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Compilation of non-harmonized technical terms related to passive safety systems
Document GRSP-55-03
16 April 2014

Across its various groups, WP.29 has been looking at the definitions of technical terms used in its regulations from the standpoint of consistency. The GRSP secretariat has compiled terms and definitions found in the regulations under its purview that differ across regulations (including those under regulations managed by other GR). This document is proposed for consideration as a possible starting point for the development of a “dictionary” of harmonized terms and definitions.

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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
23. (e) | Non-harmonized definitions in Regulations under the responsibility of the Working Party on Passive Safety (GRSP).

45. GRSP noted GRSP-55-03, showing a number of inconsistencies between some of the definitions used in UN Regulations from the “UN Vehicle Regulations Dictionary”, as prepared by a former intern of the UNECE secretariat. GRSP agreed to resume consideration of this agenda item at its December 2014 session.