulations
| General Guidelines for United Nations regulatory procedures and transitional provisions in UN Regulations
WP.29-183-07 | 1958 Agreement: Request for guidance on Contracting Parties not following rules
4.2.3. Interpretation of specific UN Regulations

The World Forum may wish to consider proposals for Interpretation Documents for UN Regulation No. 155 on cyber security and cyber security management system and UN Regulation No. 156 on software update and software update management system.

WP.29-182-05 | UN R155: Proposal for an interpretation document to support the cyber security UN Regulation
WP.29-182-05 | UN R155: Proposal for an interpretation document to support the cyber security UN Regulation
WP.29-182-06 | RE3: Proposal for an interpretation document to support the UN Regulation on software updates
WP.29/2021/59 | Proposal for Interpretation Documents for UN Regulation No. 155 (Cyber security and cyber security management system) Proposal for a document to assist with the implementation of the new UN Regulation on cybersecurity management.
WP.29/2021/59 | Proposal for Interpretation Documents for UN Regulation No. 155 (Cyber security and cyber security management system) Proposal for a document to assist with the implementation of the new UN Regulation on cybersecurity management.
WP.29/2021/60 | Proposal for Interpretation Documents for UN Regulation No. 156 on software update and software update management system The purpose of this document is to help clarify the requirements of paragraph 7 and Annex 1 of the UN Regulation on uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regards to software update and software updates management system (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2020/80) and provide information on what may be used to evidence those requirements.
WP.29/2021/60 | Proposal for Interpretation Documents for UN Regulation No. 156 on software update and software update management system The purpose of this document is to help clarify the requirements of paragraph 7 and Annex 1 of the UN Regulation on uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regards to software update and software updates management system (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2020/80) and provide information on what may be used to evidence those requirements.
WP.29/2021/60 | Proposal for Interpretation Documents for UN Regulation No. 156 on software update and software update management system The purpose of this document is to help clarify the requirements of paragraph 7 and Annex 1 of the UN Regulation on uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regards to software update and software updates management system (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2020/80) and provide information on what may be used to evidence those requirements.
WP.29/2021/59 | Proposal for Interpretation Documents for UN Regulation No. 155 (Cyber security and cyber security management system) Proposal for a document to assist with the implementation of the new UN Regulation on cybersecurity management.
WP.29-182-06 | RE3: Proposal for an interpretation document to support the UN Regulation on software updates
WP.29-182-05 | UN R155: Proposal for an interpretation document to support the cyber security UN Regulation
WP.29-182-07 | Guidelines for the use of DETA with regard to the exchange of information on Cyber Security
WP.29/2021/60 | Proposal for Interpretation Documents for UN Regulation No. 156 on software update and software update management system The purpose of this document is to help clarify the requirements of paragraph 7 and Annex 1 of the UN Regulation on uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regards to software update and software updates management system (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2020/80) and provide information on what may be used to evidence those requirements.
WP.29/2021/60 | Proposal for Interpretation Documents for UN Regulation No. 156 on software update and software update management system The purpose of this document is to help clarify the requirements of paragraph 7 and Annex 1 of the UN Regulation on uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regards to software update and software updates management system (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2020/80) and provide information on what may be used to evidence those requirements.
WP.29/2021/59 | Proposal for Interpretation Documents for UN Regulation No. 155 (Cyber security and cyber security management system) Proposal for a document to assist with the implementation of the new UN Regulation on cybersecurity management.
WP.29/2021/60 | Proposal for Interpretation Documents for UN Regulation No. 156 on software update and software update management system The purpose of this document is to help clarify the requirements of paragraph 7 and Annex 1 of the UN Regulation on uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regards to software update and software updates management system (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2020/80) and provide information on what may be used to evidence those requirements.
4.3. Development of the International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA) system

The Chair of the Informal Working Group on IWVTA will report on the work progress made during the meetings of the group and of the two subgroups in charge of drafting the amendments to UN Regulation No. 0.

| General Guidelines for United Nations regulatory procedures and transitional provisions in UN Regulations
WP.29-183-07 | 1958 Agreement: Request for guidance on Contracting Parties not following rules
4.4. Revision 3 to the 1958 Agreement

The World Forum may wish to be informed on the implementation status of the Revision 3 of the 1958 Agreement and on the entry into force of the amendments to Schedule 4.

WP.29-183-07 | 1958 Agreement: Request for guidance on Contracting Parties not following rules
WP.29-183-07 | 1958 Agreement: Request for guidance on Contracting Parties not following rules

The World Forum may wish to respond to a question on accession to the 1958 Agreement from the EUROMED partnership.

WP.29-183-07 | 1958 Agreement: Request for guidance on Contracting Parties not following rules
WP.29-183-15 | Question related to accession to the 1958 Agreement Inquiry from the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (EUROMED) group of countries. Along with the 27 EU member states, 16 Southern Mediterranean, African and Middle Eastern countries are members: Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Mauritania, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey.
WP.29-183-07 | 1958 Agreement: Request for guidance on Contracting Parties not following rules
WP.29-183-15 | Question related to accession to the 1958 Agreement Inquiry from the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (EUROMED) group of countries. Along with the 27 EU member states, 16 Southern Mediterranean, African and Middle Eastern countries are members: Albania, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Mauritania, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey.
| General Guidelines for United Nations regulatory procedures and transitional provisions in UN Regulations
WP.29-183-07 | 1958 Agreement: Request for guidance on Contracting Parties not following rules
4.5. Development of an electronic database for the exchange of type approval documentation (DETA)

The expert from Germany will report on the current hosting activities of DETA. The secretariat will report on the situation for hosting of DETA at UNECE.

WP.29-183-10 | Report from the 40th DETA informal group to the WP.29 March 2021 session
WP.29-183-11 | Draft report of the 40th DETA informal group session
WP.29-183-10 | Report from the 40th DETA informal group to the WP.29 March 2021 session
WP.29-183-11 | Draft report of the 40th DETA informal group session
WP.29-183-10 | Report from the 40th DETA informal group to the WP.29 March 2021 session
WP.29-183-11 | Draft report of the 40th DETA informal group session
4.6. Consideration of draft amendments to existing UN Regulations submitted by GRBP

The World Forum will consider the following proposals and may decide to submit them to the Administrative Committee of the 1958 Agreement (AC.1) with recommendations on its adoption by vote:

  1. Supplement 23 to the 02 series of amendments to UN R30
  2. Supplement 9 to the 04 series of amendments to UN R41
  3. Supplement 24 to the original series of amendments to UN R54
  4. Supplement 19 to the original series of amendments to UN R75
  5. Supplement 19 to the original series of amendments to UN R106
  6. Supplement 13 to the 02 series of amendments to UN R117
  7. Supplement 2 to the original series of amendments to UN R124.

Proposals subject to presentation by the GRBP Chair:
  • 05 series of amendments to UN R41
  • 01 series of amendments to UN R141
  • 01 series of amendments to UN R142.

WP.29-183-06 | UN R117: Proposal to amend document WP.29/2021/8 Proposal to replace "markings" by "approval mark" in paragraph 4.4.1. to clearly specify the intended application of the provision (i.e., to the approval mark, not to all markings).
WP.29/2021/10 | UN R141: Proposal for a new 01 series of amendments Proposal to align with the provisions of European Union Regulation 2019/2144 and to introduce the TPMS requirements for all vehicle categories.
WP.29/2021/10 | UN R141: Proposal for a new 01 series of amendments Proposal to align with the provisions of European Union Regulation 2019/2144 and to introduce the TPMS requirements for all vehicle categories.
WP.29/2021/8 | UN R117: Proposal for Supplement 13 to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to <ol class="alpha"><li>Improve the reproducibility of the test method (in alignment with ISO 23671)</li><li>Include maximum load and pressure information per ASTM F2493-19</li><li>Update the test report templates accordingly</li><li>Remove the limitation for "moulded" markings</li><li>Transition from SRTT14 to SRTT16</li><li>Align track friction requirements for track characterization per the transition</li><li>Clarify vehicle selection provisions</li><li>Introduce transitional provisions</li></ol>
WP.29-183-06 | UN R117: Proposal to amend document WP.29/2021/8 Proposal to replace "markings" by "approval mark" in paragraph 4.4.1. to clearly specify the intended application of the provision (i.e., to the approval mark, not to all markings).
WP.29/2021/3 | UN R41: Proposal for a new 05 series of amendments Proposal to clarify UN R41 and introduce provisions to improve testing to be more representative of real-world operation by expanding the scope of test and to align the Regulation with ISO 10844:2014, replacing provisions from ISO 10844:1998 (and proposing a clearer image for Figure 1).
WP.29/2021/10 | UN R141: Proposal for a new 01 series of amendments Proposal to align with the provisions of European Union Regulation 2019/2144 and to introduce the TPMS requirements for all vehicle categories.
WP.29/2021/10/Rev.1 | UN R141: Revised proposal for the 01 series of amendments Text prepared by the experts of TF TPMSTI in order to align with the provisions of European Union Regulation 2019/2144 and to introduce the TPMS requirements for all vehicle categories, including trailers. The proposal addresses the communication interface protocol of TPMS between towing and towed vehicles of categories N2, N3 and O3, O4, respectively (described in Annex 5 on the basis of the ISO bus requirements) in alignment with UN R13 and ISO updates. The proposal further corrects and clarifies provisions across TPMS, TPRS and CTIS.
WP.29/2021/11 | UN R142: Proposal for a new 01 series of amendments Proposal to align with the provisions of European Union Regulation 2019/2144 and to introduce the tyre installation requirements for all vehicle categories.
4.6.1. Proposal for Supplement 23 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 30 (Tyres for passenger cars and their trailers)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRBP/70, para. 10, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRBP/2020/12.

WP.29/2021/2 | UN R30: Proposal for Supplement 23 to the 02 series of amendments Proposal for amendments that allows for tyre marking methods other than moulding.
WP.29/2021/2 | UN R30: Proposal for Supplement 23 to the 02 series of amendments Proposal for amendments that allows for tyre marking methods other than moulding.
WP.29/2021/2 | UN R30: Proposal for Supplement 23 to the 02 series of amendments Proposal for amendments that allows for tyre marking methods other than moulding.
WP.29/2021/2 | UN R30: Proposal for Supplement 23 to the 02 series of amendments Proposal for amendments that allows for tyre marking methods other than moulding.
4.6.2. Proposal for Supplement 9 to the 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 41 (Noise emissions of motorcycles)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRBP/70, para. 5, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRBP/2020/18

WP.29/2021/4 | UN R41: Proposal for Supplement 9 to the 04 series of amendments Proposal to align the 04 series of amendments with ISO 10844:2014, replacing provisions from ISO 10844:1998 (and proposing a clearer image for Figure 1).
WP.29/2021/4 | UN R41: Proposal for Supplement 9 to the 04 series of amendments Proposal to align the 04 series of amendments with ISO 10844:2014, replacing provisions from ISO 10844:1998 (and proposing a clearer image for Figure 1).
WP.29/2021/4 | UN R41: Proposal for Supplement 9 to the 04 series of amendments Proposal to align the 04 series of amendments with ISO 10844:2014, replacing provisions from ISO 10844:1998 (and proposing a clearer image for Figure 1).
4.6.3. Proposal for Supplement 24 to the original series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 54 (Tyres for commercial vehicles and their trailers)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRBP/70, para. 13, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRBP/2020/13 and Annex V to the report

WP.29/2021/5 | UN R54: Proposal for Supplement 24
WP.29/2021/5 | UN R54: Proposal for Supplement 24
WP.29/2021/5 | UN R54: Proposal for Supplement 24
4.6.4. Proposal for Supplement 19 to the original series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 75 (Tyres for L-category vehicles)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRBP/70, para. 14, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRBP/2020/14 and Annex VI to the report

WP.29/2021/6 | UN R75: Proposal for Supplement 19 Proposal to<ol class="alpha"><li>Change the definition of the tyre size designation by including prefixes and suffixes as well as the code for the tyre structure</li><li>Clarify the use of sizes listed in Annex 5</li><li>Move the definition of "reinforced" into a paragraph that is not subordinated to the definition of "Structure of a tyre"</li><li>Correct references and typographical errors</li><li>Rearrange paragraphs and amendments in order to increase readability</li><li>Delete an unnecessary cross-reference to UN Regulation No. 54</li><li>Change the definition of "bias-belted"</li><li>Amend the definition of "snow tyres" by replacing "ordinary (road-type) tyres" (which is not defined) by "normal tyre", removing the note that snow tyres generally have more widely spaced ribs or blocks</li><li>Include a general provision addressing the gap between the effective date of entry into force and the date of notification of the adoption of the Supplement to the Contracting Parties</li><li>Keep the restriction of measurement of overall diameter after load/speed test only to diagonal tyres (For radial the variation of outer diameter of the tyre, measured six hours after the load/speed performance test as specified in paragraph 2 of Annex 7, is far below ±3.5 per cent from the outer diameter as measured before the test.)</li><li>Remove use of the word "moulding"</li><li>Resolve conflicting provisions in Annex 2 concerning the minimum size of the approval mark</li><li>Clarify that mounting motorcycle tyres on motorcycle rims is the standard configuration and that "M/C" marking is optional for the sizes listed in Annex 5.</li></ol>
WP.29/2021/6 | UN R75: Proposal for Supplement 19 Proposal to<ol class="alpha"><li>Change the definition of the tyre size designation by including prefixes and suffixes as well as the code for the tyre structure</li><li>Clarify the use of sizes listed in Annex 5</li><li>Move the definition of "reinforced" into a paragraph that is not subordinated to the definition of "Structure of a tyre"</li><li>Correct references and typographical errors</li><li>Rearrange paragraphs and amendments in order to increase readability</li><li>Delete an unnecessary cross-reference to UN Regulation No. 54</li><li>Change the definition of "bias-belted"</li><li>Amend the definition of "snow tyres" by replacing "ordinary (road-type) tyres" (which is not defined) by "normal tyre", removing the note that snow tyres generally have more widely spaced ribs or blocks</li><li>Include a general provision addressing the gap between the effective date of entry into force and the date of notification of the adoption of the Supplement to the Contracting Parties</li><li>Keep the restriction of measurement of overall diameter after load/speed test only to diagonal tyres (For radial the variation of outer diameter of the tyre, measured six hours after the load/speed performance test as specified in paragraph 2 of Annex 7, is far below ±3.5 per cent from the outer diameter as measured before the test.)</li><li>Remove use of the word "moulding"</li><li>Resolve conflicting provisions in Annex 2 concerning the minimum size of the approval mark</li><li>Clarify that mounting motorcycle tyres on motorcycle rims is the standard configuration and that "M/C" marking is optional for the sizes listed in Annex 5.</li></ol>
WP.29/2021/6 | UN R75: Proposal for Supplement 19 Proposal to<ol class="alpha"><li>Change the definition of the tyre size designation by including prefixes and suffixes as well as the code for the tyre structure</li><li>Clarify the use of sizes listed in Annex 5</li><li>Move the definition of "reinforced" into a paragraph that is not subordinated to the definition of "Structure of a tyre"</li><li>Correct references and typographical errors</li><li>Rearrange paragraphs and amendments in order to increase readability</li><li>Delete an unnecessary cross-reference to UN Regulation No. 54</li><li>Change the definition of "bias-belted"</li><li>Amend the definition of "snow tyres" by replacing "ordinary (road-type) tyres" (which is not defined) by "normal tyre", removing the note that snow tyres generally have more widely spaced ribs or blocks</li><li>Include a general provision addressing the gap between the effective date of entry into force and the date of notification of the adoption of the Supplement to the Contracting Parties</li><li>Keep the restriction of measurement of overall diameter after load/speed test only to diagonal tyres (For radial the variation of outer diameter of the tyre, measured six hours after the load/speed performance test as specified in paragraph 2 of Annex 7, is far below ±3.5 per cent from the outer diameter as measured before the test.)</li><li>Remove use of the word "moulding"</li><li>Resolve conflicting provisions in Annex 2 concerning the minimum size of the approval mark</li><li>Clarify that mounting motorcycle tyres on motorcycle rims is the standard configuration and that "M/C" marking is optional for the sizes listed in Annex 5.</li></ol>
4.6.5. Proposal for draft Supplement 19 to the original series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 106 (Tyres for agricultural vehicles and their trailers)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRBP/70, para. 15, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRBP/2020/15 and Annex VII to the report

WP.29/2021/7 | UN R106: Proposal for Supplement 19 Proposal for alternative language regarding markings to avoid use of the term “moulded” which could be interpreted as a technical design restriction and to add a reference to "log-skidder" tyres.
WP.29/2021/7 | UN R106: Proposal for Supplement 19 Proposal for alternative language regarding markings to avoid use of the term “moulded” which could be interpreted as a technical design restriction and to add a reference to "log-skidder" tyres.
WP.29/2021/7 | UN R106: Proposal for Supplement 19 Proposal for alternative language regarding markings to avoid use of the term “moulded” which could be interpreted as a technical design restriction and to add a reference to "log-skidder" tyres.
WP.29/2021/7 | UN R106: Proposal for Supplement 19 Proposal for alternative language regarding markings to avoid use of the term “moulded” which could be interpreted as a technical design restriction and to add a reference to "log-skidder" tyres.
WP.29/2021/7 | UN R106: Proposal for Supplement 19 Proposal for alternative language regarding markings to avoid use of the term “moulded” which could be interpreted as a technical design restriction and to add a reference to "log-skidder" tyres.
WP.29/2021/7 | UN R106: Proposal for Supplement 19 Proposal for alternative language regarding markings to avoid use of the term “moulded” which could be interpreted as a technical design restriction and to add a reference to "log-skidder" tyres.
WP.29/2021/7 | UN R106: Proposal for Supplement 19 Proposal for alternative language regarding markings to avoid use of the term “moulded” which could be interpreted as a technical design restriction and to add a reference to "log-skidder" tyres.
WP.29/2021/7 | UN R106: Proposal for Supplement 19 Proposal for alternative language regarding markings to avoid use of the term “moulded” which could be interpreted as a technical design restriction and to add a reference to "log-skidder" tyres.
4.6.6. Proposal for Supplement 13 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 117 (Tyre rolling resistance, rolling noise and wet grip)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRBP/70, paras. 16 and 17, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRBP/2020/16, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRBP/2020/17 and Annex VIII to the report.

