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Minutes of the small group meeting on formulas and test procedure for agricultural towing devices
Document TFAC-04-04
13 January 2014

Special group meeting to develop proposals for the definition of specific values to be used in the formulas to evaluate the performance of agricultural vehicle towing hitches and related devices under UN R55.

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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
3. | Continuation of the Review of the Document

3.1 Review common proposal based on TFAC 03-06 from the small group (Doc. TFAC-04-04 and TFAC-03-06)

The small group held its first meeting on 18 December 2013 (minutes see TFAC-04-04). There are still some open issues which will be discussed and solved during a second meeting on 6 March 2014.

3.5 Review of present R 55.01 including Corr. 1 and Amend. 1–3 and the proposals for amendment and conclusions for these amendments (GRRF/2013/16, GRRF-75-21 and GRRF/2014/14)

    The following results of TFAC are presently achieved:
  • TFAC 02-13 (Basic document)
  • TFAC 03-04 Rev. 1 (CUNA-Couplings, Class q and r)
  • TFAC 03-08 Rev. 1 (Drawbar, Class i)
  • TFAC 03-10 Rev. 1 (Class j to become a, Class k to become b, Towing brackets)
  • TFAC 03-14 (Mounting height of coupling on the tractor)
    Still open and further need for discussion concerns:
  • TFAC 03-13 (Swedish proposals)
  • TFAC 04-09 (Italian Proposal for Annex 5)
  • TFAC 04-04 and TFAC … (Results of the small group)

Mr Schauer is asked to prepare a complete document with the agreed changes on the basis on R 55 until End of April (to become TFAC 04-11). Members of TFAC are invited to submit their comments four weeks after submission of that document.

It was agreed to present the results of TFAC to the IWG R 55 in the next meeting to be held in Poznan beginning of June by Mr Schauer and Mr Pagliarani.

Relates to UN R55 |