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Input on vehicle propulsion system definitions (Coleman)
Document VPSD-04-03
24 October 2014
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
11. | General issues

Amendment for Gtr 15 definitions
B. Coleman presented WLTP-08-39e and WLTP-08-45e. WLTP IWG welcomed the work and supported after discussion the definition of “maximum vehicle load” as a base for depending definitions. “Maximum vehicle laden mass” – feedback from JPN is expected. The proposed changes were not yet formally adopted, but supported by the WLTP IWG. Draft text will be given to the Drafting Coordinator. The technical aspects for continuously regenerating systems have to be integrated in the technical annex (Drafting Coordinator)

4. | General discussion about the definition concept of vehicle categories
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Relates to MR 2: VPSD |