WP.29-183-06 | UN R117: Proposal to amend document WP.29/2021/8 Proposal to replace "markings" by "approval mark" in paragraph 4.4.1. to clearly specify the intended application of the provision (i.e., to the approval mark, not to all markings).
WP.29-183-06 | UN R117: Proposal to amend document WP.29/2021/8 Proposal to replace "markings" by "approval mark" in paragraph 4.4.1. to clearly specify the intended application of the provision (i.e., to the approval mark, not to all markings).
WP.29/2021/8 | UN R117: Proposal for Supplement 13 to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to <ol class="alpha"><li>Improve the reproducibility of the test method (in alignment with ISO 23671)</li><li>Include maximum load and pressure information per ASTM F2493-19</li><li>Update the test report templates accordingly</li><li>Remove the limitation for "moulded" markings</li><li>Transition from SRTT14 to SRTT16</li><li>Align track friction requirements for track characterization per the transition</li><li>Clarify vehicle selection provisions</li><li>Introduce transitional provisions</li></ol>
WP.29/2021/8 | UN R117: Proposal for Supplement 13 to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to <ol class="alpha"><li>Improve the reproducibility of the test method (in alignment with ISO 23671)</li><li>Include maximum load and pressure information per ASTM F2493-19</li><li>Update the test report templates accordingly</li><li>Remove the limitation for "moulded" markings</li><li>Transition from SRTT14 to SRTT16</li><li>Align track friction requirements for track characterization per the transition</li><li>Clarify vehicle selection provisions</li><li>Introduce transitional provisions</li></ol>
WP.29-183-06 | UN R117: Proposal to amend document WP.29/2021/8 Proposal to replace "markings" by "approval mark" in paragraph 4.4.1. to clearly specify the intended application of the provision (i.e., to the approval mark, not to all markings).
WP.29/2021/8 | UN R117: Proposal for Supplement 13 to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to <ol class="alpha"><li>Improve the reproducibility of the test method (in alignment with ISO 23671)</li><li>Include maximum load and pressure information per ASTM F2493-19</li><li>Update the test report templates accordingly</li><li>Remove the limitation for "moulded" markings</li><li>Transition from SRTT14 to SRTT16</li><li>Align track friction requirements for track characterization per the transition</li><li>Clarify vehicle selection provisions</li><li>Introduce transitional provisions</li></ol>
WP.29-183-06 | UN R117: Proposal to amend document WP.29/2021/8 Proposal to replace "markings" by "approval mark" in paragraph 4.4.1. to clearly specify the intended application of the provision (i.e., to the approval mark, not to all markings).
4.6.7. Proposal for Supplement 2 to the original series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 124 (Replacement wheels for passenger cars)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRBP/70, para. 20, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRBP/2020/8.

WP.29/2021/9 | UN R124: Proposal for Supplement 2 Proposal to align the acceptance criterion listed in the table in Annex 8, paragraph 3, with the negative rating criterion listed in paragraph 5 <notextile>(c)</notextile>: total loss of inflation pressure within one minute. This change clarifies that only a complete decrease in the pressure in the tyre due to its depressurization is a negative evaluation criterion when conducting an impact test.
WP.29/2021/9 | UN R124: Proposal for Supplement 2 Proposal to align the acceptance criterion listed in the table in Annex 8, paragraph 3, with the negative rating criterion listed in paragraph 5 <notextile>(c)</notextile>: total loss of inflation pressure within one minute. This change clarifies that only a complete decrease in the pressure in the tyre due to its depressurization is a negative evaluation criterion when conducting an impact test.
4.6.8. Proposal for a new 05 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 41 (Noise emissions of motorcycles)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRBP/70, paras. 3 and 5, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRBP/2020/9, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRBP/2020/18 and Annex II to the report

WP.29/2021/3 | UN R41: Proposal for a new 05 series of amendments Proposal to clarify UN R41 and introduce provisions to improve testing to be more representative of real-world operation by expanding the scope of test and to align the Regulation with ISO 10844:2014, replacing provisions from ISO 10844:1998 (and proposing a clearer image for Figure 1).
WP.29/2021/3 | UN R41: Proposal for a new 05 series of amendments Proposal to clarify UN R41 and introduce provisions to improve testing to be more representative of real-world operation by expanding the scope of test and to align the Regulation with ISO 10844:2014, replacing provisions from ISO 10844:1998 (and proposing a clearer image for Figure 1).
WP.29/2021/4 | UN R41: Proposal for Supplement 9 to the 04 series of amendments Proposal to align the 04 series of amendments with ISO 10844:2014, replacing provisions from ISO 10844:1998 (and proposing a clearer image for Figure 1).
4.6.9. Proposal for a new 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 141 (Tyre pressure monitoring system)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRBP/70, para. 22, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRBP/2020/20 and Annex IX to the report.

WP.29/2021/10 | UN R141: Proposal for a new 01 series of amendments Proposal to align with the provisions of European Union Regulation 2019/2144 and to introduce the TPMS requirements for all vehicle categories.
WP.29/2021/10 | UN R141: Proposal for a new 01 series of amendments Proposal to align with the provisions of European Union Regulation 2019/2144 and to introduce the TPMS requirements for all vehicle categories.
WP.29/2021/10 | UN R141: Proposal for a new 01 series of amendments Proposal to align with the provisions of European Union Regulation 2019/2144 and to introduce the TPMS requirements for all vehicle categories.
WP.29/2021/10 | UN R141: Proposal for a new 01 series of amendments Proposal to align with the provisions of European Union Regulation 2019/2144 and to introduce the TPMS requirements for all vehicle categories.
WP.29/2021/10/Rev.1 | UN R141: Revised proposal for the 01 series of amendments Text prepared by the experts of TF TPMSTI in order to align with the provisions of European Union Regulation 2019/2144 and to introduce the TPMS requirements for all vehicle categories, including trailers. The proposal addresses the communication interface protocol of TPMS between towing and towed vehicles of categories N2, N3 and O3, O4, respectively (described in Annex 5 on the basis of the ISO bus requirements) in alignment with UN R13 and ISO updates. The proposal further corrects and clarifies provisions across TPMS, TPRS and CTIS.
WP.29/2021/10 | UN R141: Proposal for a new 01 series of amendments Proposal to align with the provisions of European Union Regulation 2019/2144 and to introduce the TPMS requirements for all vehicle categories.
WP.29/2021/10/Rev.1 | UN R141: Revised proposal for the 01 series of amendments Text prepared by the experts of TF TPMSTI in order to align with the provisions of European Union Regulation 2019/2144 and to introduce the TPMS requirements for all vehicle categories, including trailers. The proposal addresses the communication interface protocol of TPMS between towing and towed vehicles of categories N2, N3 and O3, O4, respectively (described in Annex 5 on the basis of the ISO bus requirements) in alignment with UN R13 and ISO updates. The proposal further corrects and clarifies provisions across TPMS, TPRS and CTIS.
WP.29/2021/10/Rev.1 | UN R141: Revised proposal for the 01 series of amendments Text prepared by the experts of TF TPMSTI in order to align with the provisions of European Union Regulation 2019/2144 and to introduce the TPMS requirements for all vehicle categories, including trailers. The proposal addresses the communication interface protocol of TPMS between towing and towed vehicles of categories N2, N3 and O3, O4, respectively (described in Annex 5 on the basis of the ISO bus requirements) in alignment with UN R13 and ISO updates. The proposal further corrects and clarifies provisions across TPMS, TPRS and CTIS.
WP.29/2021/10 | UN R141: Proposal for a new 01 series of amendments Proposal to align with the provisions of European Union Regulation 2019/2144 and to introduce the TPMS requirements for all vehicle categories.
WP.29/2021/10/Rev.1 | UN R141: Revised proposal for the 01 series of amendments Text prepared by the experts of TF TPMSTI in order to align with the provisions of European Union Regulation 2019/2144 and to introduce the TPMS requirements for all vehicle categories, including trailers. The proposal addresses the communication interface protocol of TPMS between towing and towed vehicles of categories N2, N3 and O3, O4, respectively (described in Annex 5 on the basis of the ISO bus requirements) in alignment with UN R13 and ISO updates. The proposal further corrects and clarifies provisions across TPMS, TPRS and CTIS.
4.6.10. Proposal for a new 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 142 (Tyre installation)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRBP/70, para. 23, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRBP/2020/19 and Annex X to the report.

WP.29/2021/11 | UN R142: Proposal for a new 01 series of amendments Proposal to align with the provisions of European Union Regulation 2019/2144 and to introduce the tyre installation requirements for all vehicle categories.
WP.29/2021/11 | UN R142: Proposal for a new 01 series of amendments Proposal to align with the provisions of European Union Regulation 2019/2144 and to introduce the tyre installation requirements for all vehicle categories.
4.7. Consideration of draft amendments to existing UN Regulations submitted by GRVA

The World Forum will consider the following proposals and may decide to submit them to AC.1 with recommendations on their adoption by vote:

  1. Supplement 18 the 11 series of amendments to UN R13
  2. Supplement 2 the 01 series of amendments to UN R13-H
  3. Supplement 4 the 03 series of amendments to UN R79
  4. Supplement 3 to the original version of UN R152
  5. Supplement 2 the 01 series of amendments to UN R152
  6. Supplement 1 to the original version of UN R157

Proposals subject to presentation by the GRVA Chair:
  • 02 series of amendments to UN R152

WP.29/2021/18 | UN R152: Proposal for the 02 series of amendments Proposal to introduce provisions under a car-to-bicycle test scenario.
WP.29/2021/18 | UN R152: Proposal for the 02 series of amendments Proposal to introduce provisions under a car-to-bicycle test scenario.
4.7.1. Proposal for Supplement 18 the 11 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 13 (Heavy vehicle braking)

(ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/7, paras. 62 and 69, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/30 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/36 as amended).

WP.29/2021/12 | UN R13: Proposal for Supplement 18 to the 11 series of amendments Proposal to introduce provisions for approving single vehicles involved in modular vehicle combinations, e.g. towing trailers, “road trains” and requirements for endurance braking systems for vehicles equipped with an electric regenerative endurance braking system.
WP.29/2021/12 | UN R13: Proposal for Supplement 18 to the 11 series of amendments Proposal to introduce provisions for approving single vehicles involved in modular vehicle combinations, e.g. towing trailers, “road trains” and requirements for endurance braking systems for vehicles equipped with an electric regenerative endurance braking system.
WP.29/2021/12 | UN R13: Proposal for Supplement 18 to the 11 series of amendments Proposal to introduce provisions for approving single vehicles involved in modular vehicle combinations, e.g. towing trailers, “road trains” and requirements for endurance braking systems for vehicles equipped with an electric regenerative endurance braking system.
WP.29/2021/12 | UN R13: Proposal for Supplement 18 to the 11 series of amendments Proposal to introduce provisions for approving single vehicles involved in modular vehicle combinations, e.g. towing trailers, “road trains” and requirements for endurance braking systems for vehicles equipped with an electric regenerative endurance braking system.
WP.29/2021/12 | UN R13: Proposal for Supplement 18 to the 11 series of amendments Proposal to introduce provisions for approving single vehicles involved in modular vehicle combinations, e.g. towing trailers, “road trains” and requirements for endurance braking systems for vehicles equipped with an electric regenerative endurance braking system.
WP.29/2021/12 | UN R13: Proposal for Supplement 18 to the 11 series of amendments Proposal to introduce provisions for approving single vehicles involved in modular vehicle combinations, e.g. towing trailers, “road trains” and requirements for endurance braking systems for vehicles equipped with an electric regenerative endurance braking system.
WP.29/2021/12 | UN R13: Proposal for Supplement 18 to the 11 series of amendments Proposal to introduce provisions for approving single vehicles involved in modular vehicle combinations, e.g. towing trailers, “road trains” and requirements for endurance braking systems for vehicles equipped with an electric regenerative endurance braking system.
WP.29/2021/12 | UN R13: Proposal for Supplement 18 to the 11 series of amendments Proposal to introduce provisions for approving single vehicles involved in modular vehicle combinations, e.g. towing trailers, “road trains” and requirements for endurance braking systems for vehicles equipped with an electric regenerative endurance braking system.
4.7.2. Proposal for Supplement 2 the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 13-H (Brakes of M1 and N1 vehicles)

(ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/7, para. 64, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/20).

WP.29/2021/13 | UN R13-H: Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to improve the uniformity of requirements for stop lamp illumination with regard to various types of braking systems, including those of electric vehicles.
WP.29/2021/13 | UN R13-H: Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to improve the uniformity of requirements for stop lamp illumination with regard to various types of braking systems, including those of electric vehicles.
4.7.3. Proposal for Supplement 4 the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 79 (Steering equipment)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/7, para. 41, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/23.

WP.29/2021/14 | UN R79: Proposal for Supplement 4 to the 03 series of amendments Proposal to amend Annex 8 (Test requirements for Corrective and Automatically Commanded Steering Functions (ACSF)), paragraph 3.5. (Tests for ACSF of Category C) in order to clarify that enabling of the system as part of the test procedure is only necessary when the system is not yet enabled.
WP.29/2021/14 | UN R79: Proposal for Supplement 4 to the 03 series of amendments Proposal to amend Annex 8 (Test requirements for Corrective and Automatically Commanded Steering Functions (ACSF)), paragraph 3.5. (Tests for ACSF of Category C) in order to clarify that enabling of the system as part of the test procedure is only necessary when the system is not yet enabled.
WP.29/2021/14 | UN R79: Proposal for Supplement 4 to the 03 series of amendments Proposal to amend Annex 8 (Test requirements for Corrective and Automatically Commanded Steering Functions (ACSF)), paragraph 3.5. (Tests for ACSF of Category C) in order to clarify that enabling of the system as part of the test procedure is only necessary when the system is not yet enabled.
WP.29/2021/14 | UN R79: Proposal for Supplement 4 to the 03 series of amendments Proposal to amend Annex 8 (Test requirements for Corrective and Automatically Commanded Steering Functions (ACSF)), paragraph 3.5. (Tests for ACSF of Category C) in order to clarify that enabling of the system as part of the test procedure is only necessary when the system is not yet enabled.
WP.29-183-14 | Progress report on activities related to Automated Driving Systems and Advanced Driver Assistant Systems Summary prepared by the WP.29 secretary concerning activities related to ADS and ADAS.
WP.29-183-14 | Progress report on activities related to Automated Driving Systems and Advanced Driver Assistant Systems Summary prepared by the WP.29 secretary concerning activities related to ADS and ADAS.
4.7.4. Proposal for Supplement 3 to the original version of UN Regulation No. 152 (AEBS for M1 and N1)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/7, para. 54, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/26.

