Draft report on the development of the WLTP test procedure for consideration at the special GRPE session scheduled to finalize the WLTP regulation.
79. Submitted for consideration and vote, the proposed draft UN GTR on WLTP (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2014/27 and its Corr.1) was established in the UN Global Registry on 12 March 2014 by consensus vote of the following Contracting Parties present and voting: Australia, China, European Union (voting for Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom), India, Japan, Norway, Republic of Korea, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, South Africa and Turkey.
80. The technical report (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2014/28) and the adopted proposal for the development of the UN GTR (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/AC.3/26 and its Add.1) will be appended to the established UN GTR.
81. The representative of the Republic of Korea welcomed this new UN GTR which is closely related to fuel efficiency. He stated that his country was making every effort to provide consumers with accurate information. He announced that his country would contribute in the work of the IWG for developing Phase 2 of the UN GTR.
82. The representative of the United States of America abstained. He explained that the existing requirements in his country provided significant controls, covered many different operating systems and applied to various pile requirements. It was also explained that his
country still needed to verify the equivalence of the provisions of the UN GTR with their current national regulations. However, he stated that his country supported the UN GTR and looked forward to further contributing to aligning the two sets of regulations as part of future WLTP work. The representative of Canada also abstained providing similar justifications.
83. The representative of Germany welcomed the establishment of the UN GTR on WLTP which completes the emissions requirements for all categories of vehicles covered by UN GTRs. He thanked the co-sponsors of the UN GTR, all experts of GRPE, WLTP informal groups and task forces for their longstanding efforts.
5. The Chair of GRPE introduced the draft report on the development of the WLTP UN GTR (GRPE-67-05-Rev.3) and explained that it was prepared by the secretariat on the basis of the technical reports of the WLTP subgroups (GRPE-67-01 and GRPE-67-03), in agreement with the Technical Secretary of the WLTP informal working group and the Chairs of the WLTP subgroups. The expert from OICA provided details on the content of the technical reports of the WLTP subgroups, also explaining that they are still in a draft form. In agreement with the Chairs of the subgroups on the Development of the Test Procedure (DTP) and the Development of the Harmonized driving Cycle (DHC), he announced that a final version of these texts will be submitted to GRPE in the January 2014 session. The secretariat stated that the symbols GRPE-68-03 and GRPE-68-04 will be reserved for these documents. The Chair of GRPE suggested making explicit references to these documents in the technical report of the WLTP UN GTR.
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