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Priority of Discussion on Technical Requirements for IWVTA under the purview of GRSG
Document GRSG-104-39/Rev.3
22 May 2014
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
12. | International Whole Vehicle Type Approval

41. GRSG reviewed again the list of all candidate UN Regulations identified for the IWVTA scheme under the responsibility of GRSG and agreed on the actions as reflected in the revised document GRSG-104-39-Rev.3. The IWVTA ambassador volunteered to report back to the informal group. He announced the intention of IWVTA to distribute to all Contracting Parties a questionnaire on a detailed review of Lists A and B in draft UN Regulation No. 0. GRSG agreed to resume consideration of this subject at its next session.

10. | International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA)
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