WP.29/2021/15 | UN R152: Proposal for Supplement 3 Proposal to improve the Appendix 2 Annex 3 for assessing robustness against false reaction, to introduce new provisions for automatic deactivation of AEBS, and to improve the text in other instances.
WP.29/2021/15 | UN R152: Proposal for Supplement 3 Proposal to improve the Appendix 2 Annex 3 for assessing robustness against false reaction, to introduce new provisions for automatic deactivation of AEBS, and to improve the text in other instances.
WP.29/2021/15 | UN R152: Proposal for Supplement 3 Proposal to improve the Appendix 2 Annex 3 for assessing robustness against false reaction, to introduce new provisions for automatic deactivation of AEBS, and to improve the text in other instances.
WP.29/2021/15 | UN R152: Proposal for Supplement 3 Proposal to improve the Appendix 2 Annex 3 for assessing robustness against false reaction, to introduce new provisions for automatic deactivation of AEBS, and to improve the text in other instances.
WP.29/2021/18 | UN R152: Proposal for the 02 series of amendments Proposal to introduce provisions under a car-to-bicycle test scenario.
4.7.5. Proposal for Supplement 2 the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 152 (AEBS for M1 and N1)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/7, paras. 54-55, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/26 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/27.

WP.29/2021/16 | UN R152: Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to improve the Appendix 2 Annex 3 for assessing robustness against false reaction, to introduce new provisions for automatic deactivation of AEBS, and to improve the text in other instances.
WP.29/2021/16 | UN R152: Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to improve the Appendix 2 Annex 3 for assessing robustness against false reaction, to introduce new provisions for automatic deactivation of AEBS, and to improve the text in other instances.
WP.29/2021/16 | UN R152: Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to improve the Appendix 2 Annex 3 for assessing robustness against false reaction, to introduce new provisions for automatic deactivation of AEBS, and to improve the text in other instances.
WP.29/2021/16 | UN R152: Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to improve the Appendix 2 Annex 3 for assessing robustness against false reaction, to introduce new provisions for automatic deactivation of AEBS, and to improve the text in other instances.
4.7.6. Proposal for Supplement 1 to the original version of UN Regulation No. 157 (ALKS)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/7, para. 23, based on Annex III of the session report.

WP.29/2021/17 | UN R157: Proposal for Supplement 1
WP.29/2021/17 | UN R157: Proposal for Supplement 1
WP.29/2021/17 | UN R157: Proposal for Supplement 1
WP.29/2021/17 | UN R157: Proposal for Supplement 1
WP.29-183-14 | Progress report on activities related to Automated Driving Systems and Advanced Driver Assistant Systems Summary prepared by the WP.29 secretary concerning activities related to ADS and ADAS.
WP.29/2021/17 | UN R157: Proposal for Supplement 1
4.7.7. Proposal for the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 152 (AEBS for M1 and N1)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/7, para. 55, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/28.

WP.29/2021/18 | UN R152: Proposal for the 02 series of amendments Proposal to introduce provisions under a car-to-bicycle test scenario.
WP.29/2021/18 | UN R152: Proposal for the 02 series of amendments Proposal to introduce provisions under a car-to-bicycle test scenario.
WP.29/2021/18 | UN R152: Proposal for the 02 series of amendments Proposal to introduce provisions under a car-to-bicycle test scenario.
WP.29/2021/18 | UN R152: Proposal for the 02 series of amendments Proposal to introduce provisions under a car-to-bicycle test scenario.
4.8. Consideration of draft amendments to existing UN Regulations submitted by GRSG

The World Forum will consider the following proposals and may decide to submit them to AC.1 with recommendations on their adoption by vote:

  1. Supplement 9 to the 04 series of amendments to UN R46
  2. Supplement 1 to the 03 series of amendments to UN R67
  3. Supplement 3 to the 02 series of amendments to UN R67
  4. Supplement 3 of 01 series of amendments to UN R125

Proposals subject to presentation by the GRSG Chair:
  • Supplement 04 to the 03 series of amendments to UN R18
  • Supplement 9 of 01 series of amendments to UN R97
  • Supplement 08 to the original version of UN R116
  • 09 series of amendments to UN R107 (M2 and M3 vehicles)
  • 04 series of amendments to UN R118

WP.29/2021/24 | UN R97: Proposal for Supplement 9 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to ensure the recognition of the approvals according to the new regulations created by splitting UN R116 into three separate regulations.
WP.29/2021/26 | UN R107: Proposal for the 09 series of amendments Proposal to introduce provisions for alarm initiation based on a reference temperature, to amend provisions on the opening of all power-operated doors, to improve safety instructions, and to ensure that the vehicle remains stopped while lifts or ramps are being used.
WP.29/2021/27 | UN R118: Proposal for the 04 series of amendments Proposal to clarify that adhesive agents should not exacerbate the burning behavior of materials or components. The manufacturer should list the adhesives used in construction.
WP.29/2021/27 | UN R118: Proposal for the 04 series of amendments Proposal to clarify that adhesive agents should not exacerbate the burning behavior of materials or components. The manufacturer should list the adhesives used in construction.
WP.29/2021/23 | UN R18: Proposal for supplement 04 to the 03 series of amendments Proposal to ensure the recognition of approvals according to the new regulations created pursuant to the splitting of UN R116 into three new UN Regulations.
WP.29/2021/24 | UN R97: Proposal for Supplement 9 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to ensure the recognition of the approvals according to the new regulations created by splitting UN R116 into three separate regulations.
WP.29/2021/25 | UN R116: Proposal for Supplement 8 Proposal to ensure the recognition of the approvals according to the new regulations created from splitting UN R116 into three separate regulations.
WP.29/2021/26 | UN R107: Proposal for the 09 series of amendments Proposal to introduce provisions for alarm initiation based on a reference temperature, to amend provisions on the opening of all power-operated doors, to improve safety instructions, and to ensure that the vehicle remains stopped while lifts or ramps are being used.
WP.29/2021/27 | UN R118: Proposal for the 04 series of amendments Proposal to clarify that adhesive agents should not exacerbate the burning behavior of materials or components. The manufacturer should list the adhesives used in construction.
4.8.1. Proposal for supplement 9 to the 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 46 (Devices for indirect vision)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/98, para. 31, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2020/6.

WP.29/2021/19 | UN R46: Proposal for Supplement 9 to the 04 series of amendments Proposal to allow the use of free form mirrors as an alternative to spherical mirrors.
WP.29/2021/19 | UN R46: Proposal for Supplement 9 to the 04 series of amendments Proposal to allow the use of free form mirrors as an alternative to spherical mirrors.
WP.29/2021/19 | UN R46: Proposal for Supplement 9 to the 04 series of amendments Proposal to allow the use of free form mirrors as an alternative to spherical mirrors.
4.8.2. Proposal for supplement 1 to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 67 (LPG vehicles)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/98, para. 41, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2020/9.

WP.29/2021/20 | UN R67: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 03 series of amendments Proposal to introduce the new filling unit profile “J15” as specified in ISO 19825 and to align with the same standard the naming of Euro filling unit.
WP.29/2021/20 | UN R67: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 03 series of amendments Proposal to introduce the new filling unit profile “J15” as specified in ISO 19825 and to align with the same standard the naming of Euro filling unit.
4.8.3. Proposal for supplement 3 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 67 (LPG vehicles)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/98, para. 43, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2020/23.

WP.29/2021/21 | UN R67: Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to amend the transitional provisions of UN Regulation No. 67 and clarify the validity of type approvals according 01 series of this regulation for components not affected by modifications introduced by 02 series of amendments.
WP.29/2021/21 | UN R67: Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to amend the transitional provisions of UN Regulation No. 67 and clarify the validity of type approvals according 01 series of this regulation for components not affected by modifications introduced by 02 series of amendments.
4.8.4. Proposal for supplement 3 of 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 125 (Forward field of vision)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/98, para. 58, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2020/32.

WP.29/2021/22 | UN R125: Proposal for Supplement 3 of 01 series of amendments Proposal to extend specifications for defrosting/demisting conductors outside zone A where applicable.
WP.29/2021/22 | UN R125: Proposal for Supplement 3 of 01 series of amendments Proposal to extend specifications for defrosting/demisting conductors outside zone A where applicable.
WP.29/2021/22 | UN R125: Proposal for Supplement 3 of 01 series of amendments Proposal to extend specifications for defrosting/demisting conductors outside zone A where applicable.
4.8.5. Proposal for supplement 04 to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 18 (Anti-theft of motor vehicles)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/98, paras. 52-53, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2020/28.

WP.29/2021/23 | UN R18: Proposal for supplement 04 to the 03 series of amendments Proposal to ensure the recognition of approvals according to the new regulations created pursuant to the splitting of UN R116 into three new UN Regulations.
WP.29/2021/23 | UN R18: Proposal for supplement 04 to the 03 series of amendments Proposal to ensure the recognition of approvals according to the new regulations created pursuant to the splitting of UN R116 into three new UN Regulations.
4.8.6. Proposal for supplement 9 of 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 97 (Vehicle Alarm Systems)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/98, paras. 52-53, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2020/29.

WP.29/2021/24 | UN R97: Proposal for Supplement 9 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to ensure the recognition of the approvals according to the new regulations created by splitting UN R116 into three separate regulations.
WP.29/2021/24 | UN R97: Proposal for Supplement 9 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to ensure the recognition of the approvals according to the new regulations created by splitting UN R116 into three separate regulations.
WP.29/2021/24 | UN R97: Proposal for Supplement 9 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to ensure the recognition of the approvals according to the new regulations created by splitting UN R116 into three separate regulations.
WP.29/2021/24 | UN R97: Proposal for Supplement 9 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to ensure the recognition of the approvals according to the new regulations created by splitting UN R116 into three separate regulations.
4.8.7. Proposal for supplement 08 to the original version of UN Regulation No. 116 (Anti-theft and alarm systems)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/98, paras. 52-53, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2020/30.

WP.29/2021/25 | UN R116: Proposal for Supplement 8 Proposal to ensure the recognition of the approvals according to the new regulations created from splitting UN R116 into three separate regulations.
WP.29/2021/25 | UN R116: Proposal for Supplement 8 Proposal to ensure the recognition of the approvals according to the new regulations created from splitting UN R116 into three separate regulations.
4.8.8. Proposal for the 09 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 107 (M2 and M3 vehicles)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/98, para. 13, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2020/19 as amended by GRSG-119-09 and GRSG-119-18 and, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2020/20 as amended by GRSG-119-19.

WP.29/2021/26 | UN R107: Proposal for the 09 series of amendments Proposal to introduce provisions for alarm initiation based on a reference temperature, to amend provisions on the opening of all power-operated doors, to improve safety instructions, and to ensure that the vehicle remains stopped while lifts or ramps are being used.
WP.29/2021/26 | UN R107: Proposal for the 09 series of amendments Proposal to introduce provisions for alarm initiation based on a reference temperature, to amend provisions on the opening of all power-operated doors, to improve safety instructions, and to ensure that the vehicle remains stopped while lifts or ramps are being used.
WP.29/2021/26 | UN R107: Proposal for the 09 series of amendments Proposal to introduce provisions for alarm initiation based on a reference temperature, to amend provisions on the opening of all power-operated doors, to improve safety instructions, and to ensure that the vehicle remains stopped while lifts or ramps are being used.
4.8.9. Proposal for the 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 118 (Burning behaviour of materials)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/98, para. 21, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2020/21, as amended by GRSG-119-10, GRSG-119-22 and GRSG-119-31.

WP.29/2021/27 | UN R118: Proposal for the 04 series of amendments Proposal to clarify that adhesive agents should not exacerbate the burning behavior of materials or components. The manufacturer should list the adhesives used in construction.
WP.29/2021/27 | UN R118: Proposal for the 04 series of amendments Proposal to clarify that adhesive agents should not exacerbate the burning behavior of materials or components. The manufacturer should list the adhesives used in construction.
WP.29/2021/27 | UN R118: Proposal for the 04 series of amendments Proposal to clarify that adhesive agents should not exacerbate the burning behavior of materials or components. The manufacturer should list the adhesives used in construction.
WP.29/2021/27 | UN R118: Proposal for the 04 series of amendments Proposal to clarify that adhesive agents should not exacerbate the burning behavior of materials or components. The manufacturer should list the adhesives used in construction.
4.9. Consideration of draft amendments to existing UN Regulations submitted by GRE

The World Forum will consider the following proposals and may decide to submit them to AC.1 with recommendations on their adoption by vote:

  1. Supplement 19 to the 04 series of amendments to UN R48
  2. Supplement 14 to the 05 series of amendments to UN R48
  3. Supplement 14 to the 06 series of amendments to UN R48
  4. Supplement 1 to the 07 series of amendments to UN R48
  5. Supplement 4 to the 02 series of amendments to UN R53
  6. Supplement 1 to the 03 series of amendments to UN R53
  7. Supplement 11 to the original series of amendments to UN R65
  8. Supplement 13 to the 01 series of amendments to UN R74
  9. Supplement 1 to the 02 series of amendments to UN R74
  10. Supplement 3 to the 01 series of amendments to UN R86
  11. Supplement 10 to the 01 series of amendments to UN R98
  12. Supplement 2 to the 02 series of amendments to UN R98
  13. Supplement 7 to the 01 series of amendments to UN R113
  14. Supplement 1 to the 02 series of amendments to UN R113
  15. Supplement 2 to the 03 series of amendments to UN R113
  16. Supplement 10 to the 01 series of amendments to UN R123
  17. Supplement 2 to the 02 series of amendments to UN R123
  18. Supplement 3 to the original series of amendments to UN R148
  19. Supplement 3 to the original series of amendments to UN R149
  20. Supplement 3 to the original series of amendments to UN R150

WP.29/2021/30 | UN R48: Proposal for Supplement 14 to the 06 series of amendments Proposal to add a reference to the installation parameters (illumination levels, maximum gradient value, angles of visibility and light incidence angle) of the licence plate illumination lamps determined during their type approval process, to clarify the height requirements for the installation of the dipped-beam headlamp, reversing lamp and rear fog lamp for vehicles of category G (designed for off-road use), to clarify use of the term "electronic light source control gear”, to correct paragraph numbering, and to re-introduce provisions that were omitted by mistake in previous amendments.
WP.29/2021/30 | UN R48: Proposal for Supplement 14 to the 06 series of amendments Proposal to add a reference to the installation parameters (illumination levels, maximum gradient value, angles of visibility and light incidence angle) of the licence plate illumination lamps determined during their type approval process, to clarify the height requirements for the installation of the dipped-beam headlamp, reversing lamp and rear fog lamp for vehicles of category G (designed for off-road use), to clarify use of the term "electronic light source control gear”, to correct paragraph numbering, and to re-introduce provisions that were omitted by mistake in previous amendments.
WP.29/2021/31 | UN R48: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 07 series of amendments Proposal to add a reference to the installation parameters (illumination levels, maximum gradient value, angles of visibility and light incidence angle) of the licence plate illumination lamps determined during their type approval process, to clarify the height requirements for the installation of the dipped-beam headlamp, reversing lamp and rear fog lamp for vehicles of category G (designed for off-road use), to clarify use of the term "electronic light source control gear”, to correct paragraph numbering and to re-introduce provisions that were omitted by mistake in previous amendments.
4.9.1. Proposal for Supplement 19 to the 04 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/83, para. 22, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2020/3 and GRE-83-52.

