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Proposal for requirements regarding vehicles of category L with electric power train
Document GRSP-54-13
10 December 2013

Text prepared for information only by the Chairman of the informal group on Rechargeable Energy Storage Systems (REESS) to present requirements for electric motorcycles within a consolidated version of UN Regulation No. 100 without prejudicing whether the requirements will be established as an amendment of an existing regulation or as new regulation.

Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
16. | Regulation No. 100 (Battery electric vehicle safety)

26. The expert from Germany, on behalf of the Chair of the IWG on Rechargeable Energy Storage System (REESS) informed GRSP about the work progress of the IWG and introduced for information a first draft amendment to UN Regulation No. 100 (GRSP-54-13). However, GRSP noted that the IWG had not yet decided whether the final proposal would amend UN Regulation No. 100 or would concern a new UN Regulation and that this decision would be taken at its next meeting (on 23 – 24 January 2014, Barcelona, Spain). The expert from Japan introduced GRSP-54-26 suggesting that the IWG exclude vehicle categories L5, L6 and L7 from the proposal, because of the need of more detailed discussion on crashworthiness of such vehicles. GRSP agreed to resume discussion at its May 2014 session on a proposal drafted by the IWG.

Relates to UN R100 |