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Timeline for Revision of EV Reference Guide (document EVE-07-03)
Document EVE-07-15
18 October 2013

Next steps in the development of the reference guide to electric vehicle environmental regulations.

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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
5. (b) | Discuss the next steps in the roadmap: Draft revision and submission to GRPE

20. The Secretary presented roadmap document EVE-06-03-Rev1, reminding participants of the timelines for completion of the Reference Guide. As a result of the above discussions, and considering the comments submitted by the GRPE Chair, it was agreed to develop a timeline of next steps to ensure the successful delivery of an informal document for discussion at the GRPE session in January 2014 as per the roadmap. These timelines are presented in document EVE-07-15 and summarized in the below action items. In addition, it was also agreed to contact the GRPE Chair directly to seek guidance on obtaining final input from WLTP IWG on EV Reference Guide.

ACTION 6: Secretariat will update Section 5 to reflect comments and circulate to EVE membership for review by October 31st.

ACTION 7: In parallel to Action 6, contracting parties will provide further input to Section 3 to Secretariat by October 31st.

ACTION 8: Contracting parties will review and submit comments to Section 5 to Secretariat one week after it is distributed as per item 1) above (~November 7).

ACTION 9: Secretariat will develop new draft of report and circulate to EVE membership one week after receiving comments on Section 5 (~November 14).

ACTION 10: The eve Chair will seek guidance from GRPE Chair on obtaining input from WLTP IWG on the EV Reference Guide and particularly on the recommendation included in Section 5.

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