WP.29/2021/28 | UN R48: Proposal for Supplement 19 to the 04 series of amendments Proposal to clarify the height requirements for the installation of the dipped-beam headlamp, reversing lamp and rear fog lamp for vehicles of category G (designed for off-road use).
WP.29/2021/28 | UN R48: Proposal for Supplement 19 to the 04 series of amendments Proposal to clarify the height requirements for the installation of the dipped-beam headlamp, reversing lamp and rear fog lamp for vehicles of category G (designed for off-road use).
WP.29/2021/30 | UN R48: Proposal for Supplement 14 to the 06 series of amendments Proposal to add a reference to the installation parameters (illumination levels, maximum gradient value, angles of visibility and light incidence angle) of the licence plate illumination lamps determined during their type approval process, to clarify the height requirements for the installation of the dipped-beam headlamp, reversing lamp and rear fog lamp for vehicles of category G (designed for off-road use), to clarify use of the term "electronic light source control gear”, to correct paragraph numbering, and to re-introduce provisions that were omitted by mistake in previous amendments.
WP.29/2021/28 | UN R48: Proposal for Supplement 19 to the 04 series of amendments Proposal to clarify the height requirements for the installation of the dipped-beam headlamp, reversing lamp and rear fog lamp for vehicles of category G (designed for off-road use).
4.9.2. Proposal for Supplement 14 to the 05 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/83, para. 22, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2020/3 and GRE-83-52.

WP.29/2021/29 | UN R48: Proposal for Supplement 14 to the 05 series of amendments Proposal to clarify the height requirements for the installation of the dipped-beam headlamp, reversing lamp and rear fog lamp for vehicles of category G (designed for off-road use).
WP.29/2021/29 | UN R48: Proposal for Supplement 14 to the 05 series of amendments Proposal to clarify the height requirements for the installation of the dipped-beam headlamp, reversing lamp and rear fog lamp for vehicles of category G (designed for off-road use).
WP.29/2021/29 | UN R48: Proposal for Supplement 14 to the 05 series of amendments Proposal to clarify the height requirements for the installation of the dipped-beam headlamp, reversing lamp and rear fog lamp for vehicles of category G (designed for off-road use).
WP.29/2021/30 | UN R48: Proposal for Supplement 14 to the 06 series of amendments Proposal to add a reference to the installation parameters (illumination levels, maximum gradient value, angles of visibility and light incidence angle) of the licence plate illumination lamps determined during their type approval process, to clarify the height requirements for the installation of the dipped-beam headlamp, reversing lamp and rear fog lamp for vehicles of category G (designed for off-road use), to clarify use of the term "electronic light source control gear”, to correct paragraph numbering, and to re-introduce provisions that were omitted by mistake in previous amendments.
4.9.3. Proposal for Supplement 14 to the 06 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/83, paras. 21, 22 and 25, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2020/2, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2020/3, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2020/24, GRE-83-06 and GRE-83-52.

WP.29/2021/30 | UN R48: Proposal for Supplement 14 to the 06 series of amendments Proposal to add a reference to the installation parameters (illumination levels, maximum gradient value, angles of visibility and light incidence angle) of the licence plate illumination lamps determined during their type approval process, to clarify the height requirements for the installation of the dipped-beam headlamp, reversing lamp and rear fog lamp for vehicles of category G (designed for off-road use), to clarify use of the term "electronic light source control gear”, to correct paragraph numbering, and to re-introduce provisions that were omitted by mistake in previous amendments.
WP.29/2021/30 | UN R48: Proposal for Supplement 14 to the 06 series of amendments Proposal to add a reference to the installation parameters (illumination levels, maximum gradient value, angles of visibility and light incidence angle) of the licence plate illumination lamps determined during their type approval process, to clarify the height requirements for the installation of the dipped-beam headlamp, reversing lamp and rear fog lamp for vehicles of category G (designed for off-road use), to clarify use of the term "electronic light source control gear”, to correct paragraph numbering, and to re-introduce provisions that were omitted by mistake in previous amendments.
WP.29/2021/28 | UN R48: Proposal for Supplement 19 to the 04 series of amendments Proposal to clarify the height requirements for the installation of the dipped-beam headlamp, reversing lamp and rear fog lamp for vehicles of category G (designed for off-road use).
4.9.4. Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 07 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 48 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/83, paras. 21, 22 and 25, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2020/2, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2020/3, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2020/24, GRE-83-06 and GRE-83-52.

WP.29/2021/31 | UN R48: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 07 series of amendments Proposal to add a reference to the installation parameters (illumination levels, maximum gradient value, angles of visibility and light incidence angle) of the licence plate illumination lamps determined during their type approval process, to clarify the height requirements for the installation of the dipped-beam headlamp, reversing lamp and rear fog lamp for vehicles of category G (designed for off-road use), to clarify use of the term "electronic light source control gear”, to correct paragraph numbering and to re-introduce provisions that were omitted by mistake in previous amendments.
WP.29/2021/31 | UN R48: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 07 series of amendments Proposal to add a reference to the installation parameters (illumination levels, maximum gradient value, angles of visibility and light incidence angle) of the licence plate illumination lamps determined during their type approval process, to clarify the height requirements for the installation of the dipped-beam headlamp, reversing lamp and rear fog lamp for vehicles of category G (designed for off-road use), to clarify use of the term "electronic light source control gear”, to correct paragraph numbering and to re-introduce provisions that were omitted by mistake in previous amendments.
WP.29/2021/28 | UN R48: Proposal for Supplement 19 to the 04 series of amendments Proposal to clarify the height requirements for the installation of the dipped-beam headlamp, reversing lamp and rear fog lamp for vehicles of category G (designed for off-road use).
4.9.5. Proposal for Supplement 4 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 53 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices for L3 vehicles)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/83, para. 37, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2020/19.

WP.29/2021/32 | UN R53: Proposal for Supplement 4 to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to correct cross references to definitions as modified by Supplement 2 to the 02 series of amendments.
WP.29/2021/32 | UN R53: Proposal for Supplement 4 to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to correct cross references to definitions as modified by Supplement 2 to the 02 series of amendments.
WP.29/2021/32 | UN R53: Proposal for Supplement 4 to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to correct cross references to definitions as modified by Supplement 2 to the 02 series of amendments.
4.9.6. Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 53 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices for L3 vehicles)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/83, para. 37, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2020/19.

WP.29/2021/33 | UN R53: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 03 series of amendments Proposal to correct cross references to definitions as modified by Supplement 2 to the 02 series of amendments.
WP.29/2021/33 | UN R53: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 03 series of amendments Proposal to correct cross references to definitions as modified by Supplement 2 to the 02 series of amendments.
WP.29/2021/33 | UN R53: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 03 series of amendments Proposal to correct cross references to definitions as modified by Supplement 2 to the 02 series of amendments.
WP.29/2021/33 | UN R53: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 03 series of amendments Proposal to correct cross references to definitions as modified by Supplement 2 to the 02 series of amendments.
4.9.7. Proposal for Supplement 11 to the original series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 65 (Special warning lamps)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/83, para. 38, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2020/18 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/82, para. 39, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2019/17.

WP.29/2021/34 | UN R65: Proposal for Supplement 11 Proposal to correct some long-standing editorial errors that might create confusion as well as to clarify the definition of the “on” time for a group of flashes.
WP.29/2021/34 | UN R65: Proposal for Supplement 11 Proposal to correct some long-standing editorial errors that might create confusion as well as to clarify the definition of the “on” time for a group of flashes.
4.9.8. Proposal for Supplement 13 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 74 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices for mopeds)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/83, para. 43, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2020/20.

WP.29/2021/35 | UN R74: Proposal for Supplement 13 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to correct the installation provisions of passing and driving beams for mopeds.
WP.29/2021/35 | UN R74: Proposal for Supplement 13 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to correct the installation provisions of passing and driving beams for mopeds.
WP.29/2021/35 | UN R74: Proposal for Supplement 13 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to correct the installation provisions of passing and driving beams for mopeds.
WP.29/2021/35 | UN R74: Proposal for Supplement 13 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to correct the installation provisions of passing and driving beams for mopeds.
WP.29/2021/36 | UN R74: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to correct the installation provisions of passing and driving beams for mopeds.
4.9.9. Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 74 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices for mopeds)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/83, para. 43, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2020/20.

WP.29/2021/36 | UN R74: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to correct the installation provisions of passing and driving beams for mopeds.
WP.29/2021/36 | UN R74: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to correct the installation provisions of passing and driving beams for mopeds.
WP.29/2021/36 | UN R74: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to correct the installation provisions of passing and driving beams for mopeds.
WP.29/2021/35 | UN R74: Proposal for Supplement 13 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to correct the installation provisions of passing and driving beams for mopeds.
WP.29/2021/36 | UN R74: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to correct the installation provisions of passing and driving beams for mopeds.
4.9.10. Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 86 (Installation of lighting and light-signalling devices for agricultural vehicles)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/83, para. 41, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2020/21.

WP.29/2021/37 | UN R86: Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to introduce into the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 86 references to the three new simplified UN Regulations on Light-Signalling Devices (No. 148), Road Illumination Devices (No. 149) and Retro-Reflective Devices (No. 150) and to make corrections.
WP.29/2021/37 | UN R86: Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to introduce into the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 86 references to the three new simplified UN Regulations on Light-Signalling Devices (No. 148), Road Illumination Devices (No. 149) and Retro-Reflective Devices (No. 150) and to make corrections.
WP.29/2021/37 | UN R86: Proposal for Supplement 3 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to introduce into the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 86 references to the three new simplified UN Regulations on Light-Signalling Devices (No. 148), Road Illumination Devices (No. 149) and Retro-Reflective Devices (No. 150) and to make corrections.
4.9.11. Proposal for Supplement 10 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 98 (Headlamps with gas-discharge light sources)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/83, para. 42, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2020/11/Rev.1.

WP.29/2021/38 | UN R98: Proposal for Supplement 10 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to correct errors in UN R98 identified during the transposition of its provisions into UN R149.
WP.29/2021/38 | UN R98: Proposal for Supplement 10 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to correct errors in UN R98 identified during the transposition of its provisions into UN R149.
WP.29/2021/38 | UN R98: Proposal for Supplement 10 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to correct errors in UN R98 identified during the transposition of its provisions into UN R149.
WP.29/2021/39 | UN R98: Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to correct errors identified in UN R98 during the transposition of its provisions into UN R149.
4.9.12. Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 98 (Headlamps with gas-discharge light sources)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/83, para. 42, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2020/11/Rev.1.

WP.29/2021/39 | UN R98: Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to correct errors identified in UN R98 during the transposition of its provisions into UN R149.
WP.29/2021/39 | UN R98: Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to correct errors identified in UN R98 during the transposition of its provisions into UN R149.
WP.29/2021/39 | UN R98: Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to correct errors identified in UN R98 during the transposition of its provisions into UN R149.
WP.29/2021/38 | UN R98: Proposal for Supplement 10 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to correct errors in UN R98 identified during the transposition of its provisions into UN R149.
WP.29/2021/39 | UN R98: Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to correct errors identified in UN R98 during the transposition of its provisions into UN R149.
4.9.13. Proposal for Supplement 7 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 113 (Headlamps emitting a symmetrical passing-beam)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/83, para. 10, based on GRE-83-07.

WP.29/2021/40 | UN R113: Proposal for Supplement 7 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to correct an error introduced by the 01 series of amendments to UN R113 when angular coordinates were introduced instead of dimensions in mm with screen at 25 m. The same correction applies to the 02 and 03 series of amendments to UN R113 and to UN R149. The proposal also corrects Annex 3, Figure C of UN R113 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right. Similarly, the proposal corrects Annex 4, Figure A4-IX of UN R149 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph Table 34 which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right for the class BS headlamps.
WP.29/2021/40 | UN R113: Proposal for Supplement 7 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to correct an error introduced by the 01 series of amendments to UN R113 when angular coordinates were introduced instead of dimensions in mm with screen at 25 m. The same correction applies to the 02 and 03 series of amendments to UN R113 and to UN R149. The proposal also corrects Annex 3, Figure C of UN R113 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right. Similarly, the proposal corrects Annex 4, Figure A4-IX of UN R149 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph Table 34 which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right for the class BS headlamps.
WP.29/2021/40 | UN R113: Proposal for Supplement 7 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to correct an error introduced by the 01 series of amendments to UN R113 when angular coordinates were introduced instead of dimensions in mm with screen at 25 m. The same correction applies to the 02 and 03 series of amendments to UN R113 and to UN R149. The proposal also corrects Annex 3, Figure C of UN R113 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right. Similarly, the proposal corrects Annex 4, Figure A4-IX of UN R149 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph Table 34 which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right for the class BS headlamps.
WP.29/2021/42 | UN R113: Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 03 series of amendments Proposal to correct an error introduced by the 01 series of amendments to UN R113 when angular coordinates were introduced instead of dimensions in mm with screen at 25 m. The same correction applies to the 02 and 03 series of amendments to UN R113 and to UN R149. The proposal also corrects Annex 3, Figure C of UN R113 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right. Similarly, the proposal corrects Annex 4, Figure A4-IX of UN R149 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph Table 34 which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right for the class BS headlamps.
WP.29/2021/41 | UN R113: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to correct an error introduced by the 01 series of amendments to UN R113 when angular coordinates were introduced instead of dimensions in mm with screen at 25 m. The same correction applies to the 02 and 03 series of amendments to UN R113 and to UN R149. The proposal also corrects Annex 3, Figure C of UN R113 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right. Similarly, the proposal corrects Annex 4, Figure A4-IX of UN R149 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph Table 34 which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right for the class BS headlamps.
WP.29/2021/40 | UN R113: Proposal for Supplement 7 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to correct an error introduced by the 01 series of amendments to UN R113 when angular coordinates were introduced instead of dimensions in mm with screen at 25 m. The same correction applies to the 02 and 03 series of amendments to UN R113 and to UN R149. The proposal also corrects Annex 3, Figure C of UN R113 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right. Similarly, the proposal corrects Annex 4, Figure A4-IX of UN R149 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph Table 34 which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right for the class BS headlamps.
WP.29/2021/41 | UN R113: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to correct an error introduced by the 01 series of amendments to UN R113 when angular coordinates were introduced instead of dimensions in mm with screen at 25 m. The same correction applies to the 02 and 03 series of amendments to UN R113 and to UN R149. The proposal also corrects Annex 3, Figure C of UN R113 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right. Similarly, the proposal corrects Annex 4, Figure A4-IX of UN R149 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph Table 34 which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right for the class BS headlamps.
WP.29/2021/42 | UN R113: Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 03 series of amendments Proposal to correct an error introduced by the 01 series of amendments to UN R113 when angular coordinates were introduced instead of dimensions in mm with screen at 25 m. The same correction applies to the 02 and 03 series of amendments to UN R113 and to UN R149. The proposal also corrects Annex 3, Figure C of UN R113 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right. Similarly, the proposal corrects Annex 4, Figure A4-IX of UN R149 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph Table 34 which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right for the class BS headlamps.
4.9.14. Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 113 (Headlamps emitting a symmetrical passing-beam)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/83, para. 10, based on GRE-83-07.

