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Status report of the Electric Vehicle Safety GTR Task Force No. 3 (Electrolyte leakage)
Document EVS-06-08
4 November 2014
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
7. | Development of the draft GTR: Report from Task Force No. 2 and 3

Task Force 3 – electrolyte leakage:
Mr. Tripathy, as the leader of TF3, reported the progress and work plan of TF3.

OICA suggested that the toxic leakage is the crucial [aspect] and hence need to concentrate on this area in the TF3, because the electrolyte will evaporate quite quickly and get into gas.

The US representative pointed out that the measuring method of leakage could be important but technically very difficult and suggested to discuss how to establish the methodology. The definition of toxic will be also discussed volume wise and contents wise.

TF3 leader responded to the US that zero leakage could be done by a visible inspection in the case of aqueous leakage, both inside and outside the vehicle. Because the technology to avoid electrolyte leakage is a developing technology, TF3 and the experts agreed to continue the discussions.

The JRC commented there is a need to validate there is no leakage, including in a vaporous state to identify the volatile organic components.

TF leader also agreed to discuss the gas leakage measuring methodology with the US representative, in particular in reference to the clarification of aqueous leakage measurement and new requirements for non-aqueous leakage. Post-crash results will be available in January 2015.

The work of TF3 should be completed by April 2015.

Relates to GTR No. 20 |