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Examples of notifications concerning the 1998 Agreement
Document WP.29-161-20
13 November 2013

Example texts of a letter and e-mails concerning the notification procedures for GTR under the 1998 Agreement (sent by the UNECE to Contracting Parties and their Foreign Missions to the UN in Geneva).

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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
13. | Monitoring of the 1998 Agreement

85. The Executive Committee noted the information, as of 28 October 2013, on the status of the 1998 Agreement (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1073/Rev.8). AC.3 also noted that some Contracting Parties had not voted on a UN GTR but had voted on its Corrigenda or Amendments. AC.3 agreed to further clarify, at the next session, the notification obligations of the Contracting Parties. Representatives were reminded of their obligation to send the mandatory reports on the transposition process through their Permanent Missions in Geneva via the “1998 AGREEMENT-MISSIONS List” electronic system to the secretariat to ensure updating of the status document which is the monitoring tool of the Agreement. Assistance may be obtained from the secretariat. AC.3 considered WP.29-161-20, containing communication information from the secretariat to the Missions and to the AC.3 Heads of Delegations to new Contracting Parties to the Agreement.

Relates to 1998 Agreement |