WP.29/2021/41 | UN R113: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to correct an error introduced by the 01 series of amendments to UN R113 when angular coordinates were introduced instead of dimensions in mm with screen at 25 m. The same correction applies to the 02 and 03 series of amendments to UN R113 and to UN R149. The proposal also corrects Annex 3, Figure C of UN R113 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right. Similarly, the proposal corrects Annex 4, Figure A4-IX of UN R149 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph Table 34 which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right for the class BS headlamps.
WP.29/2021/41 | UN R113: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to correct an error introduced by the 01 series of amendments to UN R113 when angular coordinates were introduced instead of dimensions in mm with screen at 25 m. The same correction applies to the 02 and 03 series of amendments to UN R113 and to UN R149. The proposal also corrects Annex 3, Figure C of UN R113 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right. Similarly, the proposal corrects Annex 4, Figure A4-IX of UN R149 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph Table 34 which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right for the class BS headlamps.
WP.29/2021/42 | UN R113: Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 03 series of amendments Proposal to correct an error introduced by the 01 series of amendments to UN R113 when angular coordinates were introduced instead of dimensions in mm with screen at 25 m. The same correction applies to the 02 and 03 series of amendments to UN R113 and to UN R149. The proposal also corrects Annex 3, Figure C of UN R113 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right. Similarly, the proposal corrects Annex 4, Figure A4-IX of UN R149 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph Table 34 which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right for the class BS headlamps.
WP.29/2021/40 | UN R113: Proposal for Supplement 7 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to correct an error introduced by the 01 series of amendments to UN R113 when angular coordinates were introduced instead of dimensions in mm with screen at 25 m. The same correction applies to the 02 and 03 series of amendments to UN R113 and to UN R149. The proposal also corrects Annex 3, Figure C of UN R113 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right. Similarly, the proposal corrects Annex 4, Figure A4-IX of UN R149 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph Table 34 which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right for the class BS headlamps.
WP.29/2021/41 | UN R113: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to correct an error introduced by the 01 series of amendments to UN R113 when angular coordinates were introduced instead of dimensions in mm with screen at 25 m. The same correction applies to the 02 and 03 series of amendments to UN R113 and to UN R149. The proposal also corrects Annex 3, Figure C of UN R113 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right. Similarly, the proposal corrects Annex 4, Figure A4-IX of UN R149 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph Table 34 which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right for the class BS headlamps.
WP.29/2021/42 | UN R113: Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 03 series of amendments Proposal to correct an error introduced by the 01 series of amendments to UN R113 when angular coordinates were introduced instead of dimensions in mm with screen at 25 m. The same correction applies to the 02 and 03 series of amendments to UN R113 and to UN R149. The proposal also corrects Annex 3, Figure C of UN R113 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right. Similarly, the proposal corrects Annex 4, Figure A4-IX of UN R149 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph Table 34 which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right for the class BS headlamps.
WP.29/2021/41 | UN R113: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to correct an error introduced by the 01 series of amendments to UN R113 when angular coordinates were introduced instead of dimensions in mm with screen at 25 m. The same correction applies to the 02 and 03 series of amendments to UN R113 and to UN R149. The proposal also corrects Annex 3, Figure C of UN R113 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right. Similarly, the proposal corrects Annex 4, Figure A4-IX of UN R149 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph Table 34 which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right for the class BS headlamps.
4.9.15. Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 113 (Headlamps emitting a symmetrical passing-beam)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/83, para. 10, based on GRE-83-07.

WP.29/2021/42 | UN R113: Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 03 series of amendments Proposal to correct an error introduced by the 01 series of amendments to UN R113 when angular coordinates were introduced instead of dimensions in mm with screen at 25 m. The same correction applies to the 02 and 03 series of amendments to UN R113 and to UN R149. The proposal also corrects Annex 3, Figure C of UN R113 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right. Similarly, the proposal corrects Annex 4, Figure A4-IX of UN R149 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph Table 34 which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right for the class BS headlamps.
WP.29/2021/42 | UN R113: Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 03 series of amendments Proposal to correct an error introduced by the 01 series of amendments to UN R113 when angular coordinates were introduced instead of dimensions in mm with screen at 25 m. The same correction applies to the 02 and 03 series of amendments to UN R113 and to UN R149. The proposal also corrects Annex 3, Figure C of UN R113 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right. Similarly, the proposal corrects Annex 4, Figure A4-IX of UN R149 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph Table 34 which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right for the class BS headlamps.
WP.29/2021/42 | UN R113: Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 03 series of amendments Proposal to correct an error introduced by the 01 series of amendments to UN R113 when angular coordinates were introduced instead of dimensions in mm with screen at 25 m. The same correction applies to the 02 and 03 series of amendments to UN R113 and to UN R149. The proposal also corrects Annex 3, Figure C of UN R113 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right. Similarly, the proposal corrects Annex 4, Figure A4-IX of UN R149 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph Table 34 which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right for the class BS headlamps.
WP.29/2021/42 | UN R113: Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 03 series of amendments Proposal to correct an error introduced by the 01 series of amendments to UN R113 when angular coordinates were introduced instead of dimensions in mm with screen at 25 m. The same correction applies to the 02 and 03 series of amendments to UN R113 and to UN R149. The proposal also corrects Annex 3, Figure C of UN R113 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right. Similarly, the proposal corrects Annex 4, Figure A4-IX of UN R149 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph Table 34 which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right for the class BS headlamps.
WP.29/2021/40 | UN R113: Proposal for Supplement 7 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to correct an error introduced by the 01 series of amendments to UN R113 when angular coordinates were introduced instead of dimensions in mm with screen at 25 m. The same correction applies to the 02 and 03 series of amendments to UN R113 and to UN R149. The proposal also corrects Annex 3, Figure C of UN R113 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right. Similarly, the proposal corrects Annex 4, Figure A4-IX of UN R149 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph Table 34 which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right for the class BS headlamps.
WP.29/2021/41 | UN R113: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to correct an error introduced by the 01 series of amendments to UN R113 when angular coordinates were introduced instead of dimensions in mm with screen at 25 m. The same correction applies to the 02 and 03 series of amendments to UN R113 and to UN R149. The proposal also corrects Annex 3, Figure C of UN R113 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right. Similarly, the proposal corrects Annex 4, Figure A4-IX of UN R149 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph Table 34 which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right for the class BS headlamps.
WP.29/2021/42 | UN R113: Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 03 series of amendments Proposal to correct an error introduced by the 01 series of amendments to UN R113 when angular coordinates were introduced instead of dimensions in mm with screen at 25 m. The same correction applies to the 02 and 03 series of amendments to UN R113 and to UN R149. The proposal also corrects Annex 3, Figure C of UN R113 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right. Similarly, the proposal corrects Annex 4, Figure A4-IX of UN R149 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph Table 34 which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right for the class BS headlamps.
WP.29/2021/42 | UN R113: Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 03 series of amendments Proposal to correct an error introduced by the 01 series of amendments to UN R113 when angular coordinates were introduced instead of dimensions in mm with screen at 25 m. The same correction applies to the 02 and 03 series of amendments to UN R113 and to UN R149. The proposal also corrects Annex 3, Figure C of UN R113 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right. Similarly, the proposal corrects Annex 4, Figure A4-IX of UN R149 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph Table 34 which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right for the class BS headlamps.
4.9.16. Proposal for Supplement 10 to the 01 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 123 (Adaptive front lighting systems)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/83, para. 42, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2020/11/Rev.1.

WP.29/2021/43 | UN R123: Proposal for Supplement 10 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to correct errors identified in UN R123 during the transposition of its provisions into UN R149.
WP.29/2021/43 | UN R123: Proposal for Supplement 10 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to correct errors identified in UN R123 during the transposition of its provisions into UN R149.
WP.29/2021/43 | UN R123: Proposal for Supplement 10 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to correct errors identified in UN R123 during the transposition of its provisions into UN R149.
WP.29/2021/44 | UN R123: Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to correct errors identified in UN R123 during the transposition of its provisions into UN R149.
4.9.17. Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 02 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 123 (Adaptive front lighting systems)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/83, para. 42, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2020/11/Rev.1.

WP.29/2021/44 | UN R123: Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to correct errors identified in UN R123 during the transposition of its provisions into UN R149.
WP.29/2021/44 | UN R123: Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to correct errors identified in UN R123 during the transposition of its provisions into UN R149.
WP.29/2021/43 | UN R123: Proposal for Supplement 10 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to correct errors identified in UN R123 during the transposition of its provisions into UN R149.
WP.29/2021/44 | UN R123: Proposal for Supplement 2 to the 02 series of amendments Proposal to correct errors identified in UN R123 during the transposition of its provisions into UN R149.
4.9.18. Proposal for Supplement 3 to the original series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 148 (Light-Signalling Devices)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/83, para. 8, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2020/9/Rev.1.

WP.29/2021/45 | UN R148: Proposal for Supplement 3 Proposal to remove direction indicator lamps of categories 11 and 12 from the list of lamps required to fulfill n-1 failure requirements of UN R50 and to restore an extra requirement for reversing lamps found in UN R23 but unintentionally omitted from the original text.
WP.29/2021/45 | UN R148: Proposal for Supplement 3 Proposal to remove direction indicator lamps of categories 11 and 12 from the list of lamps required to fulfill n-1 failure requirements of UN R50 and to restore an extra requirement for reversing lamps found in UN R23 but unintentionally omitted from the original text.
WP.29/2021/45 | UN R148: Proposal for Supplement 3 Proposal to remove direction indicator lamps of categories 11 and 12 from the list of lamps required to fulfill n-1 failure requirements of UN R50 and to restore an extra requirement for reversing lamps found in UN R23 but unintentionally omitted from the original text.
4.9.19. Proposal for Supplement 3 to the original series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 149 (Road illumination devices)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/83, paras. 10 and 11, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2020/10/Rev.1, GRE-83-37 and GRE-83-07.

WP.29/2021/46 | UN R149: Proposal for Supplement 3 Proposals to:<ol class="alpha"><li>Rename the element “Segment I C to D” in Table 8</li><li>Amend the luminous intensity requirements in Table 9, Part B</li><li>Correct Annex 7, paragraph (a)</li><li>Correct errors transposed from UN R98 and R123:<ul><li>Rename “E<sub>max</sub> R/L” in Table 8</li><li>Change Annex 7, paragraph 1. d)</li></ul></li><li>Correct the omission of the UN R123 provision for detection of failure of a light source and/or a LED module in an Adaptive Front Lighting System</li><li>Correct Annex 4, Figure A4-IX of UN R149 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph Table 34 which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right for the class BS headlamps</li></ol>
WP.29/2021/46 | UN R149: Proposal for Supplement 3 Proposals to:<ol class="alpha"><li>Rename the element “Segment I C to D” in Table 8</li><li>Amend the luminous intensity requirements in Table 9, Part B</li><li>Correct Annex 7, paragraph (a)</li><li>Correct errors transposed from UN R98 and R123:<ul><li>Rename “E<sub>max</sub> R/L” in Table 8</li><li>Change Annex 7, paragraph 1. d)</li></ul></li><li>Correct the omission of the UN R123 provision for detection of failure of a light source and/or a LED module in an Adaptive Front Lighting System</li><li>Correct Annex 4, Figure A4-IX of UN R149 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph Table 34 which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right for the class BS headlamps</li></ol>
WP.29/2021/46 | UN R149: Proposal for Supplement 3 Proposals to:<ol class="alpha"><li>Rename the element “Segment I C to D” in Table 8</li><li>Amend the luminous intensity requirements in Table 9, Part B</li><li>Correct Annex 7, paragraph (a)</li><li>Correct errors transposed from UN R98 and R123:<ul><li>Rename “E<sub>max</sub> R/L” in Table 8</li><li>Change Annex 7, paragraph 1. d)</li></ul></li><li>Correct the omission of the UN R123 provision for detection of failure of a light source and/or a LED module in an Adaptive Front Lighting System</li><li>Correct Annex 4, Figure A4-IX of UN R149 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph Table 34 which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right for the class BS headlamps</li></ol>
WP.29/2021/46 | UN R149: Proposal for Supplement 3 Proposals to:<ol class="alpha"><li>Rename the element “Segment I C to D” in Table 8</li><li>Amend the luminous intensity requirements in Table 9, Part B</li><li>Correct Annex 7, paragraph (a)</li><li>Correct errors transposed from UN R98 and R123:<ul><li>Rename “E<sub>max</sub> R/L” in Table 8</li><li>Change Annex 7, paragraph 1. d)</li></ul></li><li>Correct the omission of the UN R123 provision for detection of failure of a light source and/or a LED module in an Adaptive Front Lighting System</li><li>Correct Annex 4, Figure A4-IX of UN R149 where the description of the zone 1 is not in line with the photometric requirements set in paragraph Table 34 which defines the horizontal angles to 5° to the left and 5° to the right for the class BS headlamps</li></ol>
4.9.20. Proposal for Supplement 3 to the original series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 150 (Retro-reflective devices)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/83, para. 13, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2020/12/Rev.1 and GRE-83-17.

WP.29/2021/47 | UN R150: Proposal for Supplement 3 Proposal for editorial improvements to Annex 24, corrections to the sample illustrations for approval marks, and to re-align the requirements of UN R150 with those of the frozen UN Regulations Nos. 3, 27, 69, 70 and 104.
WP.29/2021/47 | UN R150: Proposal for Supplement 3 Proposal for editorial improvements to Annex 24, corrections to the sample illustrations for approval marks, and to re-align the requirements of UN R150 with those of the frozen UN Regulations Nos. 3, 27, 69, 70 and 104.
WP.29/2021/47 | UN R150: Proposal for Supplement 3 Proposal for editorial improvements to Annex 24, corrections to the sample illustrations for approval marks, and to re-align the requirements of UN R150 with those of the frozen UN Regulations Nos. 3, 27, 69, 70 and 104.
WP.29/2021/47 | UN R150: Proposal for Supplement 3 Proposal for editorial improvements to Annex 24, corrections to the sample illustrations for approval marks, and to re-align the requirements of UN R150 with those of the frozen UN Regulations Nos. 3, 27, 69, 70 and 104.
4.10. Consideration of draft corrigenda to existing UN Regulations submitted by the GRs, if any

No proposal for a corrigendum to existing UN Regulations has been submitted.

4.11. Consideration of additional proposals for amendments to existing UN Regulations submitted by the Working Parties subsidiary to the World Forum, if any
WP.29/2021/56 | UN R154: Proposal for Supplement 1 Proposal to correct errors in the text and to clarify provisions based on Amendment 6 to UN GTR No. 15.
WP.29/2021/57 | UN R154: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to correct errors in the text and to clarify provisions based on Amendment 6 to UN GTR No. 15.
4.11.1. Proposal for Supplement 1 to the original version of UN Regulation No. 154 (WLTP Regulation)
WP.29/2021/56 | UN R154: Proposal for Supplement 1 Proposal to correct errors in the text and to clarify provisions based on Amendment 6 to UN GTR No. 15.
WP.29/2021/56 | UN R154: Proposal for Supplement 1 Proposal to correct errors in the text and to clarify provisions based on Amendment 6 to UN GTR No. 15.
WP.29/2021/57 | UN R154: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to correct errors in the text and to clarify provisions based on Amendment 6 to UN GTR No. 15.
4.11.2. Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 01 series of amendments of UN Regulation No. 154 (WLTP Regulation)
WP.29/2021/57 | UN R154: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to correct errors in the text and to clarify provisions based on Amendment 6 to UN GTR No. 15.
WP.29/2021/56 | UN R154: Proposal for Supplement 1 Proposal to correct errors in the text and to clarify provisions based on Amendment 6 to UN GTR No. 15.
WP.29/2021/57 | UN R154: Proposal for Supplement 1 to the 01 series of amendments Proposal to correct errors in the text and to clarify provisions based on Amendment 6 to UN GTR No. 15.
4.12. Consideration of proposals for new UN Regulations submitted by the Working Parties subsidiary to the World Forum, if any
WP.29/2021/48 | Protection of motor vehicles against unauthorized use: Proposal for a new UN Regulation Proposal to establish a new UN Regulation dedicated to the approval of the fitting of devices against unauthorized use, and of vehicles equipped with devices against unauthorized use, pursuant to splitting UN R116 into three separate regulations.
WP.29/2020/123/Rev.1 | EDR: Proposal for a new UN Regulation
WP.29/2021/49 | Immobilizers: Proposal for a new UN Regulation Proposal to create a new UN Regulation on uniform technical prescriptions concerning approval of immobilizers and approval of a vehicle with regard to its immobilizer, pursuant to splitting UN R116 into three separate regulations.
WP.29/2021/50 | Vehicle alarm systems: Proposal for a new UN Regulation Proposal to create a new UN Regulation on uniform provisions concerning the approval of a vehicle alarm system and approval of a vehicle with regard to its vehicle alarm system, pursuant to splitting the UN R116 into three separate regulations.
WP.29/2021/58 | EDR: Proposal for the 01 series of amendments to the draft UN Regulation Proposal to add data elements to the Regulation on Event Data Recorders.
4.12.1. Proposal for new UN Regulation on Event Data Recorders (EDR)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/99, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2020/123 as amended by GRSG-120-??

WP.29/2021/58 | EDR: Proposal for the 01 series of amendments to the draft UN Regulation Proposal to add data elements to the Regulation on Event Data Recorders.
WP.29/2021/58 | EDR: Proposal for the 01 series of amendments to the draft UN Regulation Proposal to add data elements to the Regulation on Event Data Recorders.
WP.29/2021/58 | EDR: Proposal for the 01 series of amendments to the draft UN Regulation Proposal to add data elements to the Regulation on Event Data Recorders.

Proposal for 01 Series of amendments to UN Regulation No. [XXX] on Event Data Recorder (EDR).

WP.29/2020/123/Rev.1 | EDR: Proposal for a new UN Regulation
WP.29/2021/58 | EDR: Proposal for the 01 series of amendments to the draft UN Regulation Proposal to add data elements to the Regulation on Event Data Recorders.
WP.29/2021/58 | EDR: Proposal for the 01 series of amendments to the draft UN Regulation Proposal to add data elements to the Regulation on Event Data Recorders.
WP.29/2021/58 | EDR: Proposal for the 01 series of amendments to the draft UN Regulation Proposal to add data elements to the Regulation on Event Data Recorders.
WP.29/2020/123/Rev.1 | EDR: Proposal for a new UN Regulation
WP.29/2021/58 | EDR: Proposal for the 01 series of amendments to the draft UN Regulation Proposal to add data elements to the Regulation on Event Data Recorders.
WP.29/2020/100/Rev.1 | Guidance on Event Data Recorder (EDR) Performance Elements Appropriate for Adoption in 1958 and 1998 Agreement Resolutions or Regulations
WP.29/2021/58 | EDR: Proposal for the 01 series of amendments to the draft UN Regulation Proposal to add data elements to the Regulation on Event Data Recorders.
WP.29/2020/100/Rev.1 | Guidance on Event Data Recorder (EDR) Performance Elements Appropriate for Adoption in 1958 and 1998 Agreement Resolutions or Regulations
WP.29/2020/123/Rev.1 | EDR: Proposal for a new UN Regulation
WP.29-183-12 | Status and proposed work plan of the EDR/DSSAD informal group to the WP.29 March 2021 session Report from the US co-chair of the EDR/DSSAD informal working group.
WP.29-183-14 | Progress report on activities related to Automated Driving Systems and Advanced Driver Assistant Systems Summary prepared by the WP.29 secretary concerning activities related to ADS and ADAS.
4.12.2. Proposal for a new UN Regulation on uniform provisions concerning the protection of motor vehicles against unauthorized use and the approval of the device against unauthorized use

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/98, paras 52-53, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2020/25.

WP.29/2021/48 | Protection of motor vehicles against unauthorized use: Proposal for a new UN Regulation Proposal to establish a new UN Regulation dedicated to the approval of the fitting of devices against unauthorized use, and of vehicles equipped with devices against unauthorized use, pursuant to splitting UN R116 into three separate regulations.
WP.29/2021/48 | Protection of motor vehicles against unauthorized use: Proposal for a new UN Regulation Proposal to establish a new UN Regulation dedicated to the approval of the fitting of devices against unauthorized use, and of vehicles equipped with devices against unauthorized use, pursuant to splitting UN R116 into three separate regulations.
WP.29/2021/48 | Protection of motor vehicles against unauthorized use: Proposal for a new UN Regulation Proposal to establish a new UN Regulation dedicated to the approval of the fitting of devices against unauthorized use, and of vehicles equipped with devices against unauthorized use, pursuant to splitting UN R116 into three separate regulations.
4.12.3. Proposal for a new UN Regulation concerning approval of immobilizers and approval of a vehicle with regard to its immobilizer

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/98, paras. 52-53, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2020/26 as amended by GRSG-119-17.

WP.29/2021/49 | Immobilizers: Proposal for a new UN Regulation Proposal to create a new UN Regulation on uniform technical prescriptions concerning approval of immobilizers and approval of a vehicle with regard to its immobilizer, pursuant to splitting UN R116 into three separate regulations.
WP.29/2021/49 | Immobilizers: Proposal for a new UN Regulation Proposal to create a new UN Regulation on uniform technical prescriptions concerning approval of immobilizers and approval of a vehicle with regard to its immobilizer, pursuant to splitting UN R116 into three separate regulations.
WP.29/2021/49 | Immobilizers: Proposal for a new UN Regulation Proposal to create a new UN Regulation on uniform technical prescriptions concerning approval of immobilizers and approval of a vehicle with regard to its immobilizer, pursuant to splitting UN R116 into three separate regulations.
WP.29/2021/49 | Immobilizers: Proposal for a new UN Regulation Proposal to create a new UN Regulation on uniform technical prescriptions concerning approval of immobilizers and approval of a vehicle with regard to its immobilizer, pursuant to splitting UN R116 into three separate regulations.
WP.29/2021/49 | Immobilizers: Proposal for a new UN Regulation Proposal to create a new UN Regulation on uniform technical prescriptions concerning approval of immobilizers and approval of a vehicle with regard to its immobilizer, pursuant to splitting UN R116 into three separate regulations.
4.12.4. Proposal for a new UN Regulation on the approval of vehicle alarm systems and of a vehicle with regard to its vehicle alarm system

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/98, paras. 52-53, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2020/27.

WP.29/2021/50 | Vehicle alarm systems: Proposal for a new UN Regulation Proposal to create a new UN Regulation on uniform provisions concerning the approval of a vehicle alarm system and approval of a vehicle with regard to its vehicle alarm system, pursuant to splitting the UN R116 into three separate regulations.
WP.29/2021/50 | Vehicle alarm systems: Proposal for a new UN Regulation Proposal to create a new UN Regulation on uniform provisions concerning the approval of a vehicle alarm system and approval of a vehicle with regard to its vehicle alarm system, pursuant to splitting the UN R116 into three separate regulations.
WP.29/2021/50 | Vehicle alarm systems: Proposal for a new UN Regulation Proposal to create a new UN Regulation on uniform provisions concerning the approval of a vehicle alarm system and approval of a vehicle with regard to its vehicle alarm system, pursuant to splitting the UN R116 into three separate regulations.
WP.29/2021/50 | Vehicle alarm systems: Proposal for a new UN Regulation Proposal to create a new UN Regulation on uniform provisions concerning the approval of a vehicle alarm system and approval of a vehicle with regard to its vehicle alarm system, pursuant to splitting the UN R116 into three separate regulations.
WP.29/2021/50 | Vehicle alarm systems: Proposal for a new UN Regulation Proposal to create a new UN Regulation on uniform provisions concerning the approval of a vehicle alarm system and approval of a vehicle with regard to its vehicle alarm system, pursuant to splitting the UN R116 into three separate regulations.
4.13. Proposal for amendments to the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3) submitted by the Working Parties to the World Forum for consideration, if any

No proposal for amendments to the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3) has been submitted.

WP.29/2021/60 | Proposal for Interpretation Documents for UN Regulation No. 156 on software update and software update management system The purpose of this document is to help clarify the requirements of paragraph 7 and Annex 1 of the UN Regulation on uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regards to software update and software updates management system (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2020/80) and provide information on what may be used to evidence those requirements.
WP.29/2021/60 | Proposal for Interpretation Documents for UN Regulation No. 156 on software update and software update management system The purpose of this document is to help clarify the requirements of paragraph 7 and Annex 1 of the UN Regulation on uniform provisions concerning the approval of vehicles with regards to software update and software updates management system (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2020/80) and provide information on what may be used to evidence those requirements.
WP.29/2021/59 | Proposal for Interpretation Documents for UN Regulation No. 155 (Cyber security and cyber security management system) Proposal for a document to assist with the implementation of the new UN Regulation on cybersecurity management.
4.14. Proposal for amendments to the Consolidated Resolution on the common specification of light source categories (R.E.5)
WP.29/2021/51 | RE5: Proposal for amendment 6 Proposal to clarify and update RE5, including<ol class="alpha"><li>to introduce a new light emitting diode (LED) substitute light source category H11/LED/6 for road illumination applications</li><li>to measure luminous flux and references to the internal shield for applicable filament light source categories</li><li>to add specifications for H7, H8/H8B, H11/H11B, H16/H16B and H18 light source categories with respect to the “g” parameter</li><li>to add a definition for light centre and associated amendment to the specification of the LR4 light source category</li><li>the use restriction for light emitting diode (LED) light source categories LW2, LW3, and LW5</li><li>specifications for Lx3, LR4 and Lx5 light source categories with respect to the cap/holder interface</li><li>specifications for specifications for LR1, LW2, L3, LR4, L5, and L1/6 light source categories with respect to test voltage</li><li>correcting some details of light source category specifications in the Consolidated Resolution on the common specification of light source categories, and</li><li>administrative updates of IEC cap sheet references in light source category specifications.</li></ol>
WP.29/2021/51/Corr.1 | RE5: Proposal for amendment 6 to the Consolidated Resolution on the common specification of light source categories
WP.29/2021/51 | RE5: Proposal for amendment 6 Proposal to clarify and update RE5, including<ol class="alpha"><li>to introduce a new light emitting diode (LED) substitute light source category H11/LED/6 for road illumination applications</li><li>to measure luminous flux and references to the internal shield for applicable filament light source categories</li><li>to add specifications for H7, H8/H8B, H11/H11B, H16/H16B and H18 light source categories with respect to the “g” parameter</li><li>to add a definition for light centre and associated amendment to the specification of the LR4 light source category</li><li>the use restriction for light emitting diode (LED) light source categories LW2, LW3, and LW5</li><li>specifications for Lx3, LR4 and Lx5 light source categories with respect to the cap/holder interface</li><li>specifications for specifications for LR1, LW2, L3, LR4, L5, and L1/6 light source categories with respect to test voltage</li><li>correcting some details of light source category specifications in the Consolidated Resolution on the common specification of light source categories, and</li><li>administrative updates of IEC cap sheet references in light source category specifications.</li></ol>
WP.29/2021/51/Corr.1 | RE5: Proposal for amendment 6 to the Consolidated Resolution on the common specification of light source categories
4.14.1. Proposal for amendment 6 to the Consolidated Resolution on the common specification of light source categories (R.E.5)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/83, paras. 17 and 19, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2020/6 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2020/22.

WP.29/2021/51 | RE5: Proposal for amendment 6 Proposal to clarify and update RE5, including<ol class="alpha"><li>to introduce a new light emitting diode (LED) substitute light source category H11/LED/6 for road illumination applications</li><li>to measure luminous flux and references to the internal shield for applicable filament light source categories</li><li>to add specifications for H7, H8/H8B, H11/H11B, H16/H16B and H18 light source categories with respect to the “g” parameter</li><li>to add a definition for light centre and associated amendment to the specification of the LR4 light source category</li><li>the use restriction for light emitting diode (LED) light source categories LW2, LW3, and LW5</li><li>specifications for Lx3, LR4 and Lx5 light source categories with respect to the cap/holder interface</li><li>specifications for specifications for LR1, LW2, L3, LR4, L5, and L1/6 light source categories with respect to test voltage</li><li>correcting some details of light source category specifications in the Consolidated Resolution on the common specification of light source categories, and</li><li>administrative updates of IEC cap sheet references in light source category specifications.</li></ol>
WP.29/2021/51 | RE5: Proposal for amendment 6 Proposal to clarify and update RE5, including<ol class="alpha"><li>to introduce a new light emitting diode (LED) substitute light source category H11/LED/6 for road illumination applications</li><li>to measure luminous flux and references to the internal shield for applicable filament light source categories</li><li>to add specifications for H7, H8/H8B, H11/H11B, H16/H16B and H18 light source categories with respect to the “g” parameter</li><li>to add a definition for light centre and associated amendment to the specification of the LR4 light source category</li><li>the use restriction for light emitting diode (LED) light source categories LW2, LW3, and LW5</li><li>specifications for Lx3, LR4 and Lx5 light source categories with respect to the cap/holder interface</li><li>specifications for specifications for LR1, LW2, L3, LR4, L5, and L1/6 light source categories with respect to test voltage</li><li>correcting some details of light source category specifications in the Consolidated Resolution on the common specification of light source categories, and</li><li>administrative updates of IEC cap sheet references in light source category specifications.</li></ol>
WP.29/2021/51/Corr.1 | RE5: Proposal for amendment 6 to the Consolidated Resolution on the common specification of light source categories
WP.29/2021/51/Corr.1 | RE5: Proposal for amendment 6 to the Consolidated Resolution on the common specification of light source categories
WP.29/2021/51 | RE5: Proposal for amendment 6 Proposal to clarify and update RE5, including<ol class="alpha"><li>to introduce a new light emitting diode (LED) substitute light source category H11/LED/6 for road illumination applications</li><li>to measure luminous flux and references to the internal shield for applicable filament light source categories</li><li>to add specifications for H7, H8/H8B, H11/H11B, H16/H16B and H18 light source categories with respect to the “g” parameter</li><li>to add a definition for light centre and associated amendment to the specification of the LR4 light source category</li><li>the use restriction for light emitting diode (LED) light source categories LW2, LW3, and LW5</li><li>specifications for Lx3, LR4 and Lx5 light source categories with respect to the cap/holder interface</li><li>specifications for specifications for LR1, LW2, L3, LR4, L5, and L1/6 light source categories with respect to test voltage</li><li>correcting some details of light source category specifications in the Consolidated Resolution on the common specification of light source categories, and</li><li>administrative updates of IEC cap sheet references in light source category specifications.</li></ol>
WP.29/2021/51/Corr.1 | RE5: Proposal for amendment 6 to the Consolidated Resolution on the common specification of light source categories
4.15. Proposal for amendments to the Mutual Resolutions of the 1958 and the 1998 Agreements

No proposal for amendments to the Mutual Resolutions of the 1958 and the 1998 Agreements has been submitted.

WP.29-183-19 | Green NCAP: Independent consumer test and rating program-Link to UNECE and next steps
4.16. Proposal for new Mutual Resolutions of the 1958 and the 1998 Agreement
WP.29/2021/52 | Proposal for a Mutual Resolution No.4 concerning Panoramic Sunroof Glazing (PSG) Proposal for a Mutual Resolution under the 1958 and 1998 Agreements concerning provisions and harmonized test procedures for the maximum measurement of Ceramic Printed Area (CPA) of each single toughened safety glass pane of a Panoramic Sunroof Glazing, which is touchable from inside the passenger area.
4.16.1. Proposal for a draft Mutual Resolution No. [4] concerning Panoramic Sunroof Glazing

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/98, para. 25, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2020/3.

WP.29/2021/52 | Proposal for a Mutual Resolution No.4 concerning Panoramic Sunroof Glazing (PSG) Proposal for a Mutual Resolution under the 1958 and 1998 Agreements concerning provisions and harmonized test procedures for the maximum measurement of Ceramic Printed Area (CPA) of each single toughened safety glass pane of a Panoramic Sunroof Glazing, which is touchable from inside the passenger area.
WP.29/2021/52 | Proposal for a Mutual Resolution No.4 concerning Panoramic Sunroof Glazing (PSG) Proposal for a Mutual Resolution under the 1958 and 1998 Agreements concerning provisions and harmonized test procedures for the maximum measurement of Ceramic Printed Area (CPA) of each single toughened safety glass pane of a Panoramic Sunroof Glazing, which is touchable from inside the passenger area.
WP.29/2021/52 | Proposal for a Mutual Resolution No.4 concerning Panoramic Sunroof Glazing (PSG) Proposal for a Mutual Resolution under the 1958 and 1998 Agreements concerning provisions and harmonized test procedures for the maximum measurement of Ceramic Printed Area (CPA) of each single toughened safety glass pane of a Panoramic Sunroof Glazing, which is touchable from inside the passenger area.
WP.29/2021/52 | Proposal for a Mutual Resolution No.4 concerning Panoramic Sunroof Glazing (PSG) Proposal for a Mutual Resolution under the 1958 and 1998 Agreements concerning provisions and harmonized test procedures for the maximum measurement of Ceramic Printed Area (CPA) of each single toughened safety glass pane of a Panoramic Sunroof Glazing, which is touchable from inside the passenger area.
WP.29/2021/52 | Proposal for a Mutual Resolution No.4 concerning Panoramic Sunroof Glazing (PSG) Proposal for a Mutual Resolution under the 1958 and 1998 Agreements concerning provisions and harmonized test procedures for the maximum measurement of Ceramic Printed Area (CPA) of each single toughened safety glass pane of a Panoramic Sunroof Glazing, which is touchable from inside the passenger area.
5. 1998 Agreement
5.1. Status of the 1998 Agreement, including the implementation of paragraph 7.1 of the Agreement

The secretariat will present an updated list of the Contracting Parties to the Agreement, the adopted UN GTRs, the technical regulations listed in the Compendium of Candidates and the status of the 1998 Agreement incorporating the comments received. A list with the priorities and items, which the World Forum and its subsidiary bodies are considering as exchange of views, will also be presented, including the most recent information.

WP.29-183-04 | Status of the 1998 Agreement Status of the 1998 Agreement of the global registry and of the compendium of candidates - Situation on priorities and proposals to develop UN GTRs as of 5 March 2021.
WP.29-183-04 | Status of the 1998 Agreement Status of the 1998 Agreement of the global registry and of the compendium of candidates - Situation on priorities and proposals to develop UN GTRs as of 5 March 2021.
5.2. Consideration of draft UN GTR and/or draft amendments to established UN GTR
5.3. Consideration of technical regulations to be listed in the Compendium of Candidates for UN GTR, if any
5.4. Guidance, by consensus decision, on those elements of draft UN GTR that have not been resolved by the Working Parties subsidiary to the World Forum, if any
5.5. Implementation of the 1998 Agreement Programme of Work by the Working Parties subsidiary to the World Forum
6. Elements of common interest under 1958 and 1998 Agreements
6.1. Exchange of views on national/regional rulemaking procedures and implementation of established UN Regulations and/or UN GTRs into national/regional law

The World Forum agreed to keep this item on its agenda awaiting additional presentations.

6.2. Guidance on Event Data Recorder (EDR) Performance Elements Appropriate for Adoption in 1958 and 1998 Agreement Resolutions or Regulations

The World Forum agreed to consider a proposal for Guidance on Event Data Recorder (EDR) Performance Elements Appropriate for Adoption in 1958 and 1998 Agreement Resolutions or Regulations.

WP.29-183-12 | Status and proposed work plan of the EDR/DSSAD informal group to the WP.29 March 2021 session Report from the US co-chair of the EDR/DSSAD informal working group.
WP.29/2020/100/Rev.1 | Guidance on Event Data Recorder (EDR) Performance Elements Appropriate for Adoption in 1958 and 1998 Agreement Resolutions or Regulations

WP.29 may wish to consider a proposal from the EDR/DSSAD informal working group with regard to its mandate and work plan.

WP.29-183-12 | Status and proposed work plan of the EDR/DSSAD informal group to the WP.29 March 2021 session Report from the US co-chair of the EDR/DSSAD informal working group.
WP.29-183-12 | Status and proposed work plan of the EDR/DSSAD informal group to the WP.29 March 2021 session Report from the US co-chair of the EDR/DSSAD informal working group.
WP.29/2020/100/Rev.1 | Guidance on Event Data Recorder (EDR) Performance Elements Appropriate for Adoption in 1958 and 1998 Agreement Resolutions or Regulations
WP.29-183-12 | Status and proposed work plan of the EDR/DSSAD informal group to the WP.29 March 2021 session Report from the US co-chair of the EDR/DSSAD informal working group.
WP.29/2021/58 | EDR: Proposal for the 01 series of amendments to the draft UN Regulation Proposal to add data elements to the Regulation on Event Data Recorders.
WP.29/2020/100/Rev.1 | Guidance on Event Data Recorder (EDR) Performance Elements Appropriate for Adoption in 1958 and 1998 Agreement Resolutions or Regulations
WP.29/2020/123/Rev.1 | EDR: Proposal for a new UN Regulation
WP.29-183-12 | Status and proposed work plan of the EDR/DSSAD informal group to the WP.29 March 2021 session Report from the US co-chair of the EDR/DSSAD informal working group.
WP.29-183-14 | Progress report on activities related to Automated Driving Systems and Advanced Driver Assistant Systems Summary prepared by the WP.29 secretary concerning activities related to ADS and ADAS.
WP.29/2020/123/Rev.1 | EDR: Proposal for a new UN Regulation
7. 1997 Agreement (Periodical Technical Inspections)
7.1. Status of the 1997 Agreement

The secretariat will present an updated document with the status of the Agreement including the status of the UN Rules annexed to the Agreement, the list of the Contracting Parties to the Agreement and of their Administrative Departments responsible for periodic technical inspection (PTI).

WP.29-183-18 | Report to WP.29 about results of the 19th and 20th meetings of the Informal Working Group on Periodical Technical Inspections
WP.29-183-18 | Report to WP.29 about results of the 19th and 20th meetings of the Informal Working Group on Periodical Technical Inspections
WP.29-183-18 | Report to WP.29 about results of the 19th and 20th meetings of the Informal Working Group on Periodical Technical Inspections
7.2. Amendments to the 1997 Agreement

The World Forum may wish to be informed on the implementation of the amendments to the 1997 Agreement on Periodic Technical Inspection of wheeled vehicles.

7.3. Establishment of new Rules annexed to the 1997 Agreement

The World Forum may wish to consider proposals for establishment of new UN Rules to be annexed to the 1997 Agreement for their possible adoption by AC.4, if any.

7.4. Update of existing Rules annexed to the 1997 Agreement

The World Forum may wish to consider proposals for amendments of UN Rules annexed to the 1997 Agreement for their possible adoption by AC.4., if any.

7.5. Update of Resolution R.E.6 related to requirements for testing equipment, for skills and training of inspectors and for supervision of test centres

The World Forum may wish to consider the following proposal for amendments to requirements for testing equipment, for skills and training of inspectors and for supervision of test centres, if any.

8. Other business
8.1. Exchange of information on enforcement of issues on defects and non-compliance, including recall systems

The World Forum may wish to be informed about any development of the work of the IWG (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1108, para. 66).

8.2. Consistency between the 1968 Vienna Convention and the technical provisions for vehicles of UN Regulations and UN GTRs adopted in the framework of the 1958 and 1998 Agreements

The secretariat is investigating the possibilities for organizing a joint meeting of the World Forum with the Global Forum for Road Traffic Safety (WP.1) about common interest in automated driving.

8.3. Second Decade of Action for Road Safety

The World Forum may wish to be informed about recent development of the work on the plan of action of the Second Decade (A/RES/74/297) as a guiding document to support the implementation of its objectives with focus on pillar 5 on safe vehicles.

8.4. UNRSF project on safer and cleaner used vehicles for Africa

The World Forum may wish to be informed about recent development of the work on a set of minimum safety and environmental regulations and envisaged policies for the transfer of used vehicles from high income countries such as. Japan, European Union and United States of America to low income countries with focus on Africa.

WP.29-183-16 | Safer and Cleaner Used Vehicles for Africa Presentation from the Inland Transport Committee concerning a program support by the UN Road Safety Fund.
WP.29-183-16 | Safer and Cleaner Used Vehicles for Africa Presentation from the Inland Transport Committee concerning a program support by the UN Road Safety Fund.
8.5. Documents for publication

The World Forum may wish to take note of the progress made on the translation of the authentic texts of UN Regulations adopted by WP.29 in June 2020 and entry into force in January 2021.

WP.29-183-17 | Proposals adopted during the November 2020 WP.29 session and the status of their entry into force under the 1958 Agreement
WP.29-183-17 | Proposals adopted during the November 2020 WP.29 session and the status of their entry into force under the 1958 Agreement
8.6. Other business

WP.29 may wish to consider a presentation from Green NCAP.

WP.29-183-19 | Green NCAP: Independent consumer test and rating program-Link to UNECE and next steps
WP.29-183-19 | Green NCAP: Independent consumer test and rating program-Link to UNECE and next steps
WP.29-183-19 | Green NCAP: Independent consumer test and rating program-Link to UNECE and next steps
WP.29-183-19 | Green NCAP: Independent consumer test and rating program-Link to UNECE and next steps
9. Adoption of the report

In accordance with established practice, the World Forum will adopt the report on its 183rd session on the basis of a draft prepared by the secretariat.

The report shall also include sections on the:

  1. Seventy-seventh session of the Administrative Committee of the 1958 Agreement;
  2. Sixtieth session of the Executive Committee of the 1998 Agreement; and
  3. Fourteenth session of the Administrative Committee of the 1997 Agreement.

WP.29/1157 | Report of WP.29 on its 183rd (March 2021) session
WP.29/1157 | Report of WP.29 on its 183rd (March 2021) session
10. Establishment of the Committee AC.1

The Administrative Committee shall be composed of all the Contracting Parties in accordance with the rules of procedure set out in Appendix 1 of the 1958 Agreement (E/ECE/TRANS/505/Rev.3, Article 1, para. 2).

11. Proposals for amendments and corrigenda to existing UN Regulations and for new UN Regulations – Voting by AC.1

The Administrative Committee, according to the procedure indicated in Appendix 1 of the 1958 Agreement, shall establish new Regulations and amendments to Regulations. Proposed Regulations and amendments to Regulations shall be voted on: (i) In case of new Regulations, each country, Contracting Party to the Agreement, shall have one vote. A quorum of not less than one-half of the Contracting Parties is required for the purpose of taking decisions. For determining the quorum, regional economic integration organizations being Contracting Parties to the Agreement, vote with the number of votes of their member States. The representative of a regional economic integration organization may deliver the votes of its constituent sovereign countries. Draft new Regulations shall be established by a four-fifths majority of those present and voting (Article 1 and Appendix); (ii) In case of amendments to existing Regulations, each country, Contracting Party to the Agreement applying the Regulation, shall have one vote. A quorum of not less than one-half of the Contracting Parties applying the Regulation is required for the purpose of taking decisions. For determining the quorum, regional economic integration organizations being Contracting Parties to the Agreement, vote with the number of votes of their member States. The representative of a regional economic integration organization may deliver the votes of its constituent sovereign countries, which apply the Regulation. Draft amendments to Regulations shall be established by a four-fifths majority of those present and voting (Article 12 and Appendix).

Amendments to the Schedules of Administrative and Procedural Provisions shall be established by the Administrative Committee. Proposed amendments to the Schedules of Administrative and Procedural Provisions shall be voted on. Each Contracting Party to the Agreement applying one or more UN Regulations shall have one vote. A quorum of not less than half of the Contracting Parties to the Agreement applying one or more UN Regulations is required for the purposes of taking decisions. For the determination of the quorum, regional economic integration organizations, being Contracting Parties to the Agreement, vote with the number of votes of their member States. The representative of a regional economic integration organization may deliver the votes of those of its constituent sovereign countries which apply one or more UN Regulations. Draft amendments to the Schedules of Administrative and Procedural Provisions shall be established by unanimous vote of those present and voting (Article 13bis and Appendix 1).

If all Contracting Parties to the Agreement agree, any UN Regulation adopted under the terms of the unamended Agreement may be treated as though it were a UN Regulation adopted under the terms of the amended Agreement (Article 15, para. 3).

AC.1 will vote on the proposed amendments and corrigenda to existing UN Regulations of agenda items 4.3 and 4.6 to 4.13, taking into account the recommendations of the World Forum.

AC.1 will vote on the proposed amendments to Schedules of Administrative and Procedural Provisions of agenda item 4.4, taking into account the recommendations of the World Forum.

12. Establishment of the Executive Committee AC.3 and election of officers for the year 2020

The Executive Committee shall be composed of all the Contracting Parties in accordance with the rules of procedure set out in Annex B of the 1998 Agreement (ECE/TRANS/132 and Corr.1). At its first session, AC.3 is expected to elect the officers for the year.

13. Monitoring of the 1998 Agreement: Reports of the Contracting Parties on the transposition of UN GTRs and their amendments into their national/regional law

AC.3 agreed to continue consideration of this matter. Contracting Parties to the Agreement were invited to use the notification system developed by the secretariat for the annual reports on the transposition of UN GTRs and their amendments. Contracting Parties can use, as a model, the examples provided by the European Union, the Russian Federation and the United States of America (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1102, paras. 96 and 97). The secretariat will contact the heads of the delegations of the Contracting Parties with pending notifications to facilitate the notification process (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1108, para. 78).

WP.29-183-04 | Status of the 1998 Agreement Status of the 1998 Agreement of the global registry and of the compendium of candidates - Situation on priorities and proposals to develop UN GTRs as of 5 March 2021.
14. Consideration and vote by AC.3 of draft UN GTR and/or draft amendments to established UN GTR, if any

The Contracting Parties shall establish, through an Executive Committee consisting of all the Contracting Parties in conformity with the rules of procedure set out in Annex B and on the basis of the following articles and paragraphs, UN GTRs on safety, environmental protection, energy efficiency, and anti-theft performance of wheeled vehicles, equipment and parts which can be fitted and/or be used on wheeled vehicles (Article 1, para. 1.1.1).

Proposed new UN GTRs, as well as proposed amendments to established UN GTRs, shall be put to vote. Each country, Contracting Party to the Agreement, shall have one vote. A quorum consisting of not less than one-half of the Contracting Parties to the Agreement is required for the purpose of taking decisions. For determining the quorum, regional economic integration organizations and its member States being Contracting Parties to the Agreement shall be counted as one Contracting Party. The representative of a regional economic integration organization may deliver the votes of its constituent sovereign countries that are Contracting Parties to the Agreement (Annex B, Articles 3 and 5). New draft UN GTRs, as well as draft amendments to established UN GTRs, shall be established by a consensus vote of the Contracting Parties to the Agreement present and voting (Annex B, Article 7.2.).

14.1. Proposal for a new UN GTR, if any

No proposal for a new UN GTR has been submitted.

14.2. Proposal for amendments to a UN GTR, if any
14.2.1. Proposal for Amendment 3 to UN GTR No. 9 (Pedestrian protection)

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/67, para. 5, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2014/5 as amended by Annex II to the report.

WP.29/1157/Add.2 | GTR 9: Statement on Amendment 3 decision
WP.29/1157/Add.1 | GTR 9: Statement on Amendment 3 decision
WP.29/1157/Add.1 | GTR 9: Statement on Amendment 3 decision
WP.29/2021/53 | GTR 9: Proposal for Amendment 3 Proposal to clarify provisions of the headform tests of UN GTR No. 9.
WP.29/2021/53 | GTR 9: Proposal for Amendment 3 Proposal to clarify provisions of the headform tests of UN GTR No. 9.
WP.29/2021/54 | GTR 9: Final progress report on the development of Amendment 3 Review of the work behind the proposal to clarify GTR 9, in particular concerning the definition of the headform testing/contact area for measurement purposes.

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/67, para. 5, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSP/2012/2 as amended by Annex II to the report.

WP.29/1157/Add.1 | GTR 9: Statement on Amendment 3 decision
WP.29/1157/Add.1 | GTR 9: Statement on Amendment 3 decision
WP.29/1157/Add.2 | GTR 9: Statement on Amendment 3 decision
WP.29/2021/53 | GTR 9: Proposal for Amendment 3 Proposal to clarify provisions of the headform tests of UN GTR No. 9.
WP.29/2021/54 | GTR 9: Final progress report on the development of Amendment 3 Review of the work behind the proposal to clarify GTR 9, in particular concerning the definition of the headform testing/contact area for measurement purposes.
WP.29/2021/54 | GTR 9: Final progress report on the development of Amendment 3 Review of the work behind the proposal to clarify GTR 9, in particular concerning the definition of the headform testing/contact area for measurement purposes.
WP.29/2021/53 | GTR 9: Proposal for Amendment 3 Proposal to clarify provisions of the headform tests of UN GTR No. 9.
WP.29/2021/54 | GTR 9: Final progress report on the development of Amendment 3 Review of the work behind the proposal to clarify GTR 9, in particular concerning the definition of the headform testing/contact area for measurement purposes.
WP.29/1157/Add.1 | GTR 9: Statement on Amendment 3 decision
WP.29/1157/Add.2 | GTR 9: Statement on Amendment 3 decision
WP.29/2021/53 | GTR 9: Proposal for Amendment 3 Proposal to clarify provisions of the headform tests of UN GTR No. 9.
WP.29/2021/54 | GTR 9: Final progress report on the development of Amendment 3 Review of the work behind the proposal to clarify GTR 9, in particular concerning the definition of the headform testing/contact area for measurement purposes.
WP.29/1157/Add.2 | GTR 9: Statement on Amendment 3 decision
WP.29/2021/53 | GTR 9: Proposal for Amendment 3 Proposal to clarify provisions of the headform tests of UN GTR No. 9.
WP.29/2021/54 | GTR 9: Final progress report on the development of Amendment 3 Review of the work behind the proposal to clarify GTR 9, in particular concerning the definition of the headform testing/contact area for measurement purposes.
WP.29/1157/Add.1 | GTR 9: Statement on Amendment 3 decision
WP.29/1157/Add.2 | GTR 9: Statement on Amendment 3 decision
14.3. Proposal for amendments to the Mutual Resolutions of the 1958 and the 1998 Agreement, if any
14.4. Proposal for new Mutual Resolutions of the 1958 and the 1998 Agreement
WP.29/2021/52 | Proposal for a Mutual Resolution No.4 concerning Panoramic Sunroof Glazing (PSG) Proposal for a Mutual Resolution under the 1958 and 1998 Agreements concerning provisions and harmonized test procedures for the maximum measurement of Ceramic Printed Area (CPA) of each single toughened safety glass pane of a Panoramic Sunroof Glazing, which is touchable from inside the passenger area.
14.4.1. Proposal for a draft Mutual Resolution No. [4] concerning Panoramic Sunroof Glazing

ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/98, para. 25, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2020/3.

WP.29/2021/52 | Proposal for a Mutual Resolution No.4 concerning Panoramic Sunroof Glazing (PSG) Proposal for a Mutual Resolution under the 1958 and 1998 Agreements concerning provisions and harmonized test procedures for the maximum measurement of Ceramic Printed Area (CPA) of each single toughened safety glass pane of a Panoramic Sunroof Glazing, which is touchable from inside the passenger area.
WP.29/2021/52 | Proposal for a Mutual Resolution No.4 concerning Panoramic Sunroof Glazing (PSG) Proposal for a Mutual Resolution under the 1958 and 1998 Agreements concerning provisions and harmonized test procedures for the maximum measurement of Ceramic Printed Area (CPA) of each single toughened safety glass pane of a Panoramic Sunroof Glazing, which is touchable from inside the passenger area.
WP.29/2021/52 | Proposal for a Mutual Resolution No.4 concerning Panoramic Sunroof Glazing (PSG) Proposal for a Mutual Resolution under the 1958 and 1998 Agreements concerning provisions and harmonized test procedures for the maximum measurement of Ceramic Printed Area (CPA) of each single toughened safety glass pane of a Panoramic Sunroof Glazing, which is touchable from inside the passenger area.
WP.29/2021/52 | Proposal for a Mutual Resolution No.4 concerning Panoramic Sunroof Glazing (PSG) Proposal for a Mutual Resolution under the 1958 and 1998 Agreements concerning provisions and harmonized test procedures for the maximum measurement of Ceramic Printed Area (CPA) of each single toughened safety glass pane of a Panoramic Sunroof Glazing, which is touchable from inside the passenger area.
15. Consideration of technical UN Regulations to be listed in the Compendium of Candidates for UN GTR, if any

The Executive Committee should, at the request of any Contracting Party, vote on the listing in the Compendium of Candidates of any national or regional technical regulation, in accordance with the procedure set up in paragraph 7 of Annex B to the Agreement (ECE/TRANS/132 and Corr.1). A quorum consisting of not less than one-half of the Contracting Parties to the Agreement is required for the purpose of taking a vote (Annex B, Article 5).

16. Guidance, by consensus decision, on those elements of draft UN GTR that have not been resolved by the Working Parties subsidiary to the World Forum, if any

WP.29 and AC.3 agreed to give guidance by consensus on pending issues of the draft UN GTR and to its amendments to which the corresponding Working Party has been unable to find a solution (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1085, para. 78).

17. Exchange of information on new priorities to be included in the programme of work

AC.3 may wish to update its Programme of work, if necessary.

WP.29/2019/31 | Draft programme of work (PoW) under the 1998 Agreement
WP.29/2019/31 | Draft programme of work (PoW) under the 1998 Agreement
18. Progress on the development of new UN GTR and of amendments to established UN GTR

The Executive Committee may wish to review the work progress of the Working Parties subsidiary to the World Forum on proposals for new UN GTRs and on the development of established UN GTRs listed in the programme of work (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1106, paras. 95-106 and Annex IV). Only the documents of the provisional agenda that are not in brackets require consideration and possible adoption by AC.3. The documents of the provisional agenda in brackets are mentioned as reference documents and, therefore, do not require consideration by the Executive Committee (AC.3).

18.1. UN GTR No. 1 (Doors locks and door retention components)

AC.3 agreed to keep this item on its agenda awaiting further information.

18.2. UN GTR No. 2 (Worldwide Motorcycle emission Test Cycle (WMTC))

Authorization to develop amendments to UN GTR No. 2 and to develop new global technical regulations and UN Regulations in the area of Environmental and Propulsion unit Performance Requirements

Authorization to develop amendments to UN GTR No. 2 (EPPR) for light vehicles

18.3. UN GTR No. 3 (Motorcycle braking)

AC.3 agreed to keep this item on its agenda awaiting further information.

18.4. UN GTR No. 4 (Worldwide Heavy-Duty vehicle emission test Cycle (WHDC))

AC.3 agreed to keep this item on its agenda awaiting further information.

18.5. UN GTR No. 5 (On-Board Diagnostic Systems (OBD))

AC.3 agreed to keep this item on its agenda awaiting further information.

18.6. UN GTR No. 6 (Safety glazing)
18.7. UN GTR No. 7 (Head restraints)

(ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2014/86) Fourth progress report
(ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2012/34) Third progress report
(ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2011/86) Second progress report
(ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2010/136) First progress report
(ECE/TRANS/WP.29/AC.3/25) Authorization to develop the amendment
(ECE/TRANS/WP.29/AC.3/25/Rev.1) Revised authorization to develop the amendment

18.8. UN GTR No. 8 (Electronic stability control systems (ESC))

AC.3 may wish to review a request, if any, for authorization to amend UN GTR No. 8 as announced by the Republic of Korea at the fifty-seventh session of AC.3.

18.9. UN GTR No. 9 (Pedestrian safety)

Proposal for authorization to develop amendment 4 to UN GTR No. 9

Terms of reference of the Informal Working Group on Deployable Pedestrian Protection Systems (IWG-DPPS)

Authorization to develop amendments to UN GTR No. 9 (Pedestrian safety): Clarification of the text of Phases 1 and 2 to avoid misinterpretation

Proposal for Amendment 3 to UN GTR No. 9 (Pedestrian safety)

First report on Amendment 3 to UN GTR No. 9 (Pedestrian safety)

WP.29/2021/54 | GTR 9: Final progress report on the development of Amendment 3 Review of the work behind the proposal to clarify GTR 9, in particular concerning the definition of the headform testing/contact area for measurement purposes.
WP.29/1157/Add.2 | GTR 9: Statement on Amendment 3 decision
WP.29/1157/Add.1 | GTR 9: Statement on Amendment 3 decision
WP.29/2021/53 | GTR 9: Proposal for Amendment 3 Proposal to clarify provisions of the headform tests of UN GTR No. 9.
WP.29/2021/54 | GTR 9: Final progress report on the development of Amendment 3 Review of the work behind the proposal to clarify GTR 9, in particular concerning the definition of the headform testing/contact area for measurement purposes.
WP.29/1157/Add.1 | GTR 9: Statement on Amendment 3 decision
WP.29/1157/Add.2 | GTR 9: Statement on Amendment 3 decision
18.10. UN GTR No. 10 (Off-cycle emissions (OCE))

AC.3 agreed to keep this item on its agenda awaiting further information.

18.11. UN GTR No. 11 (Agricultural and forestry tractors and non-road mobile machinery emission test procedures)

AC.3 agreed to keep this item on its agenda awaiting further information.

18.12. UN GTR No. 12 (Motorcycle Controls, Tell-tales and Indicators)

AC.3 agreed to keep this item on its agenda awaiting further information.

18.13. UN GTR No. 13 (Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Vehicles (HFCV) – Phase 2)

Authorization to develop Phase 2 of the UN GTR

18.14. UN GTR No. 14 (Pole Side Impact (PSI))

AC.3 agreed to keep this item on its agenda awaiting further information.

18.15. UN GTR No. 15 (Worldwide harmonized Light vehicle Test Procedures (WLTP) – Phase 2)

Authorization to develop Phase 1(b) of the UN GTR
Authorization to develop Phase 2 of the UN GTR

WP.29-183-19 | Green NCAP: Independent consumer test and rating program-Link to UNECE and next steps
18.16. UN GTR No. 16 (Tyres)

Authorization to develop amendment 2 to the UN GTR No. 16 (Tyres)

18.17. UN GTR No. 17 (Crankcase and evaporative emissions for two- or three-wheeled motor vehicles)

AC.3 agreed to keep this item on its agenda awaiting further information.

18.18. UN GTR No.18 (On-board diagnostics for two- or three-wheeled motor vehicles)

Authorization to develop amendments to UN GTR No. 2 and to develop new global technical regulations and UN Regulations in the area of Environmental and Propulsion unit Performance Requirements
Authorization to develop amendments to UN GTR No. 2 (EPPR) for light vehicles

18.19. UN GTR No. 19 (EVAPorative emission test procedure for the Worldwide harmonized Light vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP EVAP))

Authorization to develop Phase 1(b) of the UN GTR
Authorization to develop Phase 2 of the UN GTR

18.20. UN GTR No. 20 (Electric Vehicles Safety (EVS))


18.21. Draft UN GTR on Quiet Road Transport Vehicles (QRTV)

Authorization to develop the UN GTR

18.22. Draft UN GTR on Global Real Driving Emissions (GRDE)

Authorization to develop the UN GTR on Global Real Driving Emissions
Amendments to the authorization to develop the UN GTR on Global Real Driving Emissions

18.23. Draft UN GTR on determination of electrified vehicle power (Electric vehicles and the environment)

Authorization to develop amendments to UN GTR No. 15 (Worldwide harmonized Light vehicle Test Procedures (WLTP) and continue certain research items on environmental requirements for electric vehicles
Electric Vehicle Regulatory Reference Guide
Authorization to conduct research and develop new regulations on environmental requirements for electric vehicles
Authorization to establish an informal working group to develop a regulatory reference guide on electric vehicle technologies

Authorization to develop a new UN GTR on determination of electrified vehicle power
Proposal for Revision 1 to the Authorization to develop a new UN GTR on the Determination of Electrified Vehicle Power (DEVP)

19. Items on which the exchange of views and data should continue or begin

AC.3 will be informed about the development of the other priorities included in the programme of work (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1106, paras. 107-115 and Annex IV).

19.1. Harmonization of side impact

(a) Side impact dummies;
(b) Pole side impact.

19.2. Specifications for the 3-D H-point machine
19.3. Event Data Recorder (EDR)

Event Data Recorder (EDR) Performance Elements Appropriate for Adoption in 1958 and 1998 Agreements
ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/99, based on ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2020/100 as amended by GRSG-120-??

WP.29-183-14 | Progress report on activities related to Automated Driving Systems and Advanced Driver Assistant Systems Summary prepared by the WP.29 secretary concerning activities related to ADS and ADAS.
WP.29/2020/100/Rev.1 | Guidance on Event Data Recorder (EDR) Performance Elements Appropriate for Adoption in 1958 and 1998 Agreement Resolutions or Regulations
WP.29/2021/58 | EDR: Proposal for the 01 series of amendments to the draft UN Regulation Proposal to add data elements to the Regulation on Event Data Recorders.
WP.29/2020/100/Rev.1 | Guidance on Event Data Recorder (EDR) Performance Elements Appropriate for Adoption in 1958 and 1998 Agreement Resolutions or Regulations
WP.29/2020/123/Rev.1 | EDR: Proposal for a new UN Regulation
WP.29-183-12 | Status and proposed work plan of the EDR/DSSAD informal group to the WP.29 March 2021 session Report from the US co-chair of the EDR/DSSAD informal working group.
WP.29-183-14 | Progress report on activities related to Automated Driving Systems and Advanced Driver Assistant Systems Summary prepared by the WP.29 secretary concerning activities related to ADS and ADAS.
WP.29/2020/123/Rev.1 | EDR: Proposal for a new UN Regulation
20. Other business
21. Establishment of the Committee AC.4 and election of officers for the year 2019

The Administrative Committee (AC.4) should be convened if the Contracting Parties to the Agreement so require for adopting decisions regarding the Agreement and or the UN Rules annexed to it. AC.4 shall be composed of all the Contracting Parties in accordance with the rules of procedure set out in Appendix 1 of the 1997 Agreement (ECE/RCTE/CONF/4). A quorum consisting of not less than one-half of the Contracting Parties is required for the purposes of taking decisions (Article 5 of Appendix 1 to the Agreement). At its first session, AC.4 should elect the officials for the year.

22. Amendments to UN Rules annexed to the 1997 Agreement

WP.29 agreed to transmit proposals for amendments to UN Rules annexed to the 1997 Agreement, if any, to the Administrative Committee AC.4 for consideration and adoption by vote. Proposed amendments to Rules shall be put to the vote. Each country, Contracting Party to the Agreement applying the Rule shall have one vote. A quorum of not less than one-half of the Contracting Parties applying the Rule is required for the purposes of taking decisions. For the determination of the quorum, regional economic integration organizations, being Contracting Parties to the Agreement, vote with the number of votes of their Member States. The representative of a regional economic integration organization may deliver the votes of those of its constituent sovereign countries which apply the UN Rule. Draft amendments to UN Rules shall be established by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting (Appendix 1, Article 6 of the 1997 Agreement). Contracting Parties to the Agreement are invited to be represented either by their representatives from the capitals or from their Missions in Geneva). The vote is expected to take place on Wednesday, 10 March 2021 at the end of the morning session.

23. Establishment of new Rules annexed to the 1997 Agreement

WP.29 agreed to transmit the proposals for new UN Rules to the Administrative Committee AC.4 for consideration and adoption by vote, if any. Proposed new Rules shall be put to the vote. Each country, Contracting Party to the Agreement shall have one vote. A quorum of not less than one-half of the Contracting Parties is required for the purposes of taking decisions. For the determination of the quorum, regional economic integration organizations, being Contracting Parties to the Agreement, vote with the number of votes of their Member States. The representative of a regional economic integration organization may deliver the votes of those of its constituent sovereign countries. New UN Rules shall be established by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting (Appendix 1, Article 6 of the 1997 Agreement). Contracting Parties to the Agreement are invited to be represented either by their representatives from the capitals or from their Missions in Geneva). The vote is expected to take place on Wednesday, 10 March 2021 at the end of the morning session.

24. Other business